Estas Semanas en Cloudflare en Español
Presented by: Alex Mayorga Adame
Originally aired on July 26, 2024 @ 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
Learn about the latest in the world of Cloudflare — presented in Spanish by Alex Mayorga Adame.
Transcript (Beta)
Hello, how are you? Good day, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are watching this program live or are tuning in to some reproduction of it, or on some streaming platform.
My name is Alex Mayorga Adame, I am a Solutions Engineer at Cloudflare for Latin America, and this is your program, Estas Semanas en Cloudflare en Español.
For those tuning in for the first time, what we do in this program is review all the news that has happened in the last few weeks on Cloudflare.
We also have some contact information that you can find at the bottom of the page, an email and a phone number where you can send us any kind of concerns or questions that you would like us to address during these broadcasts.
So, without further ado, let's go see those news that we have for Cloudflare this week.
The first resource that we review is the product news that we can find at
Here we can see everything that has been new in the different aspects of Cloudflare.
We have, for example, that during this month of July we have a novelty in terms of a panel of analysts, in this case of Gartner, where Gartner has named Cloudflare as a contender in the category of Single Vendor SASE.
So, in this resource you can see the full report of the analyst, download it so that you can review it consciously.
We also have that during the same month of July, Forrester has recognized Cloudflare as a Strong Performer in its wave for bot administration software.
Again, you can access this report of the analyst directly in this link and download it, review it so that you can share it with colleagues or review it individually.
We also have another analyst report where Gartner recognizes Cloudflare in its Secure Service Edge quadrant.
This was published in April 2024 and you can download it for review.
Then we have Forrester Wave for Secure Service Edge. Also in these solutions, Cloudflare is recognized as a solid competitor in the first quarter report of this analyst.
We also have a whitepaper that provides us with a guide to evaluate SASE providers, how we can evaluate in this segment.
So, this buyer's guide is also available for you, you can download it in that link.
These recognitions in the different waves obviously originate from the fact that Cloudflare has been consolidating since last year and the beginning of this year as a unique SASE provider to secure networks and workflows of all organizations.
Using different Cloudflare solutions, they can achieve this consolidation and a more consolidated security posture for their organizations.
We also have a couple more analyst reports.
We have the GigaOM radar report for CDNs, where Cloudflare is recognized as a leading company with outstanding performance for the GigaOM analyst report for 2023.
And well, we are not going to go to last year, but within this page you can find all the announcements and news that have existed about Cloudflare in a historical way.
So, to invite you is -medionew, where we can review product news as they occur.
Obviously, we will be delighted to share them during the broadcast of these segments, but this resource is available to you at all times.
We continue then with the second part of the material that is reviewed in this program, which is -webinars, where we have all the resources of live web seminars that will be held at Cloudflare.
So, we have to start on July 30, a webinar where my colleagues from Solutions Engineering will be talking about application security.
A demo that may be a little more convenient for our friends who are in Asia and Europe.
Here you can see the date and you can register from now on.
Then we have this same application security demo at a time that may be more convenient for our friends in Europe and America.
In it you can register and there you can see how you can protect critical business applications using Cloudflare security solutions.
Then we have a series for our friends in Asia -Pacific, where functionalities for the prevention of service denial attacks are being reviewed with Cloudflare tools.
This will take place on August 1 and you can register from now on. Then we have a couple more demos that will take place on the same day, August 1.
Again, in accessible schedules for our friends in Asia and Europe and also in Europe and America, where we will talk about application performance or how Cloudflare solutions can help us accelerate the delivery of our applications.
Then we have one more demo on security solutions.
This will take place on August 6 and you can register from now on.
Again, we have accessible schedules for our friends in Europe and our friends in Asia.
These demos of other performance solutions will also be repeated on August 8, again with two schedules so that they are accessible to anyone.
Then we have a web seminar on August 9 where we will talk about caché and CDN.
This will be delivered in Japanese on August 9. One more webinar that we have is to say goodbye to our legacy firewalls and how we can use Cloudflare for security and load balancing functions in a cost-effective way.
This webinar will take place on August 13 and we can register in the link.
Then we have the continuation of this series that is running in Asia-Pacific, where we will talk about how to consolidate all Cloudflare solutions throughout the portfolio to have a cost-effective solution for our organizations.
This will take place on August 15.
