Cloudflare TV

Cooking with Cloudflare

Presented by: Chaat Butsunturn, Fallon Blossom
Originally aired on December 5, 2023 @ 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST

The Internet has never been this tasty! Join us for adventures combining cooking with discussions of the tech that makes the web tick.


Transcript (Beta)

And we're live. Hi everyone. This is Chaat Butsunturn. I'm your host of Cooking with Cloudflare, and I am so happy to have Fallon Blossom as my guest today.

Hi Fallon, how are you?

Hey Chaat, what's going on? I'm all right. I'm all right. So for those not in the know, Fallon is usually behind the scenes.

She is the, uh, the content manager, producer extraordinaire for all things, Cloudflare TV.

And, um, so I've often collaborated with her on the backend, but to have you in front of the camera today is a real pleasure.

Thanks so much for joining. Oh, I'm so excited.

We've been talking about doing this for a while, so I'm glad we could finally get it done.

Yeah. So, but look, just for people out there, what exactly do you do?

Cause Cloudflare TV, you know, before COVID, it wasn't a thing. And what did you do before Cloudflare?

Then how did you get in on this thing? Oh, okay.

Well, it all started in New Orleans. No, we're not doing that. So actually, so I've been at Cloudflare since April, 2019.

I first came in as a multimedia content designer in support, writing technical documentation on what is now called the product content experience team.

Back in the day, we were just technical writers in support.

So I wrote technical documentation. I made product demos. So some of those videos on YouTube are me with the help of my friends in marketing.

And now since I've been on the Cloudflare TV team, I want to say almost a year, it'll be a year next month.

And I'm the senior strategic programs manager. Yeah, you are.

Well, that's awesome. I'm so, I'm so glad to have you. So today I'm flipping the script a little bit.

I usually invite a guest to teach me a dish, but for today's episode, I really wanted the opportunity to share with the world, my mother-in-law's homemade pesto recipe.

So that's what we're making, pesto. And you can have pesto with almost anything, right?

You can slather it on whatever we, I like it with salmon.

You can have it with, you can throw it with chicken in there.

You just put it on your toast, you know, what have you. So, so that's what we're doing.

Now, the things that we're going to need today are all the stuff, the fixings for the pesto, right?

We're going to, I think we decided on salmon today. So we're doing our salmon, right?

And then the other thing we're doing is pasta, right?

So that I discovered is one of the things that takes a while. So now, Fallon, you sent me a special box of pasta.

What is this? Okay. So full on nerd out time. I listened to this podcast called the Sporkful and it's all about food.

I forget the name of the guy.

This is terrible. I forget the name of the guy who hosts it anyway.

Ah, Dan Pashman. That's the guy it's on the box. So he did a five part series.

I want to say earlier this year, or maybe last year because he really thank you wanted to invent a new pasta shape.

So after a whole bunch of trial and error, a lot of people telling him this is impossible.

He made, um, this it's a new shape called cascatelli.

I think it means like ear or nose or shrimp, whatever y'all can look it up.

But the point is the pasta has three main things. It is sauceable. So it's apparently supposed to hold sauce.

Well, it is forkable, meaning you can get it on your fork.

And then finally it is tooth sinkable. So apparently once we boil this up, it will feel good to chew.

I've never tried it. I've never had it. I waited months for my boxes.

I mailed you one last week from Texas to Oakland. So we're going to get to try it.

Yeah. Just a little bit of a squishy, squished, but you know, Oh, it came to me like that.

Yo, all of my stuff, mine has this too.

Okay. Fair game. So water takes a while to boil and it looks like this stuff takes like 17 minutes to boil.

So the first thing we're going to do, it's not like a quick boil, but it's, it's bubbling.

Oh, good on you.

Here I am. I need to, uh, for me personally, I haven't done anything. So I'm going to, I'm going to start by getting the water while you do that.

I will pop open my Prosecco because I want them.

I'm having a little, uh, some, some water.

