Cloudflare TV

Cooking with Cloudflare

Presented by: Chaat Butsunturn, Ian Seyer
Originally aired on January 24, 2023 @ 12:00 AM - 1:30 AM EST

The Internet has never been this tasty! Join us for adventures combining cooking with discussions of the tech that makes the web tick.


Transcript (Beta)

And we're live. Hi everyone, this is Chaat. I'm your host of Cooking with Cloudflare and today's guest, Ian Seyer.

How are you doing, Ian? Doing great, excited to cook.

Yes, I'm very excited. So Ian is in our Austin office. I'm in San Francisco, but we're both working remotely, right?

So I'm in the home office in the home kitchen in Oakland, California.

Ian, based in Austin, is working from, where are we?

Houston. Houston, okay, good, great. Well, I'm very excited to cook with you because for those people who don't know, Cloudflare has a number of, you know, interest chat rooms, if you will.

And one of them is CookFlare. People post about all things food.

And Ian's posts in particular caught my attention long ago.

And I said, I gotta have this guy on because his food photos are delicious.

And I was like, I just gotta ask this guy. So I appreciate your joining me today.

But what's your role at Cloudflare? What do you do? Yeah, so my title is a DevTools System Engineer.

So the way I describe it to people is that we're responsible for providing all the plumbing in between an individual developer's laptop and a live production system.

So our customer is the engineers of Cloudflare.

So we manage all the Git stuff, all the build pipelines, artifacts, storage, and some of the production tooling too.

Deployment tooling. Right, and then in terms of the food thing, how did you get into food?

I got into- Eating, right?

Yeah, so eating was definitely step one, but I got into food because my family was not a food family.

My mom and my dad, we were a family of five kids, so seven people total.

So neither of them had time to cook serious meals all the time. So I kinda grew up on just like fast food, microwave meals.

And then as I got older, started living on my own, I was like, wait a minute, I wanna figure out how to actually cook good food.

There is good food in the world. Oh yeah. So it's kind of taken over, and especially during COVID.

Oh my gosh, yeah. We've been cooking a lot since COVID, which also of course means doing lots of dishes.

Yeah, I do not have a dishwasher, so.

All right, okay. So what are we cooking today? We got like an hour.

Yeah, so today I'm gonna be cooking the pasta dish that basically taught me how to cook pasta.

And the noodles I got, but I didn't really understand sauces and the mechanics of the sauce.

So this is a dish called Cacio e Pepe.

And I originally had it at a restaurant in Manhattan called Cacio e Pepe.

And so it's an extremely simple pasta dish where cheese is the focus. Cheese and pepper is what it stands for, Cacio e Pepe, or what it translates into.

So at this restaurant, I went and sat down, didn't know what to expect.

It's their signature dish, so I ordered it.

And they brought out an entire Pecorino Romano, this guy here, Pecorino Romano cheese wheel.

It had a little carved out divot in it.

And they tossed the hot pasta into it and started spinning it and scraping the walls of the cheese wheel into the pasta and incorporating it.

And I was floored.

I was like, I gotta make this. This is incredible. Unfortunately, a wheel of Pecorino is above my pay grade, so to say.

But we can buy it in small chunks.

Might as well. There you go. Well, that sounds great. I love that story, right?

Yeah. Okay. And then I remember I mentioned to you, like, cause I'm, as it happens, what's nice about this show is I cook for the family.

So I was hoping to have a protein and a vegetable and I appreciate your, you had some ideas.

So what are we, what protein are we adding?

And also what do we got for veggies today? Yeah.

So for the protein, we're gonna add in pancetta, which is basically the same thing as bacon.

So you take a pork belly and you cure it with thyme and pepper and garlic and all these other herbs.

And that's kind of the same process you would do with bacon, but then with bacon, you smoke it.

So this is basically unsmoked bacon.

So it's a little bit more delicate. And what they do is they take the pork belly and they roll it up really tightly.

And so over, once you cure it for, you know, a week to three weeks, however long, the fat forms like one object.

So when you cut it, it's a lot fattier and you crisp it up and it's really, really flavorful.


Let me see that cut up pancetta you got there. That looks delicious. This here, you can see just these huge streaks of fat that go really nicely.

My deli cut it a little thinner than I was expecting, but by a lot actually.

Typically you want it a little chunky, but it'll all be fine.

Yeah, he's probably making sandwiches, right?

Now I got pre-cut stuff you can see there. And, but yeah, I love going to the deli, you know, I mean, just getting it straight off of the, just a fresh cut, right?

Gotta love it. And then for the vegetables. Yeah, so we're going to do, you know, I was thinking like we're having a cheesy dish.

It's pretty creamy, despite there being no cream, just a cool aspect of it.

But it's going to be very creamy and cheesy with a little bit of nutty flavorness from the pecorino because it's a sheep's milk.

And so for the veggies, I wanted to brighten things up a little bit. And so we're going with a tricolore.

So we've got arugula, endive, and radicchio, which are all very bitter.

The colors of Italy. Yeah, yeah. And then we're going to dress them in like a lemon vinaigrette.

So it'll be a very bright and colorful salad. And I figured that would pair nicely to give it some contrast.

I am excited. This is great.

So I guess now's the time where we pop open a glass of wine and then we can get started, right?

So I'm going to- Sounds good to me. Now, while I like a wine glass, when I'm cooking, I use one of these so I don't knock it over, right?

That's a really good idea, actually. It's like one of those things you do once and then you're like, ah, okay, I'm going to use one of these.

I'm going to do the same.

Because I am clumsy, right? Okay, it looks like I'm drinking a Cabernet.

So what are you doing? I'm drinking a French wine. Does not say the grape, so it might be a field blend.

Okay, well, here's to the meal. Yeah, here's to the meal.

Okay, so where do we start?

All right, let me put this bottle in a safe location. Yep.

So the first place we're going to start with is with our greens. So if you can grab some sort of large bowl, put the salad into.

I'll be right back with my bowl.

Yep. You like to use a wood bowl or a ceramic bowl?

What do you think? I'd go with wood. Yeah.

It just looks more like a salad bowl. Right, this is a salad bowl. I use this one to make a Caesar because I can use it to like mix things against the bottom, you know, like my anchovy and my garlic and olive oil in there, you know?


So the first thing we're going to do is once you've got your salad bowl in place, you're just going to have to know proportionally how many people you're cooking for, but basically take a couple of handfuls of arugula and go ahead and toss it in there.

Okay, so. It's primarily arugula. And then the endive and radicchio kind of top it.

So I would say probably 60% of arugula. Yeah, go for it.

Is that okay? Or do I have to do it in batches? Can I just throw it all in there right now?

No, we're not going to be doing much with the salad besides just dressing it.

So you're fine. You can fill it to the brim. So this looks like it's about three good solid handfuls, which will probably be good for a party of four.

I'm cooking for four. I'm actually cooking for three, but might have leftovers, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That should be fine. And then what we're going to do is take our endive and start peeling the leaves off.

