Cloudflare TV

Workers Launchpad Demo Day - Cohort #1

Presented by: Mia Wang, Jade Wang
Originally aired on May 1, 2023 @ 1:30 AM - 2:30 AM EDT

Join us for Workers Launchpad Demo Day, where you’ll have a chance to meet more than dozen of the startups selected for our inaugural cohort.

If you’re a founder building on Cloudflare Workers, head to to learn more about the program and apply to be a part of Cohort #2 -- applications are now open !

If you’re an investor or a potential customer looking to get in touch with any of the presenting companies, please reach out to the Workers Launchpad team.


Transcript (Beta)

Hi, I'm Matthew Prince, co-founder and CEO of Cloudflare. Welcome to the first Workers Launchpad Demo Day.

It's been incredible to see all of the applications that have been a part of this initial Workers Launchpad.

Literally hundreds of applications representing more than 30 countries around the world.

And I've just been blown away by the excitement of you, all of the developers building incredible applications, but also by the investor community that wants to invest in you and make sure that you have the capital to be successful.

We've had over $2 billion of capital committed by some of the world's top investors saying that they want to bet on the startups that are using Cloudflare Workers in order to build the future.

It wasn't too long ago that Cloudflare ourselves, we were a startup.

And I remember the very first time back in September of 2010, where Michelle and I were getting ready to go on stage and present the work that we had at Cloudflare.

I was incredibly nervous. We weren't totally sure everything was going to work.

Our team was literally sitting in the audience, fixing bugs up until the last minute.

And there was this incredible excitement when I got to stand on stage and introduce what we were doing to the rest of the world.

And so I'm so excited for all of you and that you've chosen to be part of the Cloudflare Workers Launchpad and to be part of Demo Day today.

And I can't wait to see everything that you've built.

Building on Workers is such an incredibly powerful platform. We built the platform in order to make sure that startups like you could build applications that could scale to whatever success you are able to achieve.

And I'm proud of the fact that today over a million developers are using Workers in order to build the future.

The next generation of iconic startups, we're confident, are going to be built on the Cloudflare Workers platform.

And I think some of them might be part of the Demo Day today.

So I'm excited to see what you're all launching.

We are committed to supporting you. We want to hear from you and learn about how we can make the Workers platform better and better to support your future.

And congratulations. And I'm so excited to see where you go from here.

Thank you so much for being part of Cloudflare's initial Launchpad Demo Day.

And with that, I'll let the rest of the team take it away. Thanks, Matthew.

Really great to have you joining us today. I'm Mia Wang, a director on our Special Projects team.

It's hard to believe that just a few short months ago, we announced the launch of this $2 billion funding program.

We're already here at Demo Day.

We've had a chance to meet hundreds of incredible companies building on Cloudflare's developer platform and are so excited to showcase the first cohort of startups in the Launchpad program.

So I know we've got a lot to get to. We've got more than a dozen companies presenting what they're building today.

And so without further ado, let's turn it over to Jade Wang from our Cloudflare for Startups team, who will introduce you to the first group of founders that you'll be hearing from today.

You know, Mia, I've been really impressed with this group. I mean, we're looking at well over a dozen companies and half of them are doing really interesting work in the DevTools space.

And the other half are delivering really great B2B tools or leveraging AI to transform other industries.

Overall, I'm super optimistic about this entire class.

And it's been super rewarding getting to know them over the past quarter.

I mean, with all the sessions that we've planned, they ask really good questions, whether that's in the sessions with PMs where they ask questions about the roadmap or whether that's with the sessions that we've planned with in-house experts in the engineering adjacent topics like sales or go-to-market or pricing strategy.

And so for those of you who are joining us and thinking about whether to apply for the next cohort, details are down below.

Just check out that link.

And next up, we're going to start with four US-based companies.

Let's go. I'm Nathan Clevenger, CTO at Driveway.

We're building an API platform for automotive commerce.

And let me tell you how we got here. I was coming off the exit of my last software company, building a fleet of my dream cars, but I hated dealing with dealers.

I really just wanted that magical one-click buy now button that would have a car just delivered to my driveway that the dealers have with the wholesale market.

And so I really struggled with this decision, should I become a dealer?

Ultimately, I fought the zoning and licensing regulations for almost a year and finally got my license.

Through that process, I met my co-founder, who was also coming off of an exit.