We're making, I mean, don't real chefs like drink while they cook, right? We'll drink wine.

I'm more, I'm kind of a beer guy. And then I'll have at least while I'm cooking and then I'll have the wine when I eat.

So I'm using, I just use the more in salt.

The only thing I ever use this for is boiling water or cleaning a cast iron skillet.

Otherwise I'm usually using a kosher. So I'm just going to, sorry.

There we go. There we go. It's a party. We're in line from the edge.

Yeah. Live and making a mess on my floor. Grab myself a beer, a frosty glass from the freezer.

But, uh, but we'll get it done.

You gotta wait for me to pour so I can do it. I just started the water. So my water is, my water is good.

I'm going to move my workstation back to here and crack open my beer.

It looks like I poured a beer the way this thing is bubbling. Oh, what you drinking on?

What's that? I'm drinking a pill from a local brewery down the street from me.

I live in this area called Temescal and they, um, it, it's, it's pretty hopping.

There's a lot of good, uh, good, uh, restaurants and retail.

It's pretty, it's pretty neat, you know, and, uh, it's great to have them back now.

Hey, but, uh, here's, here's the cooking. Cheers. Okay.

So the water is boiling. Now I'm ready. Awesome. When I set aside, um, the, the first thing we're going to do is, is, uh, just to, just to talk it through is we got the water going, we're going to make our pesto.

And then when the pesto is ready, we're going to prepare the fish.

The pesto doesn't take that long. The fish will take just a moment to prepare.

And then when we cook it, we're going to do a technique called sear roasting, right?

So we're going to sear on one side and then we're going to throw it in the oven and then we're going to roast.

So actually what we should do, we should put the oven on a four 25 or 25.

Oh, crap. My oven is in, um, Celsius right now.

What, how did that happen? We're going to have to break out the, we got the calculators for that one.

I just have to do some settings. Oh boy.

Um, you need Celsius press one for Fahrenheit. Yes. One. Okay. Take two. What'd you say?

Four, what? Four 25 or 25 Fahrenheit. Bet. All right. Crisis averted.

We're good. Okay. So here are the, here are the key ingredients for the pesto that we're making, right?

Got basil, right? We're going to need two cups of that.

We got, um, pine nuts. If you don't have pine nuts, you can use walnuts. Okay, great.

We're also going to need a little bit of garlic, probably just a couple of cloves, right?

And then we're going to need, uh, Oh, some salt. Yeah. Kosher salt or Morton's.

I would use kosher. Yeah. Morton's only good for like salt and water.

Really? Does this work? Kosher salt? Morton kosher. There you go. Morton kosher.

We're Morton's house over here. All right. I mean, I'm using this stuff. Diamond, I guess.

That is just what's happens to be in the grocery here. I'm a big fan of it.

All right. And then, um, we're going to use a little butter, you know, a little of, uh, uh, Parmesan cheese.

First thing we're going to do then is, let's see how much, how much you got in terms of the, Oh, right.

Cause I wasn't thinking yesterday when I went in shop, I just grabbed two thinking that that would be enough.

We'll find out. And we're going to find out here. Oh, and should I be like pulling?

I'll do the, the tilter room. There we go. Pack it in there. You want to, you want to pack?

Um, we we're actually growing some basil in our garden, which is nice, but, um, I don't know if there was enough.

So I actually, just to be safe, went to the grocery and picked up a couple of bunches.

Should I be leaving the sticks in and should I be pulling them off the stock?

Yeah, that's a great question.

No, we want to take them off of the, take them off. You just want to leave.

Perfect. All right. Cause I definitely just tossed them in there. I got to think, rethink my life choices.

I actually, well, not me. I'm not even going to take credit for it.

My grandma came from new Orleans a bit ago and she sent me a little herb garden.

I got a Rosemary going right now. That's it. Rosemary and some, uh, roses.

I'm amazed at how here in California stuff grows in our garden and we can eat it.