Okay, go ahead and just peel them all the way down to their core.

Can you just throw them in or do I have to arrange it in a certain? I would put them off to the side for now.

We can go ahead and split them up so they're a little bit smaller.

Eric, can you show me like what you're- Yeah, yeah. So I'm going to take this and I'm just for now, just putting them in a pile to the side of the bowl.

Oh, okay. Oh yeah, let me, here, let me adjust my camera angle. This might be a little better.

Okay, yeah, great. Out of the way. So I'm just taking them and placing them to the side right now.

And you'll get down to where they get pretty tough.

They have this little core in them.

Yeah. And when they start getting real small and tough, I would go ahead and stop.

So maybe around here, unless you want to be really, really frugal with your endives, I would stop about there.

All right. Now I'm going to go ahead and peel this second one.

Okay, I will do the same. Now I'm arranging it like this for no particular reason.

It looks nice, but you're about to tear them all in half or so.

So don't get too attached to that design.

It's going to be easier if I just do that all at one time. So I'm just going to move them all.

So let's just move them all here. This is great.

Yeah. Endives, I like endives. Sometimes I've seen endive dishes where it's like a little boat and they put stuff in it.

I'm kind of new to endives, to be honest, but my buddy showed me this salad and I was blown away by it.

So this is my attempt at recreating it by myself.

So wish us luck. All right. All right. We'll try it.

Cool. All right. So you said just cut them in half now or tear them in half?

You can tear them. You can cut them. It's up to you, but you want them to be, you know, get to be about this size, about the same size as the arugula individually.

I guess I'm going to cut it then so I make it all even.

And I know that some people don't like to use the roots.

So you're free not to. I like them. I don't mind it. All right.

So now that I've got this, just throw it in there? Oh, throw it in there? Yep.

Just toss it in. All right. Boom. Boom. Great. Now we're going to move on to the radicchio.

Radicchio. Okay. It's radicchio, not radicchio? You know, I don't know.

I am not Italian. I'm German. So I don't know. So I say radicchio because it feels right in my mouth.

So. Yeah, I had, I was at this, went to this camp out one year.

My friend, Adam Zola, who I actually had as a guest and he made, he taught me how to make a Caesar, but he also made on the show latkes.

We had a show all on latkes.

Right for Hanukkah, right? And he made this great, he called it a hand salad.

And it was radicchio and big croutons. Like, you know, you just think, and we're all camping.

So we just used our hands to eat the whole thing. It's great.

Yeah. Hand salad. I like that. So what am I doing? So this one, you're going to treat like a cabbage.

So we're going to slice it this way into like quarter inch strips, if that makes sense.

So the core or the root is here. Okay. You're going to turn it this way and slice down.

So I start all the way down from the top?

All the way through, yeah. And about how thin are the slices? You mind panning down again so I can see your reaction?

Oh yeah, yeah. Let me pan down. I'm going about a quarter inch little strips.

Let's see here. Okay, I got it. There you go. Yeah, something around here.

Yep, all right. Great. Wow, look at that color.

Gosh. Right? Very cool. And then once you get to the base, you can kind of splay it out and just start tearing these chunks off near the bottom.

Once you get really close, so you don't have to worry about cutting your fingers.

Right, okay. All right, I like that. All right, cool. So now you can kind of, you can take the pile of radicchio and maybe cut it in half.

Like take the whole pile and just kind of roughly chop it.

This will separate the pieces. You can separate them since they are rings.

So now we can pull them apart and they'll be all separated and good.

Makes more sense. And if you have to kind of crumble and small this, it's okay if they're like ribbony like this?

They can be ribbony like that. It'll be fine.

All right. It'll all get eaten. All right, yeah. So I'm, and then you just take all that and toss it in your salad bowl.

All right. And then go ahead and you can use salad tongs if you'd like, but I'm just going to use my hands.

I will do the same. I like using my hands. Me too. Me too. And just toss it.

Is that right? Yep, just tossing it. Yeah. All right. So you should end up with something.

I wonder if I should maybe put some aside. So if we're going to dress it, I'll dress it later so it doesn't get, you know, overdressed and sit in it.

What do you think?

So the dressing will be the very, very last thing we do. Okay. We'll make the pasta before we even dress it.

Got it. Perfect. Yeah, because dressing prematurely can ruin a salad.

It wilts all the greens and whatnot. So we'll hold off on that.

All right. All right. Okay. So we've got the green beds now. So we're going to move on to making the dressing.

Again, this is a lemon vinaigrette. Okay. So go ahead and get your lemon in olive oil.

We're not going to be cooking in this olive oil.

If you have a nice olive oil, this is a good opportunity to use it. Right.

So I don't know if you've ever seen my show, but this is one of my favorite features of the kitchen.

This is my olive oil. Oh my goodness. That's incredible. Isn't that crazy?

I love that. I've got one of these big old ketchup bottles. Oh, nice.

Nice. I do have a cooking olive oil that I use too, but I'll use the good stuff.

And then for lemons, I think I showed you this earlier. It is, we have a lemon tree out front and it is going off.

So I'm just going to grab one of these lemons.

This one looks pretty good. Ooh. Yeah. I'm jealous of that. So I just went the lazy route and got some 100% lemon juice.

Oh, that's good. How much are we eating?

So again, I can kind of give you a ratio, but you're cooking for more than I am.

So the ratio is about, I would say maybe three parts lemon juice to four parts olive oil.

So depending on how much dressing you like on your salad, if you like it totally coated or just a little drizzle.

Well, why don't you tell me what else is in the dressing?

Because what I might do is I'd make a batch of the dressing and put it someplace where I can keep it for later.

And then I'll just dress, use what as much as I need.

You know what I mean? Yeah, that sounds great. Yeah.

So it's going to be three parts lemon to four parts olive oil. Okay. And then we're going to macerate a garlic clove.

Got it. And macerate some shallot as well.

And then put in some mustard and optionally anchovy paste. It's not going to make it taste fishy.

It'll just make it nice and savory. Fantastic. Okay. Be right back.

I'm just going to get something here. So I'm going to make some and I'm going to put it in this thing here.

So I can just dress my stuff.

That's perfect. I'm using a little cocktail shaker. Cocktail shaker. Oh, okay.

I'm just going to, Oh, okay. A shaker. I got it. Yeah. Cause you're going to need to mix it fairly vigorously to get that emulsion.

Right. Okay. So what I'll probably do is I'll use, I'll use this.

I keep like some old jars that I can fill them up and shake them around.

So. Perfect. All right. So I just need to do the, you want me to like put olive oil and yeah.

What should we start putting it in together?

Is that what you're doing? So not quite yet. The olive oil will go in last because that's what's going to start emulsifying.

So that's, we'll put in a little bit of olive oil, shake it a little bit more, shake it a little bit more, shake it.

A lot of people use vinegar in place of lemon. So that's a totally fine move.