And he asked, what if there were APIs for that, like a stripe or a plaid for auto?

What if we could create APIs that represented all of the building blocks of automotive commerce for end-to-end vehicle sales to avoid a future where legacy dealerships remain in complete control of this $1.3 trillion industry and enable anyone to create a virtual dealership in the cloud to buy and sell cars with APIs.

And it turns out we weren't alone. There were lots of other companies that were just as upset with dealerships being in control, from the manufacturers to insurers, to lenders who struggle with the fact that dealers get most of the margin on a financing transaction of a vehicle.

For example, a Fortune 500 lender wanted to help their customers buy cars, but dealers control the vehicle sales.

Customers don't like dealing with dealers. Why did dealers make all of the margin?

They discovered Drively APIs and created a virtual dealership in the cloud, enabling them to buy and sell cars directly without losing control of the transaction to a dealership, unlocking great margins by delivering amazing experiences right to their customer's driveway and transformed from an indirect lender to a vertically integrated auto business.

Our mental model is taking the physical, monolithic brick and mortar dealership and deconstructing it, unbundling it to all of the APIs and services that are necessary to facilitate buying and selling of vehicles end to end.

There's a lot that happens within a dealership, but we've now taken all of this into a set of simple, unified APIs.

We believe that Cloudflare is the next generation of cloud platforms like AWS or GCP, and Drively is completely built on Cloudflare from workers, queues, pub, sub, and especially durable objects.

We recently closed our seed round with some of the biggest names in automotive, and we're just starting to scratch the surface of discovering what types of business models are possible, given the foundation of our APIs as building blocks for automotive commerce.

Hi, I'm Nagesh Prabhati, co-founder and CEO of Quest AI.

Quest is a code generation tool that automatically generates front-end code for your business applications.

So product teams can build and launch faster than ever. Front-end is hard for many product teams out there.

You need to be able to build your designer's vision by stitching together various frameworks and libraries and languages, and build it in such a way that it's scalable, highly performant, and easily maintainable.

We think automation is the answer for this. Imagine being able to automatically generate React JS code components that are pixel-perfect to your design, that incorporates your design systems and component libraries.

The code is clean and extendable, automatically manages states and variants and breakpoints, and even generates animations on the fly.

You can simply push the code to your GitHub and launch it live.

That's what we do at Quest. As an example, one of our customers is a fintech startup.

They use Quest to build their front-end and save over 250 development hours per month.

For $50 a month, Quest is a game changer for them.

There are over 2 million such companies out there, presenting a near -term addressable market opportunity of over $1.2 billion a year.

Now, adding in other medium-to-large companies and expansion opportunities horizontally and vertically, we are looking at over $4 billion in total opportunity.

We launched our product last May and have been growing at over 40% month-over-month.

The team is composed of builders from companies like Apple and Salesforce and Uber.

We are backed by investors who themselves built companies like Stripe and Centrify and Joint.

We'd love to have you join us in building this together. If you're someone at Cloudflare and has ideas on integrating with Quest, please ping me.

We're already working on integrations with the workers and pages.

If you're a VC, please let your portfolio companies know that they can build and launch much faster using Quest.

Thank you.

The way in which users are authenticated online is changing. And we have the tools developed and deployed to help a few customer segments navigate that change.

That's really the summary of our proposition. As you probably already know, there's a significant momentum building behind an effort to replace traditional passwords with more modern and more secure and convenient methods.

These methods use cryptography and biometrics instead of shared secrets.

It's really an overdue tech refresh. And as part of that process, participants will need to acquire new tools.

Consumers, individuals acting in their own capacity will need tools to produce attestations, tokens and cryptographic challenge responses on demand.

Operators or providers of applications, websites, et cetera, will need new tools to authenticate users in these new ways.

And enterprises will, of course, need both. Hi, my name is Madhu Nath.

And this is the wave of change that our team is focused on. We are a group of builders that has already developed and deployed Gem Network to directly address the needs of these stakeholders, consumers, enterprises, and operators.

Gem Network is built on Cloudflare's network.

So it runs on the edge and is an entirely serverless, globally available and scalable next-gen authentication platform.

Earlier, I described a change that creates the opportunity as a technology refresh.

Like any technology refresh, this one will take time.

And there'll be a period when the old and the new overlap and customers will need a bridge to the future.

Our solutions bridge and connect today's reality to tomorrow's promise.