Cause in Buffalo, if it grows, I feel like it's probably poisonous, but at least that's the way it was with mushrooms.

And my mom always told me don't eat that, you know, that, and the berries on a, on our, on all those.

You're a little forager.

But here it's so easy to forage. It's, uh, I've got mint growing in the driveway.

It's like a weed. Yeah. And then we've got, um, Rosemary grows pretty good.

Let's see here. All right. It's like, what else was I going to say? I don't know.

I forgot. This is nice. There are different types of basil. I know. Um, and I just go with the regular basil.

So I don't use like Thai basil or I don't even know what other kind of, you know, the difference in flavor between like regular basil and like Thai basil.

Is there a difference? I'm not sure, but I've never tried to make, I, you know, pesto with Thai basil.

Uh, although I think you could use regular basil in Thai cooking.

Interesting. Okay. You can go one way, but maybe not the other.

Okay. My water is actually boiling for this pasta. Should I go ahead and throw it in there or should I wait?

Let's, let's, uh, wait a couple of minutes here.

We'll just get this thing going because we're going to need to do when we, when my, when mine gets going, then we can time it together.

Oh, yes. Right.

I'm like, let's see. I'll cover that. Once I start doing stuff, I'm like, all right, how, when's the, how can I get this done quickly?

Not about quick Fallon. We are, we are.

I mean, one of the fun things about this is like, what can I do in 60 minutes?

Right. So that's always the key. And I have to kind of plan it out with my guests and figure it out.

I remember when I did it, I did a show with Ian where we made, um, a tri-calorie salad, which has become a family favorite by the way.

And then we also made, uh, man, what was the other thing we made? But we went over time.

I remember, uh, because I just didn't time the pasta water thing. And so that's what got me thinking like, Ooh, we're going to start this water straight away.

You were the smart one started while we were just pre-showing. Okay.

Look at this. Oh, it's so pretty. I don't know if I have two. Oh wait, maybe I do have two cups.

I forgot. This is like a four cup thing. I'm above her. Oh, I should check here.

I got, but this is so I got about bam, two cups. All right. That's perfect.

I mean, you know, it's ballpark, but, and you can use more, you can use less.

What I like about this recipe is it's really easy to double it up. Right. And when you double it up, you can make an extra, you make extra extra pesto and it's, it's a great, it's a great leftover.

Right. So now you, you got your blender. I see it right there.

I got my, I have to plug it in on the other side of the kitchen.

The first thing we do is just basically pile everything into the, into this.

So once you've got your basil, see how you're looking. Yeah. Let me see it. Two cups.

Two cups. Wow. Okay. All right. So now I'm just going to dump it in, right.

And how, how can you tell me, how packed was that basil? Was it like packed or when you, it was like in one of these little sleeves was like here, was it a densely packed or was it kind of fluffy?

It was fluffy, fluffy. Okay. So we're going to, we're going to reduce a little bit how much olive oil and stuff you use.


So the recipe calls for a half cup of olive oil. So I'm going to suggest that you use a third cup.

Okay. So this is something where we want to use as good a quality olive oil as you got.

Right. Yeah. So I would go with a third cup and you'll want to measure that out.

And I'm going to go half cup. Right. Everybody knows I, I love this thing for my guests or people who have seen my show before.

I've got a box of olive oil here. Oh, that's, that's lovely. Right. I got a third cup.

In this space. We actually made the space for the microwave and it just so happens that I can fit a box of olive oil in here.

Perfect. Nice. All right.


I just put in my half cup of olive oil. All right. Now the other thing we need is we're going to get the garlic.

Let's get all right. I'm going to move myself and my board and my blender.

Depending on the size of the garlic clove, you'll want to use one or two.

And I think for you, you'll probably want to use one.

I'm going to use two. I love garlic. Okay. I'm doing it. I'm calling an audible.

It's happening. So I'm going to find two big ones. I love garlic. Did you know that there's this town called Gilroy in California?