So the first thing I'm going to do is grab our garlic clove. Oh, that's the first thing, huh?

Okay. Let's see here. Order is not super critical here, but that's the first thing I'm going to do.

I do. So, and only one clove, right? Yep. Only one clove.

I'm guessing garlic roots, I don't know why. Small and remember, okay, here we go.

Let's take that nubby end off first and then I'll peel this. Yep.

So you've got your clove and then you're going to chop it as finely as you can.

Huh. What do you think about you? I have a tool. I really like to use, let me show you this.

What do you think about using something like this? That's great. Yeah.

As long as it'll get it really, really, really, really finely chopped. Do whatever's handy.

I did consider using my microplane, but I'm just going to use that.

Right. Okay. I'm just going to do this because it's fast. I go without this. Man.

So one thing is like, sometimes when I'm doing this, the garlic gets stuck in here.


Garlic likes to stick. That's for sure. Yeah. A lot of oil, but it's well worth it.

Okay. This is pretty good. Here we go. All right.

That's pretty fine. I think I'm going to do more than that. Great. Yeah. So then we're going to slide that off to the side.

Okay. I'm going to grab a bench scraper real quick.

That's totally optional. What? What? I'm just going to grab a bench scraper so I can easily move around all these.

Oh, okay. I like the one now.

Okay. Ah. Totally optional. Nice technique. Yeah. And then, so the next move is we're going to do the same thing with the shallot.

Okay. So shallots. Here's the thing with shallots.

This is a pretty big one, right? And there are two halves to it.

Are we using all? Do I use half of it? What do you recommend? How much do you like shallots?

I like them. I like them a lot. Then I would say, so for two people, I'm going to use one big bulb of it like this.

So if you're making four, I would say maybe go with the whole thing.

Right. Okay. I'll see how this works then. So dice this thing too, right?

Yeah. You're going to macerate it. So you want to chop it as finely as you possibly can.

Got it. Okay. And I'll show you what I mean.

We're going to combine the shallot and the garlic, and then we'll do some magic on them to really pulverize them.

Okay. Interesting.


Take this. Just dice it as finely as I can, right?

What technique is that?

Is that, you do it? Yeah, so I start cutting vertical lines from the top. And then what I'll do, one second, get a fine cut to make.

And then what I'll do is I'll come in from the side like this.

It's all little layers.

Look at you. Wow. That sharp knife is for that, huh? Yeah, it definitely helps.

Sharp knives are, those are like the best tools every kitchen needs, is a good sharp knife.

Yep. Number one tool is the chef's knife. So then once I do that, if I cut those vertical lines and then I cut it this way, so that way at the end, I can just go along, cut like this.

Wow. You're making it really fine. Okay. I like that.

I'm gonna have to use that next time. Yeah. I'm only using half of this shallot because it's a rather large one.

Yeah. I'm out of shallot already.

Okay. So then go through any long strands that maybe didn't get cut.

You wanna go ahead and take those out?

I mean, it's not critical, but you don't want too many of them.

So once you've got those nice and cut, this is where the maceration begins.

So all that.

This is a, I've got a good, I'd say quarter cup of shallot here, maybe more.

I think that's gonna be great.

I just ended up with a misshapen shallot. It had one really large bulb and one small.

And so I went with the- I have about one teaspoon of garlic and probably about four, five, six tablespoons of shallot.

That's gonna turn out great.

Okay. The garlic is just meant to be a little hint. The shallot is what we're gonna really bring out the flavor with the lemon, that acid's gonna help cook all this stuff.

So cook the greens down a little bit, you know, like a ceviche.

So then what you're gonna do is grab some salt. Salt, okay. I love the topic of salt.

All right. You what? I love salt and there's so many salts. What salt do you like to use?

I've got a fine sea salt and then I also have some Jacobson flaky salt.

And then I've got, you know, I've got some nice like cherry wood smoked salts.

I love a good amount of salt too, so. All right. So I'm gonna be using just a standard kosher salt for cooking, so.

That'll be fine. That'll be great. So what we're gonna do here is we're gonna take a big healthy three-finger pinch of salt, maybe a teaspoon or so, and sprinkle it onto our garlic and shallots.

So go ahead and bring those, that garlic into your shallot mix as well.

Oh, okay. Okay. Oh, this is interesting.

Okay. So yeah, so that salt's gonna start drawing moisture, wicking it out of the shallots, which they'll then use to pulverize everything together.

And that's the maceration part. Nice. Okay. So then once you've got the salt in there, go ahead and you'll see, and I'll do it with my knife, but you're kind of gonna drag, you're gonna tilt your knife at an angle and smush it down and drag and push down with quite a lot of force.

The goal is to really smush this down.

And the salt crystals, in addition to drawing out that moisture, they actually mechanically pulverize the shallots as well.

So you're bringing out the depths of those flavors in the shallot.


Okay. So I'm just basically smushing this.

Yep, basically it's a little smush and drag action.

Smush and drag. So the drag seems to be part of the key here. All right. Look at that.

I don't know about you, but I'm starting to cry. Yeah, it's making me tears of joy.


You see, do you have a lot of moisture coming out? I do, yeah. That's perfect.

Perfect, perfect, perfect. So we'll just do this until it's, you know, a lot of the moisture's out and it kind of sticks together in form of the paste.

You can see how it kind of all behaves as one here.

And that's going to be really nice in our- Hey, you mind giving me like a little zoom action with your, be able to give me an aerial shot, see what it looks like.

This is it right here. Is that in focus?

Yeah, no, that's good enough. All right. So yeah, and the moisture, you know, we're not concerned about that.

It just, we don't have to capture it or anything like that, right?

You're going to have some lost, but most of it's still in the shallot and in this clump.

So don't worry about it. Okay. Okay. You getting happy with yours?

Yeah, I think so. Awesome. I'm pretty happy with mine too. So go ahead and transfer that into your dressing mixing jar.

It's in there.

Just put some jar in there.


Oh, the next step, once you've got it in your jar here, is to grab your mustard.


And I'm going to add about a tablespoon to mine. So you may want to double that.



Some dollops in there. That's good. Also going to add, actually we'll add the pepper at the end.

So I'm going to grab that anchovy paste now. Ah, anchovy paste. There it is, your favorite.

Now here, it's really up to you how much you like. I'm probably going to add about a, maybe two teaspoons.


And this really just gives it that savory kind of umami layer to it. So we've got the shallots, the garlic, which are macerated together with some salt.

We've got mustard, anchovy paste. And those are kind of the solid parts of our dressing.

Okay. And then we'll move on to adding the lemon juice. So remember, it's about three parts lemon to four parts olive oil ratio.

So however you have to measure, I use a cocktail shaker because it gives me the measurements right on the side.

Ah, I guess I'm going to use a measuring cup here. Just to get a sense for how much I'm using.

I cheated.

Having this is such a cheat, but I'm jealous of your lemon tree. I wish I had some fruit trees.

Ha ha, thanks. Yeah, we also have a fig tree. Oh, very nice.