With the platform built and deployed, we have essentially de-risked the engineering and the technology development aspects of the venture, and are now looking to expand our commercial and good market efforts.

If you'd like to be part of this journey, if you can help catalyze and accelerate commercial development of the company as an advisor, as a team member, or as an investor, please reach out.

We'd love to hear from you.

Thank you for watching. If you'd like to learn more about us, please visit or write to us.

Hello, everybody. I'm Andrew Mandela from Kramit AI, and we are the last line of defense for the software supply chain.

We make sure that the software you are about to deploy is working and behaving as intended, keeping you and your customers safe from any hidden malware that's been added in to that trusted software.

Now, when you download a new app for your phone, you have no idea what it's going to do or what kind of data it's collecting.

But we trust that it's going to behave well.

The problem is that trust has been abused over and over again by apps that steal your data and spy on you.

But as developers, it's actually even worse because attackers want to use you to steal data from and spy on your unsuspecting users.

And this too has happened time and time again from the SolarWinds attack that abused people's trust in the SolarWinds software to deliver malware to 18,000 organizations and cause $100 billion in damage.

To PyTorch more recently getting malware in its supply chain. All the way to malicious insiders heading in back doors.

In fact, my co-founder and I started Karambit AI because the current defenses are not enough.

They are rapidly getting better at enumerating vulnerabilities, which is an excellent thing to do.

But they are blind to attacks that deliver malware by a trusted software, like in the case of the SolarWinds attack or the PyTorch attack or any of the other attacks that are doing the same thing.

But we solve this problem by using automated reverse engineering to generate a software bill of behaviors.

And this tells you what your software will do before you deploy it.

And we use that to detect hidden malicious behaviors before they can cause problems in production.

And this is how we fill in that link between software being built and deployed to make sure that it is safe.

And in this, we are helping people in product security and SecDevOps prevent malicious software from being released so we can help the millions of global development organizations make sure that their deployed software is safe.

Now, because really nobody wants hidden Bitcoin miners taking all their processing or wasting all their resources.

And Eric, my co-founder and I can do this because we've worked together for nearly a decade automating hard cybersecurity problems from automatically finding and exploiting vulnerabilities all the way to automatically reverse engineering nation state malware.

And Eric actually has something, a little one up on me because he was part of one of the finalist teams for the world's first all machine hacking contest DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge.

But we take our expertise that we've been gaining over years and years of automating these hard problems and bringing them to bear to make Karamid AI successful.

So finally, please connect with me so that we can be your last line of defense.

Thank you.

Thank you so much, you guys. And next up, as we head over to Europe, the central theme is using your developer hours efficiently.

Let's take a look. What's one big issue when you develop your product?

Too many companies waste time interacting with external services.

Fluffy is here to solve that. Here's the thing. Companies should fully focus on developing and shaping their own product.

But you need things like pushing data to a marketing tool or selling an event to an analytic system or sending a customer communication.

But this is usually not your core business.

So you're subscribing to a service with an API. What happens next?

The API has to be understood. Documentation has to be studied. Maybe you need to wait for feedback in the forum because something isn't that clear.

And so it can take several hours or even days until the first breakthrough is made.

Eventually, the integration has to be embedded somewhere in your own application.

And that time effort is reduced to a minimum by Fluffy. Fluffy is for developers.

So the next time you get one of those requests, I need another BI event or please enrich contacts in the marketing tool or send another notification, please.

No problem at all. Search the Fluffy catalog for the right integration, set some parameters and deploy it.

Can't find a service? It takes less than 24 hours to integrate a new service.

By now, Fluffy has over 300 integrations with almost 700 use cases and growing.

You just need to know one language to access all those use cases.

But Fluffy is more. Connect the use cases to a flow, do some data transformations and let the cloud execute it for you.

Couldn't be easier.

My name is Adam. I am the founder of Fluffy. And I started with Fluffy because I myself kept wasting time connecting new APIs.

Over and over again. With Fluffy, it takes less than five minutes to have the first services integrated.

There are so many useful services out there and over 300 are already integrated into Fluffy.

And it's so easy to use a new service or make changes.

You save a lot of time. Try it out now. Welcome to Nighthead, an API-first personalization experimentation tool for digital teams.

With our solution, you have the power to create instant experiences that personalize, test and optimize the customer journey without any performance trade-offs.

Our unique API-first architectures allow for compatibility and we seamlessly integrate with the modern technology stack.