It's known as the garlic capital of the world.

Yeah. And you drive through town and it smells like garlic.

So I just got this here. It's a rather large globe. So I'm just going to go with one.

Yeah. I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm a rapper to these two. Okay. So what you want to do is you don't need to slice it.

Okay. So this is what we're going to do.

Right. We're going to, now mine has, has the shell on it. So what I'm going to do is I always, I crush it.

Right. Just so it's easy to peel. Right. Like that.

I already got the peel one. Cause I'm lazy. Just give it a good smush and get a crush like that.

And you can throw it in your blender. So here I take my crushed garlic.

I'll go in there. Anything else? All right. Garlic, olive oil, basil.

This is already smashed and smashed. Now this is where I'm going to use two tablespoons of pine nuts.

And for you, what you, what you need to do is you want to chop up your, your, your walnuts there.

So pine nuts are interesting.

Do you know where pine nuts are actually from? No, they're, they're from like pine cones, but a certain kind of pine.

And apparently like the Republic of Georgia, that country is, they have a lot of, a lot of pine nuts.

Now, usually people are foraging for pine nuts along with the pigs and the wild boars and all that kind of stuff.

But the, the there's a sustainability challenge right now with pine nuts.

So walnuts are a great alternative. So I'm taking these pine nuts here.

These things come in like the pine cones or whatever. Do I need to chop these up at all?

Yeah, I would crush them and chop them up a little bit. Cause they're going to get blended.

So just the reason why you want to come in. How much do I need?

You're going to need two tablespoons. So you want to crush it just so you can measure it.

Right. Oh, right, right, right, right. Okay. And here's my second one.

How many tablespoons are in a teaspoon? Cause all I have, all I can find is a teaspoon statement.

And I would do like, I don't know, three, three or four of those.

All right. I'm chopping. Okay. And you can crush them a little bit.

They're going to get blended. You want to be able to measure it more accurately ish.

These are just so that my mom used to tell me recipes.

Yeah. You put a pinch of this, a little bit of that, you know, it's kind of like I've gotten to the point now where I just kind of video record it.

And so I could go back and just watch it and be like, well, huh?

Yeah. So this is should have started that earlier, but we're, we're, we're, we're going, you still got 40 minutes, so we're good to go.

All right. Honestly. All right. We, we don't do it the no, no way.

Do it like our grandmas and just eyeball it is good. Whatever you think is around a couple of tablespoons, throw that in the blender.

All right.

Exactly. So we're going with this mini. Great. Right. Teaspoon of kosher salt.

Okay. So we're going to teaspoon of kosher salt. Let me get all of that in there.

And perfect. Cause that's all I got is a teaspoon. Let me see.

What else do we need? Okay.

Now, if you can believe it, that is the initial thing that we're going to need for the blender.

Cause I know there's Parmesan and there's butter and you're probably wondering, why don't we throw in this in here?

Right. Well, when you put in here it's going to get all gummed up.

Right. So what we do first is we create the basil base, but we're going to blend this thing up real good.

Right. And then we're going to put the pour it into like a large mixing bowl.

And that's what we're going to add the parm and then, right.

So it's like that order of things is super key.

You know, if you try the first time I did this, I just threw the cheese in the blender and it was just a big, it didn't blend well.

Right. Perfect. Right. Yeah. You told me to do it and I didn't do it.

So here's, here's my mixing bowl. And the other thing I like to get is you're going to need something to like scrape all the goodness out of here and make sure it all gets in there.

Right. So get yourself like one of these, a little spatula.

Perfect. Yeah. That's what they call them. Spatula. So here I go.

I'm putting this on here is where it gets a little loud, but what we're going to want to do is just basically get this to a kind of a, you know, a consistency.

Right. So should I mute? So it's not like killing people's eardrums.

Uh, I don't know. How fast are we talking? Cause I can do a food chop. I can do a high pulse, a low pulse.