Yeah, it's spring in California. So like things are going off right now. No figs yet.

It's just early buds, but we've got, so the lemon tree probably produces twice a year.

And so we're, we're, we're, we're harvesting right now, which is great.

All right, so this is about a, not quite a half cup of olive oil. This is about, I have about a third cup of olive oil.

I mean, of lemon juice. Should I do more?

Yeah, I think you may want to bring that up to around half a cup. Got it, all right.

Given my volume that I'm working with, right? So appreciate you guys keeping that in mind there.

All right.

All right, there we go, about a half cup.

Three lemons. Great. All right. So go ahead and we'll add that mixture here.

Let me measure mine out, but add it to your garlic and your shallot.

All right.

Okay. Might need a bigger, a bigger shaker when I get to the olive oil. So I just go ahead in here and just shake it up?

Yeah, we can go ahead and do a little pre-shake, get everything all familiar, get everybody, get to know each other.

A little lemon, a little mustard.

Mm-hmm. So then what we'll do is, so you added half a cup of lemon.

So you're probably going to start adding our olive oil. So you'll do, you know, maybe three quarter cup olive oil.

Three quarter cup of olive oil, okay.

Well, I'm definitely gonna need a bigger shaker. So I'm gonna do, I'm gonna, where did that go?


Hey, back, back up.

Yeah, so if anybody's interested, this is my absolute favorite olive oil right here.

It's the Omez Pickle Oil. It's super peppery. Really, really, I was kind of in a, I was in a pinch at a butcher shop and I had to buy some olive oil.

And the only time I had, it was like a $10 bottle. And I was like, oh man, I gotta get this.

I'm about to head and cook something. And I got it and it was incredible.

You don't want to cook with it. It's just for, you know, salad dressings and garnishes and things like that.

But I love it. All right, give me one second.

I just, my shaker got commandeered for granola. So now I'm doing a granola transfer to, American Granola Transfer.

You just put it in anything, you can put it in anything.

Well, Chad, in the meantime, do you want to go ahead and maybe fill your pot that we're going to use for the pasta after this?

Oh yeah, I'll do that while that's getting ready.

Okay, how much water should I put in there?

There's no need to measure it, just enough to cover the pasta that you're going to be cooking.

Okay. All right, fill this about halfway.

That's probably good. Get this out of the way. Yep. And then don't forget to salt your pasta water.

Salt it handfully.

And I'll move my camera over to the stove when we start getting going on it.

Agreed, yeah. Okay, salt my pasta water. Should I start the water? Yeah, you might as well.

Right. Actually, no, not quite yet. There's no need. All right, so for this, I'm going to transfer this to a larger jar, right?

Yeah. And then now you want me to add the olive oil into here, right?

About three-quarter cup, you said?

Yep, that's what I would recommend for you. And then you want to add it very slowly when you're combining it with everything else.

So add it a portion at a time and de-mixing it.

That makes sense. Okay, so I've got my olive oil.

You say pour some in there and mix it around. And then pour some more, mix it around.

Look at that, that's clever.

I've never actually used this before, but I saw it as I was getting ready and I was like, you know what?

It actually might work quite well.

Well, I like how you can just add stuff without taking it off every time. Yeah.

Wow, it smells good.

Yep, oh no, my plant foils.

One moment. All right, wow.

It's a lovely kitchen, by the way. What? It's a lovely kitchen. Oh, thank you, yeah.

Yeah, we were able to find a place with a nice kitchen, which was something I really was looking for.

So very happy about that. Yes, made for cooking.

All right, I got all my olive oil in here, so I think this thing's ready. I haven't had a taste of it yet.

Awesome. Yeah, well, so once it's thoroughly mixed and you're happy with where it's at, you can go ahead and give it a taste and we'll leave it to the side and we'll probably have to remix it.

I'm going to throw, because I'm going to throw April here.


Oh yeah, April, save your shirt. You don't want any splashing, you know? Mm. Is that good?

I like it. I might put more anchovy in it. The mustard's a little strong.

I might put a little bit more mustard than I might want.

I might add a little lemon, actually, to cut the mustard.

What would you say? I would say lemon's probably good to cut it with.

Just keep in mind that, you know, this dressing is basically fighting the strong bitterness of the greens.

So the greens might overpower the mustard themselves, but yeah, if you wanted to cut it, I would add some lemon.


I think that's probably good on there. I'll just leave it for now. All right.

So we have 20 minutes left. Can we crank out the pasta in 20 minutes? I think so.

Right. Yeah. So let's go ahead and get the water going now. All right. And then we'll start grating.

Grating. All right. All right. So. So we're going to grate the pasta.

We talked about cheese graters, right? And I have, look at this cheese grater.

This thing's great. And I do have a microplane, but I feel like my microplane is really like a nanoplane.

It's so fine. It takes forever, right? Yeah.

But I might be able to use it with the pecorino because it's softer. Yeah, it's just a tad softer than the Parmesan.

So the ratio that you want here is, for you, you probably want a total of like, you know, four cups of cheese total.

And the ratio I like to do is anywhere between 60% pecorino, 40% Parmesan to 80% pecorino, 20% Parmesan.

The more pecorino, the stronger that nutty flavorness is going to be.

Got it. Okay. Well, I have a feeling I might be using all of this. Okay.

This is, you know, Cacio e Pepe is basically Roman mac and cheese. Maybe that's why I love it so much.

What did I do with that? Here we go. Okay. Like so, huh?

Yeah, that's looking great. No pun intended. It's kind of hard not to. Yeah, right.

But yeah, the real trick here is for the cheese to be grated decently fine.

So that way it can emulsify later on and turn it into that creamy goodness. Okay.

Look at this. So I've got my Parmesan grated. I'm doing it. I started with the pecorino, does it matter?

Nope. They're all going to go in together. All right.

I have about a cup of pecorino right now. So how much Parm will I need for that?

For that, I would do maybe half a cup or 60 to 70% of a cup. Okay, now I'm going to...

So you said Parm is from a cow and pecorino is from a sheep?

That's my understanding. All right. But yeah, it is the sheep's cheese. And so it's got, if you go ahead and break up a little piece, you'll taste it.

There's got a lot more flavor.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So look at these mounds. Check this out, man.

Oh yeah. This is actually faster than I thought. So I've got about 60, 40 right now.

Perfect. But I need more of it, you think? I think if you're going to be feeding four people a lot of pasta, then you'll probably want more.

And I would just say, go along with, do the rest in pecorino.

I believe traditionally there's no Parmesan at all.

So the focus is really the pecorino. This is great. Look at that. Yeah.

I'm going to stop saying it. This is fantastic. Yes, it's awesome. It's good. It's good.

All the synonyms. Spectacular. All right. All right. There you go. I think I'm going to just call it on that cheese.

Yeah. I don't think I'm going to make it all.

The whole thing. So now in that big pan, I think we're ready to start our pancetta.