Nighthead is the experience layer to create seamless data -driven personalized customer journeys.

With our easy-to-use SDKs and plugins, Nighthead is set up in record time into your existing workflow and tech stack.

Allowing your team to focus on what they do best.

Crafting unique and memorable experiences that captivate your customers. Your opportunities are limitless.

By connecting customer data sources, you can leverage the full power of your first partner and take your customer engagement to the next level.

Our customers are digital enterprise companies leveraging the advantages of modern tools and composable CMS.

Their creative teams want to use their first party data to integrate personalized data-driven experiences into the customer journey.

Nighthead is an enterprise SaaS tool based on multiple APIs and SDKs.

Enabling digital teams to create anything from one-to-one personalized experiences to fully omnichannel customer journeys.

Nighthead's everything-on-the-edge approach to both data and delivery means personalized experiences cost zero loading lag and no interruptions for the customer.

We expect the total market for personalized experiences to be steadily growing over the coming years.

Creating a new standard for content relevancy shown to the users. The total addressable market is expected to reach a value of over $22 billion based on the current number of custom-built commercial sites.

Nighthead has an all -star team of talented and motivated people.

The experience team is built on a foundation of trust and transparency to make everyone feel heard and take ownership.

Our customer-first culture brings out the best of everyone leading to a better and more daring ideas solidifying our ambitions to rise to the top.

To sum up, first, Nighthead allows you to activate your first party data on the edge to create instant personalized experiences.

Second, Nighthead integrates directly your existing workflow in record time.

Third, Nighthead enables you to create personalized customer experiences and make your digital content more relevant.

Queryin is a polyglot and vendor-agnostic end-to-end observability stack for logs, metrics, and telemetry.

It has all of the observability formats integrations that you love and need all in one place.

Providing excellent service demands full -stack monitoring and an end-to-end observability from edge to core and is spanning across multiple different systems different applications, different protocols as well as multiple different regions.

Current solutions are often very, very complicated they're really expensive and they're very difficult to maintain.

It requires a combination of multiple vendors lots of different formats as well as different products and they often throw in a free headache when it comes to working out the pricing model.

Now, Queryin Cloud's polyglot observability stack is fast, it's vendor-agnostic and it's a modular drop-in replacement for market -leading monitoring solutions and redesigned to decouple the compute from the storage and it's able to cope with virtually infinite data volumes and analytics on any cloud with a very easy and predictable cost.

Queryin itself is transparently compatible with Loki, with Influx, Prometheus, Tempo and it can adjust all of the standard formats including those from Grafana, Influx, Elastic, Datadog, OpenTelemetry and quite a few more straight out of the box.

This means that it's able to offer instant observability without integration headaches or vendor lock-ins to any data -centric organization regardless of size, regardless of budget not just for today, but into the future as well.

So the addressable market for observability right now is a little over $8 billion and it's growing very fast.

It's forecast to reach around $27 billion by 2028. Now by providing a vendor-agnostic, cost -effective, scalable solution that's transparently compatible with competing vendor formats Queryin is rapidly already capturing its share of this market and it's already deployed in production by world-scale fortune enterprises by leading gaming companies, telecoms operators and other various software vendors.

The Queryin Cloud team itself is made up of senior executives and observability pioneers.

They all have world-class scale projects under their belts already.

They're all focused on delivering world -class SaaS observability services as well as leading a development team that's both highly specialized, very innovative but above all, creative engineers.

So if you were to take three things away from this Queryin is transparently compatible with all of your observability data no matter what the format.

Queryin consolidates all your storage for your logs, your metrics, your traces using Gigapipe and it also reduces the cost of ingestion right at the edge using Cloudflare.

And finally, the combination of a rapidly growing market and a very experienced team that Queryin Cloud is well-positioned to fill that expanding need in the observability market.

Have you ever struggled integrating security features in an app like authentication or authorization?

In the past, I faced similar challenges multiple times.

Managing identity and access can be a complicated and tedious lengthy process that can result in security vulnerabilities.

Worse, it can even impact the reputation of your business.

However, this experience have taught me the significance of app-landmounting, proper identity management.

As a result, I created AuthDoc, a user-friendly app that allows you and fast platform as a service that simplifies the process for us.

By using Cloudflare Workers, we have made a one-stop shop product at an affordable price.

Consider that you have just deployed a web application on the cloud and you want to allow users to access it.