I would do it. Uh, not the pulse, but just get somewhere in the middle and just let it rip.

Maybe on the lower side.

So you're going to want to like, uh, shake it around a little bit.

This is where sometimes a bigger, when you make a double recipe, it creates more volume and sometimes that's easier on the blender because you could food process the stuff actually.

But the reason why I use a blender is because I don't have a food processor.

Maybe I should get one. Oh man, I got one, man. You should've told me.

Sorry. Is it too late to switch? Probably. We're going to do this.

We're going to figure it out together. We're doing it. All right. Right.

So now I'm going to keep feeding this to the bottom so that it, it, it, uh, I'm not doing that.

Yeah. Cause I'm just like, what's happening? Go like that. Feed it to the bottom.

Yeah. Cause it's not getting everything right. So this helps to do it on low.

Cause when I do on the high, it splatters up. Right. Okay. I'm going again.

I didn't medium processor. Okay.

This is where you figure out like the limitations of your own kitchen, right?

It did. It splattered a little bit, but we're getting, we're getting somewhere.

Yeah. This is kind of a, not exactly what I was expecting. By the way, how's your water?

Your water is going right. Oh, my water been going. Yeah. Should I put my pasta in there now?

Let me see how mine is. All right. So my water, mine, mine's going, I'm going to get back to the blender, but first I'm just going to run over here to throw in the pasta and then we can set our timer.


So we're going to set it for a, what does it say here? 13 to 17 minutes. So I'm going to say 15 minutes.

So I'm going to open this box of stuff here. Everyone can see this water's boiling.

How much are you putting in? Let me see how many servings this makes.

So there's 16 ounces in here. Um, Oh, serving size, two ounces.

What? And so there's 16 ounces. So that's eight servings.

I'm thinking a half box is probably going to be good. Here's the thing.

You're going to have leftovers, right? Anyway. I'm going to take this. I'm going to see how much is in here.

This is a fourth one. Well, yeah, but you're making dinner for like your, your wife, a kid, right?

So you probably want to do a whole box.

We can probably do the whole thing. I'm going to do a half a box for now.

Cause this'll, I think this'll become really big.

Right. Here it goes. Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, have you done it yet?

Oh shit. Yeah, I did. Start the timer then for a, Oh yeah.

Start the timer. I'm really excited about it.

And my oven just beeped as well. So my oven's ready. That's going to be for the salmon.

Okay. Right after the pesto. But right now the big challenge for me is I gotta get this pesto to a spot where it is a, a creamy consistency, which is easier when you have more volume, but I only had a half cup of olive oil in here, right?

So I just kind of have to keep, Can't we just put more in? Would that be bad?

Well, you'll, you, you don't want to ruin the proportion. So you'd need more. Okay.

All right. I'm going to go, go back in. This is working.

It's just a slow process of like doing a pulse scrape, scrape, scrape, scrape.

Because what happens is when I'm pulsing and shooting it up the side and then I have to kind of push it back down.

Yeah. Same thing. So this is where is the key here.

It's almost, it's like, it's getting there.

It's getting there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

You want to get rid of the chunks. You want to make sure the garlic is, is, is sliced up and you want to make sure that you don't, you lose some of that fibrous texture of the, of the basil because come through and fibrous.

I see you.

Scrape, scrape, scrape, scrape, scrape.

So this is where it shows the value of a food processor.

How many times am I going to say that? Until somebody buys you one. If there's any food processor people watching, this is a perfect audition for a brand ambassadorship for a food processor.


Oh man. I should have, you're ready. You're ready for prime time. Here we go.

Can I show you what mine looks like? And you tell me if I should keep going.

This is where I'm at. Can you pour it in your, in your bowl? Let's look it in the bowl.

Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. Oh shit. All right. This is looking pretty good.

Oh, okay. It is pouring. Hold on. I'm also making a mess. Now look at it.

Yeah, that's looking good. Okay. So I'm done blending. Yup. So we're done. I'm almost done.