I got a little bit of ways to go on this cheese, but.

So now I'm going to move over to this part of the kitchen.

People can see some of the action. All right.

So this here is going to be for my pecorino. This is where I have water boiling for, or it's not boiling yet.

You'll go ahead and get that.

You'll go ahead and put your pancetta in the cold pan.

Before the heat is even on, huh? Yep. You want to sweat out all the fat in the pancetta.

Okay. How much pancetta should I use? You got little pre-cut boxes, right? Can I see one of those?

Yeah, I got eight ounces. Okay. If you're cooking for four people, I would say, you know, you can have it heavy and do both of them if you wanted.

Yeah. Actually, that looks pretty good. It's up to you. All right. All right.

And I want to turn the heat on this. Yeah, so go ahead and turn it up to a medium heat and you'll draw out all that fat.

And I would go ahead. So this is a critical part of cacio e pepe.

We've got, we just grated the cacio part. Okay. And now we're going to do pepe part.

So the pepper here, pepper is not a seasoning in this dish.

It's an ingredient. So you really want quite a bit of pepper, more than you would probably think.

Fresh ground pepper? Yeah, absolutely. And you can toss it in with the pancetta.

And as the pancetta cooks, it'll roast the pepper a little bit and it'll get nice and tasty.

Okay. So just go nuts, go nuts on that. Yeah, go until you're like, that's a lot of pepper and then go a little bit more.


I'm going to do that. Let's see. Oh, look at that. One of my lights just went off.

I'm going to have to- Oh no. Oh no.

That's the worst, it's like when you're grilling on a propane grill and it runs out while you're cooking.

That's the worst. Oh yeah. That's some panics that's in.

I think I'm going to need more pancetta actually. I mean, you just can't go wrong.

No, you really can't. No, you can't. So now I'm just going nuts here. I'll show people what I've got going on here.


So I'm just catching up to you. I didn't have the nice pre-cubed stuff. Yeah.

I guess there was an advantage to that. How about that? Yeah. How's your water looking?

Is it getting pretty high? Nah, it's got tiny bubbles, but it's not really full on bubble yet.

I have a feeling this is going to be cutting it close.

I think so too, but you'll be quick. You'll be surprised at how quickly it happens, but we will be cutting it close.

All right. Let's see if I can get this.

Wow, this is sweating.

Put more pepper in it. Wow, that's a lot of pepper.

You get to that point and you add a little bit more. I'm going to go ahead and switch, move my camera over.

Okay. There's that. Everyone can see what's going on.

Let's get this over here.

Yeah, so we've got my pancetta going here.

I'm going to start peppering that. Yeah, so with such a simple dish, the pepper really is a key part of the flavor that you get.

Got it. In that case, I'm going to do even more. Wow, you can really see it in there, huh?

Mm-hmm. Well, it shows up in the Zoom, but yeah.

Oh, I can see it. And when you're heating it up, it gets all toasty. It starts melting with the fat in the pancetta.

Mm-hmm, I can see it sweating. Great.

So. You mentioned something interesting, actually, when we were talking about the menu.

And you said that with the water, we do something with the pasta water? Yeah, so when you're emulsifying something, you need something for the fat to bind to.

And there's a lot of things that that can be.

But in this case, we aren't adding any dairy or anything like that to aid along with the emulsification process.

So instead, when you cook the pasta in the boiling water, it releases a bunch of starch into the water itself.

What we'll do, we'll get the pasta almost to where we like it.

I like mine pretty al dente, but we'll get it almost to where we like it and then transfer it to the pan where the pancetta and the pepper are cooking.

And slowly start mixing in a little bit of pasta water and a little bit of our cheese.

And just keep doing that until we've used up all of our cheese. We're actively stirring it and mixing it, and it'll form a nice creaminess.

If your pancetta is already starting to sweat and it's looking good, you can turn up the heat a little bit just to aid in cooking it.

Looking good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, bubbling.

And the water is just starting to bubble now. Perfect. So yeah, I'd say the pancetta is nicely sweated.

It's got a lot of pepper. It looks like a lot.

And I can smell the pepper cooking actually. Yeah. Yeah. You know, it's cacio and pepper.

It's cheese and pepper. Nice and simple. So the pasta I got, another thing was I recommend getting bronze dye cut pasta.

The bronze is softer than a steel dye.

Maybe you'll be able to see it when I open this guy. But the noodles themselves have quite a bit more texture.

I don't know if you'll be able to make it out, but well, essentially they have quite a bit more texture because that's- What pasta are you using?

So I have a linguine. Yeah, linguine is great.

I'm going with a ziti. So it's kind of like a macaroni noodle. I thought I was gonna be able to get a different kind, but I wasn't.

So that's it.

But it'll be just fine. And you know, this bag here says it is eight to 10 minutes, or what is it?

Eight to 10 minutes for al dente. So given the time, this is probably not gonna see the end of this unless I can do it over, but we'll see.

Yeah. You and I will be fine, of course, but to all those viewers at home, they're gonna be like, oh, I wanna see how this turns out, you know?

So- It's gonna be so good, I promise.

All right. So I still have the heat on the, should I turn the heat down on the, there's a lot of fat now.

Yeah, once you got a lot of fat and the pancetta's starting to brown a little bit, go ahead and lower the heat to like a low.

Okay. You can even turn it off if you're on a gas stove too. Okay, I'll turn it off.

Yeah. Yeah, so we're gonna let that chill. All right, it's rendering a lot of fat.

I should've gotten the water started earlier while we're prepping so that I could just, you know, keep it on a simmer.

I wish I'd thought of that, but- Yeah, I think I gave you some bad advice to not do it.

It's all good, it's all good.

I'm excited to have it. Yeah. Oh, okay. So I just asked our producer if we could have extra time and it looks like it might be possible.

So we should just proceed like we're cooking and then, you know, hopefully we don't get cut off.

Yeah, that sounds great.

That's great. So do you want me, so I've got my water going already at a nice boil.

Do you want me to proceed? And- Yeah, how long does your, how long does your pasta take to cook?

So my pasta does not say, but, oh, it does say nine minutes.

Okay, yeah, go ahead and start it. Mine's starting to, you can see mine's a little, little bit of a, it's not a rolling boil, but they're starting to bubble.

I see it. What I should do, I should cover it, that would help. All right.

So I turn off the heat on that. Now in terms of the amount of pasta that I want, I guess I'll just make, I'll make half because like, you know, it's always, I find it impossible to figure out how much pasta am I cooking, right?

And- Oh yeah, pasta's like rice.

You never know how much you need. Rice I can figure out, because I grew up with the bread of Asia.

Oh, gotcha, yeah, I get it. Yeah, for me, I never know how much rice, and I end up with way, way, way too much.

Well, what's nice about rice is that you can always make fried rice with the leftovers, right?

So I'm going to make this much pasta.

I think this is going to be probably, I don't want to.

So what's this leftover pasta? Is that going to be fine if I make it as leftovers?