We will continue later with a virtual hackathon of artificial intelligence, where we have a couple of hours of an experience of hacking with artificial intelligence with all our experts, where they will be able to gain experience and collaborate with other people who are interested in this space to create and deploy a security solution.
This will take place on August 15.
You can register for this webinar. Then we have how to replace our VPN solutions in phases.
We will learn from successful cases of other organizations that have transitioned from this VPN to a Zero Trust solution and how this generates important benefits for them.
They will discuss in this case with other participants in the industry and how they achieve the adoption of these solutions.
This seminar will take place on August 20 and we can register. Then we have a seminar in Portuguese about a brief of the different threats that occur against people, applications and infrastructure.
Here is an analysis of the Cloudflare security risk report.
This will take place on August 22.
And finally, we also have this same security and threat brief, but in this case in Spanish, which will also take place on August 22, as we can see here.
In the same way, if there is a seminar that you wanted to attend and could not do it due to your tight schedules, we can always access the recordings of the different webinars that we have here.
So, this tool is always at hand at
Finally, we continue with the review of the Cloudflare blog to see the latest news that our colleagues have published.
And well, we are just today that the Olympic Games in Paris begin.
We have a blog where our colleagues Joao and Jorge talk to us about how the interest in these Olympic Games has shown at a digital level.
Let's go there then to review.
We have here that they remind us that just today, this afternoon, the inauguration of this event will be held in Paris.
And well, what has been observed in terms of Internet traffic.
They give us a little summary of the different tests that we will have.
For example, they tell us that for the first time we have breakdance as a category or Olympic specialty.
With the return of skateboards, climbing and surfing, as presented four years ago.
They also link us to other similar types of coverage, where we have seen the influence of different historical events from day to day.
Then the tool that is Cloudflare Radar, which allows us to see Internet navigation trends, as seen in Cloudflare 1 .1.1.1, which is given by Cloudflare's Lennycast network, which is so expansive, one of the fastest in the world.
Then we have here a small map where we see these trends towards the official sites of the Olympic Games per country.
We see there that, well, obviously the host country is one of those with the highest number of inquiries.
And we see here a list, right? 24% of the traffic originating from France, followed closely by the United Kingdom and the United States.
Then we see Brazil, Germany, Russia, Australia, Japan, India, Spain, Ireland, Canada, South Africa, the Netherlands and Italy.
We see this table presented by Joao and Jorge, where we see that France, being the host country, has great interest in the event.
Then they present us with an analysis where they tell us about the days in which there has been more interest, specifically in these sites.
And well, this obviously links to the youth Olympic Games that took place previously in South Korea.
And we also see here some other events where more interest was generated, when the opening ceremony was indicated.
And they also mention there that in the case of the United States there is the sale of tickets to be able to watch the event on IMAX screens, for example.
We also have other traffic peaks that we can see here.
On April 10, where the United Kingdom and the United States are mainly observed, which are the ones that held press conferences related to the Olympic Games.
And obviously this generates interest, right?
They also mention that in this case, the Olympic Games in this edition will be the first time that metal prizes will be given to the winners.
So that was something that generated a lot of interest on those dates.
Then they tell us that also in France, what is most observed is the interest in obtaining tickets to be present at the live events.
And we see here that there was an increase in DNS traffic of almost 400%, where these corresponding peaks are observed in the graph.
When there was the surprise sale of tickets and also when the sale of tickets for athletic events began, in this case.
We also see here other periods where there was increase in traffic.
It is when the route of the passage of the Olympic torch is presented throughout France.
So we see here these peaks that our colleagues are indicating.
We have the sale of tickets, then we have the last ticket sale event for tickets and the announcements of the route of the Olympic torch.
Something that our colleagues also tell us is the increase in e-mail that has something to do with the Olympic Games or Paris 2024.
As mentioned here, obviously all these types of significant events generate that the malicious actors that issue phishing or unwanted mail use these trends to try to increase the number of people who click on their links that they send us through e -mail.
So we see here a bit of the trend of this part, of those who have included an e-mail chain to the Olympic Games or to Paris 2024.
Joao and Jorge tell us that in this case there was almost a 700% increase compared to previous weeks.
In the last few days of July, there has been a 694% increase in this type of message.
Of them, 1.5% has been spam related to these Olympic Games or Paris 2024, while the malicious mail has been 0.2%.
So out of 1,000 e-mails, 15 of them would be spam and 2 of them would be malicious.