I'll be with you in just a second. Okay. Yo, and I know I keep saying it smells good, but y'all, it smells so good.

It's so garlicky.

I love it. Hmm. Okay. So this is looking like I'm almost, I'm almost done.

I have, I still have a little bit of a couple of chunky bits of, um, of, uh, pine nut.

I just, yeah, I just found a little garlic bit, but whatever. I don't care.

I'm gonna eat it. Okay.

Kind of like a pinball machine. Also, I'm checking the time in seven 28 or yeah.

My time. Okay. Good. We're good. So now I'm going to take this and we're going to pour it into, pour it into here.

Right. Trying to get like every single bit out of this thing.

I don't want none of this to go to waste. Exactly. I think I got everything.

Maybe I didn't.

We're, we're doing good on time. So. Okay. Good. Yeah. We're doing, we're doing fine.

Cause like now, once we get the pesto done, you just, the, the, the, the fish will, won't take long at all.

So what we can do here is. I don't like no medium rare fish.

My fish needs to cook all the way through. Okay. That's fine.

Yeah. So what we're going to do is first thing we're going to do, I'm strategizing the order of things just to fit into 60 minutes.

Cause like, you know, if we had all the time in the world, it doesn't matter.

Right. But now I got to like capture some time here.

I'm just trying to figure out my blocks of time, how to fit all this stuff in.

So, okay. We're not going to use the blender anymore.

Are we? Nope. All right. So everyone can see, this is what we got here, right?

Yeah. So the next step is going to be the parm and the, the, and the butter.

But what we're going to do first is we're going to put this aside. We're going to switch to fish, right?

Cause the fish, once it's in the oven, we still got to, we still got to do a couple of things.

So we got to yeah, we're going to start the sear.

Actually, you know what, as I think about it, cause we're going to slather this stuff on the fish before it goes in the oven.

So we'll wait on the butter, but what we're going to do is we're going to add the parm.

So what we want to do is get a half cup of shredded parm.

All right. Okay. I'm going to use a different, um, actually, so here's mine.

Some of my guests have, have, have, have seen this already, but I love this cheese grater.

This thing is fancy. Look at you with your fancy self. Oh yeah.

Yeah. I'm telling you kitchen gear. So, so satisfying. So I'm going to take some parm.

Y'all this smells so good. I love cheese. You said half a cup now? A half a cup.

Yes. So measure that out. Half a cup. The same cup I used here for a olive oil.

I'm just going to grade it like this. Everyone can see that. And dump.

Yeah. Dump it in there. Oh, y 'all can't really see that. All right. Whatever.

there you go.

Right? So everyone can see this. I'm dumping my parm into this mix, right? Get that out of here.

And then with your spatula, just fold it together. You can see, I'm just going to mix it.

Right? There we go. There we go. Hold on. I want to get some mix in.

Now, ideally these are a little bit more pureed than what I got here, because I still have some pine nut chunks.

So I think maybe that's why I make double recipes come to think about it is because I don't have a food processor.

All right.

You know what? I'm going to you get three more times and then you cut off. I'm going to start with my pasta.

Make sure it's moving. OK, that's good. Good. And I'm going to tell it.

Cast a talent. All right. So now is the point where I'm going to set this aside.

We're going to do the butter thing.

Right. Mm hmm. Also, take a little sip of beer. Mm hmm. We're doing too much cooking and not enough drinking.

What is this? This is not what I signed up for. Ah, OK.

I got to make up for that. There you go. OK, so now I'm going to we're done with most of the pasta stuff, except for the butter.

And that was, as everyone can see, pretty straightforward.

If you know the ingredients and the proper order of things and you have a food processor.

You can you can do it.

All right. So I'm going to just clean off this cooking or kind of surface and I'm going to get my fish.

So with the fish, what we want to do is season.

Right. So here's my fish. Oh, just regular salt. What is this on? Basically, you're always going to use kosher salt, right?

Unless you are. Boiling water.