Like, should I make it all? If it's leftover, it's not going to be great.

It's like eating, you know, like day-old mac and cheese. It's a little thick and clumsy.

Things are starting to separate. I gotcha, right. I probably didn't need, okay, so my water is good.

I'm going to put my pasta in now. It's boiling.

Okay, here we go. All you viewers at home, you can see, here we go. I wish I had a better angle for everyone.

It's hard to find a good spot to put it that's not endangering my tablet.

I gotcha, yeah. I'm just going to stir this around a little bit.

Okay, so I'm putting it at 555. So I'm guessing it's probably going to be another, maybe five minutes or no, probably at 605.

So, all right. So we're going to take the pasta out when it's done.

Is that right? And then we're going to use, we're going to keep that pasta water.

We're not going to drain the pasta water.

That's correct. So actually what we'll do is the setup I've got here is I've got my pasta going right next to the pancetta and the pepper.

Okay. Which has quite a bit of oil and fat and pepper in it, which is great.

And once my pasta gets like just the smidge before al dente, I'm going to transfer it directly over into this pan.

Right. Because we're going to continue cooking the pasta while we emulsified the cheese into it.

See, okay. So this is the part where I guess we just kind of have a drink of wine.

Now, in terms of the salad, that's just sitting in the wings, right?

And then we, maybe what I'll do is I'll just take my, adding a little bit of a lemon to this.

Oh yeah, that should taste fine.

Nice little stir.

Oh yeah.

I love that. So nice and bright with that lemon. Yeah. Yeah.

Okay. You know, one of the things I miss is with this whole COVID thing is like having people over for dinner or being hosted, you know?

Oh yeah. No, it used to be one of my favorite things was hosting dinner parties.

I would do it almost weekly. Is that right?

Yeah. Really, really love it. You also like going out to eat, I reckon. Like what's your favorite kind of food to go out to for a restaurant?

My favorite place, favorite type of food to go out to is probably Italian, or I'm kind of a sucker for new American too.

Uh-huh, right. You know, like fancy burgers or, yeah, I would say Italian or new American are probably my favorite.

I also, you know, like, I'm a big fan of like hoagies.

So if I can ever find a nice place that can do like a good Italian sandwich, I definitely want to track that down.

One of the things I've always wanted to do is I want to cook with some pork belly, you know?

Or a porchetta, you know, I want to make one of those. That is like, that's my dream.

I'm a big fan of pork, so. Yeah. I've made my own pancetta before with pork belly and it's really easy.

So you just, you just salt it. By the way, just in case we have five seconds left, I want to say thanks to everyone for tuning in.

Hopefully we're not getting cut off.

All right. So I got a note that it said the stream is complete, but we'll continue just in case.

Yeah. Apologies to everyone for the recipe being a little too long.

Oh, it's okay. No, it wasn't about that. You know, it's like, I got the talking up front, you know, cause I always, I love to talk to my guests and everything.

Oh, Jason, our producers say we're still on. So hi everyone.

Thanks for still sticking out. Hello again. Right. While we talk food and eat, just so you can see this, I'll show you how my, look at that, how it's all nicely rendered, that fat over there, right?

This is great. Since we don't know how long we have chat, my pasta is almost done.

Okay. So do you mind if I go ahead and start doing this?

Please do. Yeah, let's see. I'll do color commentary. Angle if I can.

Okay. I know it's not great, but I gotta not catch the iPad on fire.

Yeah. You know what I do is I put my laptop on top of a box of wine. Now that's my portable, portable station.

But I see the pan and I see, Ooh, look at that. It's an electric stove.

It's glowing. It's like disco lights. So I turn the heat back up to that medium heat.

See all this peppery, fatty goodness. And what I'm going to do, I'm going to do now is take a slotted spoon here.

Okay. And then scoop it into this.

So you want to bring in that water. It'll help you from burning the pasta while you transfer it.

Huh. So that water is going to help us a lot. So we bring it over.

And you're just bringing, you're not like pouring water. It's just the water that's coming over with the pasta.

Exactly. And if we need more, we can spoon it over later.

Oh, okay. I'm going to check my pasta and see how done it is here.

Let's take it. So you want it to be just before where you like it. Cause we're going to keep cooking it in the pan.

Okay. But there shouldn't be any crunchiness when you, when you taste the piece.


You said no crunchiness? No crunchiness. All right. I still need a couple minutes.

All right. So now that we've got the pasta going in here with the water and the pancetta, I'm going to take my little, my little big, I'm trying to lift that lid up.

There we go. Yeah. So I got my big plate of cheese and I'm going to add in a little bit and then just stir it in pretty vigorously.

I'm going to do this.

So this is where at that restaurant, you're actually just stirring it within the bowl of the shell of the pecorino wheel.

Right. Exactly. Which is magical.

So nice to see. It looks like I need one of those vertically lit pans like what you have, but you lose a little couple of noodles.

It's not the end of the world.

Right. Just shake it in. You'll notice that the cheese is almost disappearing while we get this active stirring going.

You can see it start to melt, bind all that fat that we released.

Mine is tasting like it's ready to move over.

All right. I'm going to turn the heat back on. Actually, what I'm going to do is I'm going to move this over here.

Switch positions. All right.

This is great. You know, when you have a show at the end of the day, there's not another live program that we're running into.

And so I want to thank our producers for giving us the extra time.

Yeah, much appreciated, guys. And then here I'm noticing, so you're mixing it up and you kind of want to move the pan while you move your whatever device you're using here, back and forth while you're spinning it in circles.

And I noticed that it's getting a little dry. So I'm just going to spoon over just a splash of water.

And then for me, I'm just going to start spooning this thing over here.

Right? Like I have the heat on, on like a medium.

And I'm going to just take this and just spoon it in, right? Bring over that water.

Look at that, everyone. Look at that. And don't be afraid to spoon over just water too to act as a buffer between the pasta and the pan.

I should have used all the pasta water, all the pasta.

So that's what's good. It's like, after I get all this in here, I'm just going to continue boiling the water and I'm going to add another batch of pasta because this looks like it's going to be enough for me.

So check it out.

So you can see how glossy mine is. Oh yeah. Cheesy it's becoming without, you know, it's like a cheese pull when you cut a grilled cheese in half.

And you're just stirring in the wood call with it.

Is that right? The pincetta? Yeah, just go ahead and combine it all in the pan.

All right. Yeah, I think I might be done.

I'm going to grab a fork and give it a taste. Pretty much got all the pasta. So I'm going to get the water boiling again so I can start another batch of that.

Should have made it all new.

All right. So now I'm going to take the cheese and you said just start putting it in a little bit at a time?

Yeah, so you can put it in about maybe a quarter cup of time.

That's fine. Yeah, a handful. And then just move the pan with your hand back and forth while you stir it, you know, counterclockwise or clockwise with your paddle.

You know, don't be afraid to add more water if it's drying up.