To achieve this, you'll need to set up a login form that is connected to various identity providers.

This identity provider could be social icons such as Google, Meta, GitHub, or even enterprise single sign-on platform like Okta, OneLogin, and SailPoint.

Additionally, you can implement multi-factor authentication through email, SMS verification codes to bolster the security of your platform.

Through AuthDoc Cloud Console, you can register app and create identity integration in minutes, create login forms matching your branding requirements without writing a single line of code, and integrating your own visual asset and custom domain for no additional cost.

Wouldn't that be cool to have all user journey analytics at one place? Understanding who is logging into your app or frequently how many users you got per day.

This is natively integrated into AuthDoc analytics. Get an overview on the demographic usage and evolution over time of your metrics with no extra effort.

You can also drill down your tenant activity logs by event type, region, IP, and even more.

Now, imagine you want to add authorization capability to your product, your API.

Where do you start? Do you build your own authorization API? How do you scale it, make it fast?

Who will be maintaining this? How much time will it cost you?

This is where Shelter comes in. A comprehensive authorization as a service solution based on Google's Antibar.

The authorization system that purses popular tools like Google Drive, Design Trailer is a challenge at scale.

Shelter is directly available via the cloud console and allows you to define through a GUI, an authorization model, security tuples, and assertion to validate over time who is supposed to have granted access.

Shelter offers a GraphQL API that can be integrated directly into your app to check authenticated user authorization.

You have added authorization to your app, but is it enough?

In 2022, there has been a 38% increase in global cybersecurity attacks compared to 2021.

To mitigate those attacks, cloud console integrates a risk management module to define additional protection rules.

With this feature, you can establish safeguarding protocols for your applications, such as specifying protection criteria based on IP range, countries, VPN access, and other factors.

Last but not least, if you don't find a feature you need in our stack, use the feature request module.

It helps us prioritizing what the community wants to see integrated into the platform.

Also, you can share directly your feedback with us via the feedback module.

Great job, you guys.

Next, we're going to head over to India, where top of mind, we are getting to market faster and iterating more quickly.

And then we are going to take a swing back around to North America and mostly in Canada.

Let's take a look. Hi, my name is Rakhit and I'm building Pattern.

Pattern is what Heroku should have been in 2023.

Deployments at scale without the hassle of it. When it comes to modern day infrastructure, it's always a dilemma of choosing between a simple to use tool like Heroku or Render and lose the flexibility of scale or pick one of the big guns like AWS and Azure and get tremendous flexibility but at the cost of having an entire DevOps team just to maintain it.

Pattern removes that dilemma. We provide you with ease of use and scalability and you get to pick tool.

Pattern is mostly aimed at software-based startups that are scaling.

It's meant to be a tool that can help you focus on what you're building rather than the intricacies of DevOps.

As a startup, you want to be focusing on your core product and your customers rather than dealing with the problems of DevOps.

We help you do just that.

The global platform as a service market is projected to reach $164 billion by 2026.

In fact, according to data published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, businesses spend $78 billion on DevOps salaries in 2020.

Now, ironically, this number is greater than the global spend on public cloud providers which is estimated at $65 billion on the same year.

Now, our team is ready to take on this challenge and there are two key things that we have in us.

One, we are obsessed about customer satisfaction.

For example, nobody likes waiting 24 to 48 hours to get a response from a support engineer especially if your production application is crashing.

On Pattern, we have a live chat system on our website that will take you straight to the engineering team if you have any questions or problems whatsoever.

Two, we have the creativity to solve for constraints that seem like you can't solve.

For example, just recently we released a new feature where we are one of the first platform as a service to offer horizontally scalable deployments that you can attach volumes to.

In conclusion, there are three things that are vital to Pattern.

One, Pattern is as easy as Heroku and as flexible as AWS. If you have credits from your cloud provider you can connect them to our BYOC, bring your own cloud section and use your own cloud account with the simplicity of Pattern.

Two, we don't eliminate the need for a DevOps engineer. We delay how complex the setup needs to be.

And three, we just recently crossed 1 million requests a day and we are ready to help you scale your application too.

Thank you. Hi, we are Service Loan and we help anybody start a service business in three minutes or less.

For most service businesses having an online presence is still hard.

You need a high converting website, some sort of client management, booking, subscription, online ads, the list goes on and on.

We solve all of these by having everything done for you in three minutes or less.