They also show us a graph where it is seen that in the week of May 6, there was an increase in these malicious emails using this theme of the Olympics.
Then it normalizes a bit and then we see a peak in the first weeks of July, where again this type of messages tend to be used.
Then we see the rates in terms of spam, as seen in the Cloudflare e -mail security solution.
Where the week of June 24 is where you see the highest number of spam emails, with an increase of up to 7% of all emails.
Since the opening ceremony is approaching, they tell us that this volume of emails will continue to increase.
They also promise us here that there will be an update of these reports, which we can continue to review on the Cloudflare blog at
And well, obviously the excitement that the Olympic Games begin today.
And they obviously tell us that this interest, although it is global, is obviously exacerbated in the host country in this case.
They also tell us a little about the history of the Olympic Games, for higher, stronger and with more community.
Indicating that this part of the community was updated in the slogan of the Olympic Games in 2021.
And well, let's hope that this sporting event serves as always to unite the nations.
We also have another blog from our colleague David, who tells us a little about the summary of interruptions on the Internet, as observed in the second quarter of 2024.
So, well, David tells us, as perhaps many already know, the expansive Cloudflare network, which expands through 320 cities in 120 countries around the world, with interconnection with more than 13,000 other network providers.
It allows us to have a visibility and a special perspective on how the Internet behaves.
David links us to Cloudflare Radar, where everyone can even do this type of analysis individually.
But he tells us about some Internet interruptions that were related to national exams in some countries in the Middle East and Africa.
Obviously, other incidents, such as physical disruptions in Internet connectivity, both in submarine cables, which can affect certain regions.
Also, maintenance, power cuts and others that have an impact.
So, well, we first see some interruptions that were imposed by government issues in certain countries.
He links us to a specific blog about these Internet shutdowns during exam periods and how this affects traffic.
And we see here some graphs of trends on these interruptions.
He talks specifically about some days in June and July, where these effects were seen, where we see the drops in trends during the different periods of time for different networks.
He also points out other regions, such as Kurdistan, where cuts were also seen in specific periods of days in June and early July.
He presents some graphs in a similar way about these reductions in the amount of traffic, as we can see in these graphs.
Then we continue with similar issues of possible cuts during some protests in regions of Africa, in this particular case in the country of Kenya, due to some promulgation of a specific law on finances.
So here we have a report of when these protests occurred.
It was initially believed that there should be problems in some submarine cable.
And we see here how this trend occurred. The part marked in a darker tone is where an interruption is noticed.
And here David is sharing some messages from the operators, where they indicate the impact of these cuts in the submarine cables for the region and how this can affect.
He also tells us that a similar issue was observed in other African countries, such as Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania, where this was again caused by losses in electricity supply.
And we see in this case the graphs for each of the countries.
For example, there we have the impact that is observed in Burundi.
Something similar with a decrease in traffic in Uganda.
Something very similar in the Rwanda region, where we also see these drops in traffic.
And obviously the subsequent recovery. In Tanzania we also have this graph where we see a significant drop in Internet traffic.
We also see here information relevant to the exchange points on the Internet in Uganda.
Where several participants in this region indicate that a disconnection was ordered by the Kenyan government.
And then also other cable cuts that we can see, such as the one that occurred in Haiti on April 27.
Unfortunately, here we see a complete loss of connectivity for this provider.
And well, here we see the operator's statement where the specific impact of this interruption is detailed, which caused damage to the optical fiber.
And here we see a little bit of the global decline that this represented for the country of Haiti.
Then we have some other cuts that were observed in regions of Africa, due to problems in submarine cables in the region.
Here we have graphs for different countries, such as Malawi, Mozambique and Rwanda, where we can see this effect.
Also trends in Tanzania and Uganda.
David also tells us about a cut in an optical fiber that served Chad and Cameroon.
And here we see the impact on Internet connectivity, where we see that it basically drops to almost zero, the connectivity in this case.
And well, multiple other cuts that we can see in this blog.
This is available on
We are about to finish this segment, so we will not have the opportunity to complete the review of this entire David Belson blog.
But I invite you, as always, to review the Cloudflare blog and tune in again in this program in a couple of weeks.
These weeks in Spanish. I am your friend Alex Mayor -Gadame and I say goodbye to you, wishing you an excellent rest of the day.
And well, obviously, enjoy the start of these Olympic Games.
See you later.