Cloudflare TV

ChainFuse - Cohort #2 - Workers Launchpad Demo Day

Presented by George Portillo, Victor Sanchez
Originally aired on 

Join us for Workers Launchpad Demo Day, where you’ll have a chance to meet all of the startups selected for our second cohort.

  • Company: ChainFuse
  • Founder: George Portillo, Victor Sanchez
  • About: AI community management for product and support teams.
  • HQ: San Francisco, CA
  • Stage: Seed
  • Website:

If you’re a founder building on Cloudflare Workers, head to to learn more about the program and apply to be a part of Cohort #3 -- applications are now open !

If you’re an investor or a potential customer looking to get in touch with any of the presenting companies, please reach out to the Workers Launchpad team.

Watch the full Workers Launchpad Demo Day for Cohort #2 here !


Transcript (Beta)

Hi, my name is George Portillo and I am the Technical Founder and CEO of Chamefuse .com.

Chamefuse is an AI-powered community management platform for community and product teams.

We've done this before in the past, we enabled chatbots to Facebook pages, we gathered 2 million users, we were processing up to 500,000 messages every single week, but understanding what to build next and also making sense of all the data coming in was a very hard thing to do.

We know that managing and understanding your users in your communities is very time-consuming.

Some teams are spending five hours a day onboarding new and existing users, and sometimes they're using non-scalable tools such as Typeform and Google Forms to do data intake, and this, at the end of the day, turns into a very costly endeavor because your team should be focused on building your product, on servicing your community, and not conducting all these menial tasks that AI can do.

Scaling with your community is also very challenging, so if you're looking at building your very own AI solution in-house, you not only have to build it, but you also have to make sure that it integrates with different channels out there.

And that's what we built Chamefuse.

Chamefuse is a no -code community management platform. We let you create your own AI completely in no-code, we let you enable that AI on Discord, on Telegram, or even in your own homepage if you choose to.

These AIs can then help you gather feedback, surface bug reports, feature requests, and they can talk to your customers 24-7.

Creating an AI with Chamefuse is very easy. All you have to do is tell our AI what you need, and then you can teach it on your documentation, on your FAQs, or any other piece of relevant information, and then you choose the channel that you want to go live in, and that's it.

These are some of the active communities currently using Chamefuse, and we know that companies like Chamefuse are absolutely needed in the customer support and business intelligence space.

As you can see, we focus directly on servicing the customer all while learning about the customer, and here are some of the top companies that also focused on a similar approach.

Some of our competitors are focused on active AI Q&A, and even though we can also do AI Q&A, we're more focused on in-chat product feedback gathering.

We believe that keeping that experience within the community, within the in-chat, is a very powerful tool.

Our business model consists of charging per user license.

We have a 400% markup fee on top of every AI -generated token.

Our team consists of ex -Googlers, top-notch design, and developers.

We are raising $2 million, and we're ready to move fast and make noise, so if you're interested, let us know, send us a message, or even try our AI at

Thank you.

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Workers Launchpad Demo Day
Join us for Workers Launchpad Demo Day, where you’ll have a chance to meet the innovative startups selected for our annual cohorts. If you’re a founder building on Cloudflare Workers, head to to learn more about the program and apply...
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