Yeah, we're getting a little bit of stickiness at the bottom of the pan. Oh, but it's coming off of this thing here.

So maybe I'll be okay. I'll add a little bit of water.

All right. Look at that.

Add a little bit more cheese and just stir it around. I could see where the pepper just dissipates quickly.

Yeah, you think you've got a lot of pepper. Then you start adding everything else.

Oh man, I'm making a mess. Oh no. So really give that a shake.

Like you see this kind of motion? Like this? Yeah, while you're stirring it.

Yeah, and it gets it, everything gets enveloped in cheese and it melts down.

Should be getting nice and glossy. What does the movement do?

What is the movement? It just, it creates, it's almost like a walk. So it like lifts things up a little bit when you yank it back and helps things, especially pasta, like fold in on itself.

I'm going to go ahead and move this guy off the pan so that it's about as done at this level that I go.

Oh man, you eat up all that cheese.

You might have to grate some more directly in here. Oh yeah, so.

Wow, this looks fantastic. Yeah, how's it going? How's it looking? Looking pretty good.

The lighting's better over here. So I'm going to just have to move this over here.

Look at that. Now I know there's cheese on there, but it's not like overly gummy or anything.

Exactly, yeah. It's surprising how well it incorporates with just the starch from the water and the pancetta fat helps too.

Now it's okay for me to just go direct with some more cheese if I want, right?

Absolutely, you can have it.

You are the king of cheese here. King of cheese, that's right.

I'm also going to get more black pepper. I'm a big fan, especially on black pepper.

All right, so I've got my pasta's done here.

Maybe I can- Are you ready, plating? Show it off.

I had to get it off the pan, so it stopped cooking. Let me see. Oh yeah, that is awesome.

Yeah, see how shiny it is? This is great. I'm going to make a little plate myself.

Let's see. I'm not trying to rush you.

I just, mine was starting to cook down off the water and I didn't want it to burn.

Oh, totally. Yeah, I actually took mine off the heat, but mine's more like, I'm so anxious to try this.

Yeah. You know, I have, wow, look at this.

Oh yeah. So you kind of see some of that cheesiness. Let's see. It's, hmm.

Oh yeah, that looks fantastic. Right? Yeah, see how that cheese just melts into it.

It really does. So I'm going to try this. And then, I probably should probably dress a little bit of salad, so we can just show people the salad.

And here we go.

It's so nice and subtle.

But that nuttiness. It is a nuttiness. And you can totally taste the cheese.

It's interesting because, you know, mac and cheese, it's got so much bloody cheese on it.

But this is much more subtle. And I think maybe it's because of the cheese that we use.

Yeah, I think it's both. I think you're spot on though.

Mac and cheese is just like overloaded with cheese that's, you know, it's typically, unless you're at like a nice mac and cheese place or made it yourself, it's always Velveeta and it doesn't really have much flavor, but this has a very distinct flavor.

Yeah, you know, I actually live around the corner from a mac and cheese place in Oakland.

It's quite popular. You know, we never go because it's just, you know, it's mac and cheese, right?

But the one thing they have going for it, well, they got a number of things going for it.

One, they have many different varieties of mac and cheese, but they also have great beers on tap.

But they're still managing a great takeout business.

So I'm really happy for them, you know?

Yeah, that's funny. Yeah, I live down the street from a mac and cheese place as well.

And I've been there once and I fell asleep immediately afterwards. And I was like, okay.

Exactly. That might be enough mac and cheese for a few weeks. So yeah, if you've got yours plated, the only step that remains is to dress this salad.

And I'm going to grate some Parmesan onto my salad too, but that's all that remains.

Okay, well, let me get my salad out if I can just remember where I put it.

I know, I had to look around for a second too. Okay, so I think what I'm going to do, instead of doing the whole salad, I'm going to make myself a little bowl of salad here.

Oh, nice, yeah. That way, when the whole family's ready to eat, we're good.

So I can just go ahead, shake this up some more and just pour a little on.

Pour a little on, and then you're going to want to, you know, mix it around and make sure everything's nice and coated.

But yeah.

All right. And this will start breaking down the toughness of the endives and the radicchio.

And then I'm just going to. I'm going to crack a little pepper on that actually.

Oh yeah, absolutely. So I'm going to plop down the salad. Go, I'm going to put this on here.

There's a little parm.

All right, look at this. I'm going to. Grab my mandolin here.

Slices of Parmesan.

All right, look at this, guys. Here we go. Now I'm going to have pasta water.

Ooh, look at that. Very nice. Yeah. Cacio e pepe and tricolore.

That's great. Let's see. Looks like we have. Let's see. Our producer's great.

I want to thank Jason Kincaid for his flexibility and allowing us to finish this meal together.

He says we've got, we don't have to rush. As long as people are entertained, you can watch us eat while we talk a little bit more about food.

Meanwhile, I want to let people know that I used. I used, let's see, linguine salad.

16 ounces, one pound of linguine. And originally I used half of it.

And looking at it, I was like, I think this is maybe three people.

So it'd probably be fine. But it looked so good, I had to make the rest of it.

So I think that the whole pack would probably feed four to six people. Maybe eight, depends on how much you eat.

And also if you're having like bread on the side or a big salad, you know.

The salad that I made, I made a large enough salad you see here for probably good four people or so.

Okay, I'm going to try your salad now.

Yeah, it's just the best to do that too. Okay, here we go. Mm, mm.

Cuts through that kind of built up cheese you've got in your mouth from the cacio.

The, I love the, so the endive and arugula are both on the bitter side, right?

But with the lemon brightening it up and also in contrast of that, that heaviness of the, not heaviness, but you know, the depth of the cheese and the pasta, they're really good complements.

Plus the red wine. He does? Uh-uh, still on.

Want to say hi? Hey, this is my son. Hi. Yeah, he's been on too. He was my- Hi there.

Hi. This is Ian, this is Bella. He was my sous chef when I made pork chops. It was a week that I didn't have any guests.

Oh, very nice. I had him as my honorary sous chef.

Yeah. That's great. You need a good sous chef. Try this, try this pasta here.

All right. You know what I think? What do you think? It's kind of like a mac and cheese.

Mm. So a little bit, you can just bite. Mm. What do you think?

I love it. It approved, I love it. And we'd love to hear it. Thank you. He happens to be wearing his clown fur shirt today too.

How about that? So- You're paying him to do that, right?

You got that from take your kid to work day a couple of years ago.

And that was great. And even though he's grown like six inches since then, I feel like.

Yeah. He is, he was able to grow into it. So. That's great. Yeah, this has been really good.

Well, I guess we're good here, right? We're just eating.

Anything else you want to say about, and now that you said it's cacao de pepe.

Cacao, cacao. It's cacio. Cacio. A, just the letter E, pepe. Cacio y pepe. So cacio y pepe, right?

And we also have tricolore, tricolore? Yeah, tricolore. Tricolore.

Which is the three different greens that we have in there. Which is, it's a strange salad.