Anybody who wants to start a local service business, maybe an electrician or a salon or a cleaning service can use us.

We fit everybody and we can be customized for any business. What we provide is a high converting website for any service business, SMS and email reminders, auto-rebookings, marketing AI, and a whole lot more.

This is a huge opportunity for us.

Service businesses are the largest chunk of all businesses.

Right now with inflation, more and more people are looking to start their own thing.

For example, just the whole maintenance market in the US is over a hundred billion dollars.

We believe that we can tap a lot of this market. We are a team of ex-Shopify engineers and we know exactly what small businesses need and how to get them there.

So that's us. We are Service Loom and we can help anybody start a service business in three minutes or less.

We also help increasing your service quality and delivery and we can do this across the globe.

Hey, we're Touchless.

We make existing websites less harmful. For people with disabilities, those going through a crisis, and those with short attention spans.

The Internet has a problem. One of the reasons, well, like me, over the last few years, websites have gotten fat.

You know, they could be filled with all kinds of scripts and add-ons and they often don't talk to each other.

They load when they don't need to and when they load, they load too much and they know too much about the user and all the other scripts and they have security risk, et cetera, et cetera.

You know, this makes accessibility really hard. All it takes is one component, one script, to mess up the keyboard accessibility or make the interface really hard to look at as we move towards the composable web.

There's no standard way to measure what's working well, especially components that are not on a webpage.

And it's not easy to swap components in and out to monitor them or how they should load and when until now.

At Touchless, our product is installed using a script tag or by using an edge worker and we transform existing platforms to make them 30 to 40 times faster on mobile and 10 to 20 times faster on desktop, which increases conversion rates considerably.

You know, in future upgrades to our panel make it easy for people to add and remove these optimizations so they don't have to deal with the code.

We're focused on very specific markets. We think it's wrong that it's easier to buy a stock, upgrade your phone or start a business than it is to shop for a car, to take it to work, or to get financial advice from your local credit union or to access government services or to find a place to live.

We're targeting the industries that need it most. Our team is relentless, a bit silly.

They've worked with me previously in telecom, finance and mortgage and some have worked with me last year to build the world's fastest auto dealer experience.

And for me, I found a few businesses you can look me up on LinkedIn.

I also spent six years working on web performance to perfect that. You know, our go-to-market is super lean.

We've developed an $8 million funnel without a website, just by partnering with people in the existing space.

And also we've been able to invest over a million dollars in R&D and become profitable.

Our solution makes it easy to add a layer on top of an existing site.

It just works like magic.

You know, we're using the edge for good and we make it so you don't have to touch the mess.

And that's why we're named Touchless. Hi, we're Rollup ID, a simple auth and identity platform.

We built Rollup to streamline user acquisition and onboarding with simple digital identity services for developers.

Unlike other authentication solutions, Rollup allows developers to focus on growth rather than integrations and compliance.

Apple made privacy a luxury and look at what that did to Facebook.

We built Rollup so that you can work with your users and with each other to build next generation applications.

We built Rollup so that startups can go to market faster and acquire customers directly on our platform.

We built Rollup so that game developers can build in the metaverse without having to expose their players to the complexity of blockchain.

We built Rollup so that web three companies can onboard the next billion users with social logins instead of browser extensions.

We built Rollup so that enterprises can connect their systems with straightforward wins in marketing, compliance, finance, and advertising.

We built Rollup with a team experienced in banking, crypto, gaming, telecom, security, distributed systems, and full stack engineering.

We built Rollup to accelerate your portfolio companies and now we want your help to build Rollup at scale.

Thank you. Join us today at

Welcome to GPUX, serverless GPU. And let me show you how we're going to enable planetary scalability.

So pretty much biggest problem now is finding GPUs.

Somebody who's worked at Nvidia who leads a reinforcement learning library called CleanRL.

In case you're not familiar with reinforcement learning, it's pretty much all the rage these days.

It's what powers chat GPT and other kind of AI chatbots.

It's always almost considered the missing link of kind of what makes it work.

And this user, yeah, 20 times he tried to get quotas from AWS, but these are large quotas, right?

It's a lot of GPUs and it's very hard.

So our solution is just training and inference for AI. Very simple, does work, pay money.

And you're saying, yeah, but all the major clouds have this.

Why would you make this? This is so dumb. Just use AWS, GCP, Azure, right?

Just like smart enough. And yeah, and this user did just that. So we reached out to this user about two months ago, three months ago, December.

And we said, hey, we got GPUs and we have software to make it easy.

And they said, no, I'm good. We already have the cloud, we're using this, we're using that.

Okay. And then two months later, I see they're in a bind and I say, hey, are you looking out for service providers, more GPUs?

And they're like, hey, yeah, but it doesn't look like you have an API.

Yeah, we don't have an API. It's almost ready, but not ready yet. And then pretty much at that lead turned into a prospect after two months, after they realized they went into the market, they looked at these a hundred companies providing GPUs in the cloud and they realized nothing really works.

And yeah, so the traditional cloud does not fit large model, large data set AI workloads.

And I mean, don't listen though, but go try it.

Maybe it'll work for you, right? And look at TAM.

I mean, I know this is ridiculous, right? It's like we got lazy, but actually, if you think about it, robotics needs a place to train.

For example, it could even get to the point where the legs are a model, the arms are a model, different systems in the robot are differently trained models.

Apparently, AI is really good at medicine, protein folding, that stuff like finding cures to diseases or generative illnesses.

And of course, small businesses can really increase their margins by using AI in their franchises.

But okay, direct TAM. So direct TAM is probably more interesting.

So direct TAM is pretty much direct money we capitalize on.

And for example, one of our targets is startups, new companies, because pretty much AI space is so new.

Every company is pretty much a startup. Require about 800K just to reach MVP.

So that's 800K that's gonna go straight to us for training time.

And of course, we need your help because we can't move fast enough.

And when we advertise, we just have users coming like this that say, hey, where is it?

We need it now. We have this money we need to give you. We need to give you this money now.

We need these GPUs now. Where are they? And we're like, hey, hey, like we need some more time, right?

We can't deploy so fast. We're time constrained, budget constrained.

And they're like, hey, like, okay, we're time crunch.

Come on, hurry up, right? So it's like they're just trying to give us this money and we can't, we can't accept it yet.

So yeah, stay in touch. And that's GPUX.

Thanks guys. Getting to market super fast is important for a lot of different companies.

And now we are going to move on to the final group of companies. There are two more in the US and one that is a fully remote team based somewhere on planet earth.

Let's go. What if getting insights about your business will be as simple as browsing the Twitter feed?

Hi everyone. My name is Michael Romantsov and I'm a co-founder at Narrative BI.

Narrative BI is a no-code analytics platform for growth teams that automatically turns raw data into actionable narratives.

Before Narrative BI, I started another data company which was acquired by ServiceNow.

And when I worked with the largest organizations in the world that use ServiceNow, I've seen the same problem again and again.

The amount of data in marketing, CRM and customer data platforms is growing exponentially.

But this data is not actionable for people who make everyday business decisions.

Marketers, executives and sales teams.

They have to spend hours in complex tools or meet engineering resources to find actionable insights.

Narrative BI shifts the insights knowledge from a handful of data experts to anyone in your organization.

So, how does it work?

Narrative BI connects to existing marketing and advertising sources in two clicks and automatically generates a feed of personalized data narratives.

We need to find users about the anomalies, hidden insights and interesting patterns in their data.

This way, we reduce time to insights from weeks to minutes. Traditional BI companies focus on data savvy users leaving most of the 100 billion market untapped.

BI tools are too complex. People don't know what questions to ask. Enterprise tools are hard to implement.

Niche players don't see the full picture. So, how Narrative BI is different?

Narrative BI delivers automated insights so you can scroll the feed and see actionable narratives in the palm of your hand.

It takes two minutes to implement Narrative BI so it becomes a single source of truth in your organization.

The Narrative BI team has onboarded 1,800 companies to the platform in a year since the launch.

We are repeat founders with two exits.

Our engineers previously solved complex data problems at Google, DeepMind and contributed to Apache Airflow.

Companies make better decisions with data but only 25% of employees use business intelligence tools.

Narrative BI can make that 100%.

The next business intelligence wave is here. Contact me if you want to be a part of it.

Before we get started, let me paste this link from Twitter. 40 seconds video.

Sounds about right. Hi, I'm Alex. Excuse the theatrics. I'm the founder and CEO of Torgoom.

Torgoom is a service that translates videos from any language to any language.

Really, we support 99 languages on the input and something like 200 on the output.