I hadn't really had one until my friend made it for me, but it just kind of struck me.

I'm a big fan of anchovy as the salt profile, because like you said, it adds that umami flavor to it.

It gives it a depth. It's really good. And I wouldn't have thought of anchovy, and I always thought of it as Caesar, but it's great in other dressings.

And I could see, oh, there's my pasta water. I think it's great how the, when you use an anchovy paste, because in my Caesar dressing, I actually use anchovy fillets and then crush them myself, right?

The challenge with that is if you use a paste, you kind of skip that.

Let me see how this is. Let me see how this goes here.

A little bit longer.

What I'm gonna do is I'll just go ahead and add it to that, turn the heat back on.

Once that's good, I'm gonna add another couple of minutes and then that'll be good to go.

Okay, well, I don't want to bore anyone else on our just like time filler.

We have until 6.30, but let me just tell the producer, we're gonna wrap it up here.

And then hold on a second here. We're good, Jason. Well, yeah, thanks so much for inviting me to be on this.

This is really cool to get to share, you know, dishes that I've been working on over the pandemic and apologies that it went over, but.

I also want to, I want to take a screenshot of us and our food and post it to the cook flare.

Yeah. So hold on, here's our food. Here, let me get a better.

I'm gonna get down here so I can get my screenshot. Hopefully people find this entertaining.

Let's see here. Ooh, nice kitchen shot.

Oh, he's taking off the apron. Oh, it's time to eat now. All right, well, apron also does double duty as a napkin sometimes.

That's very true.

Let's see if I can't angle this down. Get me in the frame. But let me see, I'm almost there.

Jason, I'm just gonna take this picture and then we're.

There it is. All right, here we go, ready?

One, two, three. Well, this is Chad, a host of Cooking with Cloudflare.

Ian Sire has been my guest. Thank you so much for joining.

Ian, you can hang on here and I'll tell Jason you can cut away whenever you're ready, Jason.

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We were able to leverage Cloudflare to save about $250,000 within about a day.

The cost savings across the board is measurable, it's dramatic, and it's something that actually dwarfs the yearly cost of our service with Cloudflare.

It's really amazing to partner with a vendor who's not just providing a great enterprise service, but also helping to move forward the security on the Internet.

One of the things we didn't expect to happen is that the majority of traffic coming into our infrastructure would get faster response times, which is incredible.

Like, Zendesk just got 50% faster for all of these customers around the world because we migrated to Cloudflare.

We chose Cloudflare over other existing technology vendors so we could provide a single standard for our global footprint, ensuring world-class capabilities in bot management and web application firewall to protect our large public-facing digital presence.

We ended up building our own fleet of HAProxy servers such that we could easily lose one and then it wouldn't have a massive effect.

But it was very hard to manage because we kept adding more and more machines as we grew.

With Cloudflare, we were able to just scrap all of that because Cloudflare now sits in front and does all the work for us.

Cloudflare helped us to improve the customer satisfaction.

It removed the friction with our customer engagement. It's very low maintenance and very cost-effective and very easy to deploy and it improves the customer experiences big time.

Cloudflare is amazing. Cloudflare is such a relief. Cloudflare is very easy to use.

It's fast. Cloudflare really plays the first level of defense for us.

Cloudflare has given us peace of mind. They've got our backs. Cloudflare has been fantastic.

I would definitely recommend Cloudflare. Cloudflare is providing an incredible service to the world right now.

Cloudflare has helped save lives through Project Fairshot.

We will forever be grateful for your participation in getting the vaccine to those who need it most in an elegant, efficient, and ethical manner.

Thank you. This video will walk you through how to export access logs to a third-party SIEM and security intelligence platform using LogPush.

For this demo, we'll use an active Cloudflare domain with access enabled and a pre-configured Google Cloud Storage account.

To learn more about how to configure Cloudflare access, please visit the developer documentation at backslash access.

The first step to exporting your Cloudflare access logs is to log into Cloudflare and choose an active domain that has Cloudflare access enabled.

After logging in, navigate to the analytics app in the Cloudflare dashboard.

Then click the logs tab.

Here, you can set jobs to push your logs outside of Cloudflare's platform.

Cloudflare supports different destinations such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Sumo Logic, and Microsoft Azure.

For this demo, we'll use Google Cloud Storage.

After choosing your preferred service, which in this case is Google Cloud, click next to configure the bucket path.

The first step is to name the bucket.

This name should be consistent with the bucket name in Google Cloud. The next step is to define a subfolder for Cloudflare to push your logs.

You have the option to set daily subfolders, so let's choose yes.

Cloudflare pushes the logs to dated subfolders, so it's very important to set the bucket permission to allow Cloudflare to push logs.

Now that the bucket path is defined, you need to set the route.

Copy the IAM user listed here. Now you need to head to Google Cloud Storage to add that user.

Navigate to Google Cloud Storage, click add members, and paste the user from Cloudflare into the new member field.

Select the storage object admin role, which gives full control of Google Cloud storage objects.

Click save to complete.

Now we need to head back to the log push configuration in the Cloudflare dashboard and validate the access.

Click validate access. When clicked, Cloudflare sends a test file to your destination to validate the access and prove ownership.

Now let's go back to Google Cloud.

Click objects. Here you see a new folder created with today's date.

Click the folder, and you should see the test file from Cloudflare.

Click the file, then the link URL, and copy paste the ownership token into the log push configuration within the Cloudflare dashboard.

Then click prove ownership.

Now that the ownership has been validated, you need to choose a dataset.

I'm going to select the HTTP requests. You'll see a list of fields to add to the logs, including cache, performance metrics, firewall, et cetera.

For now, I'll choose the default selection. If you click advanced settings, you'll see that you can set the timestamp format or choose to only send a random sample percentage of your logs to decrease the log value.

Let's stick with the defaults and click save and start pushing to complete the log push configuration.

Now that the log push configuration is complete, I need to use the log push API to import the data fields from Cloudflare to the Google Cloud Platform.

For this, we'll use Plus9, an API client that eases the work of doing API manipulation.

The first step is to get the ID of the job I've just created.

To do this, run the following API request.

After sending the request to the API, you'll see the job ID.

The second step is to update that job with the job ID from the previous API request.

Take the job ID, add it to the end of the following API request, and change the request to a put.

After clicking send, the same log push fields that you configured in the Cloudflare dashboard will be added to the Google Cloud Platform with the request headers at the end.

After sending the request, confirm that there are no errors, the job has been updated with the same ID, and the fields list is available, including the request headers.

Now that the job has been updated, let's check the bucket for the logs.

You should see the authenticated user aligned with the request.

After reviewing, you'll see that for all of the requests, there are specific fields and request headers with the cf-access -users, which gives a list of authenticated users that have been granted access to the applications.

This concludes the video walkthrough on how to export access logs to a third-party SIEM and security intelligence platform using log push.

If you have any questions or want to use access to secure other applications or resources, visit backslash access.

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Cooking with Cloudflare
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