And the biggest problem that I feel deeply connected with that Torgoom is solving is the problem of language barriers.

While textual translation is a mostly solved problem, you can right-click and translate pretty much every browser that supports this.

Video translation is still largely unsolved maybe outside of YouTube.

Many people upload videos to social media, to Telegram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

And translation takes time and translation is mostly manual and fairly expensive.

For companies with large sets of video, translating them takes a long time and it's very expensive.

And I believe that with the latest rise of AI, many categories are going to be cardinally changed.

And the problem that I am as passionate as could be at solving is going to be language barriers.

Somebody who was born in Ukraine but doesn't speak Ukrainian and twice an immigrant who had to learn a different language while he was an adult.

You can still hear my accent here. This problem has always been present.

It's pleasant with my kids who don't share the same languages as one of their grandpas and they can't communicate.

And I believe that this problem is big for enterprises with marketing departments full of video they want to localize for their global teams.

And essentially that's how our users use us. We have a wide range of users between individuals who are just interested to know what happens on the other side of the world to creators who want to broaden the reach and they just don't have the time or money to translate every video they crank out like three a day to marketing departments in SMBs and even larger enterprises who need to localize video content which is very expensive.

And we offer this very, very quick as you saw the video we just pasted is already translated from Turkish to English.

And we use Cloudflare as you see Cloudflare stream here to store videos and stream them which helps us deliver a much higher quality of service than any other videos translation not that there are any and not that there are any good ones.

And yeah, that's basically about Turgum and a quick demo.

One last thing if you just want to translate to a different language let's say Arabic that's as easy as three clicks and then within a few seconds we'll get the Arabic translation as well.

Thank you.

Hi, I'm Fredrik founder and CEO at Graphbase.

Graphbase is a platform that enables developers to focus on shipping products instead of building complex cloud infrastructure.

We're building a top-notch developer experience that dramatically simplifies and accelerates backend development.

As a developer, you're faced with many decisions before your backend is ready for use.

What API framework to use? What database to use?

Where do you deploy your API? Where do you provision your database?

What about authorization strategy? Full-text search and message queues?

The list goes on and we haven't even started talking about local development or CICD.

Graphbase helps companies reduce their time to market by offering tools to unify data sources manage complex permission rules tune API performance with analytics build real-time apps full-text search edge caching and much more.

Graphbase also provides developers with a local production-like environment with a single command and zero configuration.

Teams can easily collaborate and work on new features with peace of mind using preview branches.

All pull requests come with their own isolated environment separate from production.

Companies using Graphbase ship high -performance backends faster than ever.

Graphbase is at the intersection of two rising trends GraphQL and edge computing.

Since GraphQL was introduced by Meta in the last decade it has become the de facto standard for modern development teams across enterprises like Shopify GitHub PayPal Netflix and teams with high developer velocity.

Not only is it easier to work with but engineering teams are significantly more productive.

Content delivery networks over the last two decades have significantly improved performance of static assets cached at the edge.

But fetching dynamic data has always required further round trips away from users.

Graphbase is changing this by bringing a unified data layer to the edge to improve performance and user experience.

Everyone at Graphbase obsesses about developer experience and performance.

Building high-performance backends should be easy and fast. Graphbase is currently in private beta but will go to public beta later this year.

Sign up today at Thank you.

Awesome, thanks Frederik. Thanks for rounding us out today with a brief overview of what Graphbase is building.

And so with that that wraps up our very first Workers Launchpad Demo Day.

I want to send a huge thank you to all the companies who presented today.

It's been incredible getting to know you over these past few months and being even just a small part of each of your journeys.

We can't wait to see what you keep building next.

If you're an investor or maybe even a customer watching and you're interested in getting in touch with any of the companies that presented today feel free to reach out to the Workers Launchpad team and we'll include an email in the description below.

And before we wrap up I want to share one exciting announcement. We've actually opened up applications for the second cohort of the Workers Launchpad so if you're a founder that's building on Cloudflare Workers and any of our developer platform products feel free to check out the program and apply.

We'll share more information on the website, on our blog including deadlines and other exciting updates.

And so with that said thank you again everyone for joining the Workers Launchpad Demo Day.


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Workers Launchpad Demo Day
Join us for Workers Launchpad Demo Day, where you’ll have a chance to meet the innovative startups selected for our annual cohorts. If you’re a founder building on Cloudflare Workers, head to to learn more about the program and apply...
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