That's the way I at least that's the way I've done it. Right. So we're going to salt both sides.

All right. All right. So I'm probably going to end up putting cutting this into like smaller portions.

But right now I have like this whole piece of fish.

Should I cut it now or later? I would I would use kind of later.

Yeah. Yeah. You cook it as one one one thing. And then and then when we're seasoning, I see you have skin up.

I do not have skin up. What side are we season in the skin side?

We're actually going to season both sides. So first thing I'm doing is just giving this a wipe down here because I did not rinse mine off.

But you already did that.

So you're good. Oh, yeah, baby. We rinse this with water and some lime because we do clean.

We clean things over here. Well, it's all going to get cooked.

You know, no, no, no. So now season generously. Both sides. OK. Oh, wait, do I get I can I can do my salt bae.

Hold on. Oh, just make it a mess. Oh, there you go.

It doesn't really work. Yeah.

Pinch of salt. I was trying to figure out, like, who's pinch, right? I mean, like one person's pinch is another person's.


And so now here is the. I'm going to flip over to if you like. I'm a. Hold on.

I'm going to do the same thing on the other side. Black pepper or white pepper?

I have both. Oh, that's interesting. I actually never cooked with white pepper, but I don't think it really matters.

We're just we're going to regular pepper it up.

And white pepper is really good, especially if you're cooking something that's light, like light on the color side, because sometimes if you're cooking something light and you put black pepper in, it kind of ruins the aesthetics.

But with white pepper, I think it's milder. And again, if you care about aesthetics, it's cuter, depending on what you're cooking.

OK, so now we're getting towards moment of truth.

What we got to do is get this pan hot, right? So I want you to put your pan on the stove and just we're going to heat it up on high heat, right, because we want this thing to get hot, to get a sear.

The idea of a sear is it's going to lock in that flavor.

It's also going to give you that kind of crispy texture.

Right. So yes. So I'm starting off by heating the pan before I even put the oil in.

But when we do do the oil, I said, do you do I'm going to I'm going to use grapeseed oil because it has a high heat point.

I don't know what they call it.

Flashing point. Olive oil will burn if you do it to too hot and start smoking. And then that's when my wife tells me you're supposed to use coconut oil or or grapeseed oil.

So. All right, so now we've been going for quite a bit. I wonder how I'm going to get you over there, though, because now I don't put all the stuff in the middle between you and the kitchen.

Well, what we're going to do is once this is hot, we get another minute here and it's going to put a little oil in there and then we're going to put our fish in it.

With the skin side up, because we're going to finish with the skin side down and then throw it in the oven.

Right. So. Oh, they're ready for that.

And we're doing the Pyrex for the oven, yeah? No, we're going to use you're going to use the same.

Oh, I forgot. You told me the same pan.

OK, you're going to throw that. Yeah. Just kidding. So, yeah, we're going to.

All right, this is pretty hot, so I'm going to put in. You want to just basically coat the pan with some some oil, right?

Yes, my hand is coated and just a little bit.

So, yeah, it's ready. OK, so now now that I got the oil in there, I'm going to put the push.

The fish in. Inside or skin side up, right?

Oh, yes, I can. Well, I can sometimes get a little splattery.

Well, like these one of these things will splatter guard, right? Oh, shoot.

So now turn your heat down to medium. I turn my heat down and now we're going to put we're going to put this on.

Here we go. Oh, wow.

You know, it's been a little late to call.

I only have room for three, so I'm going to start with three.

One and I'm going to do that for two minutes. That's our timer. That's the time for the pasta.

So now I got the fish in, right? What we're going to do is test the pasta.

Let me get a fork. We're out. Oh, I need a fork. A fork. It's fork ability.

I'm going to use one of these things here. Hmm.

Hmm. Hmm.

Oh, I think it's good. You think it's good? I'm going to take it off. All right, I have one of these colander thing.

I'm going to keep cooking it once we take it out, right?

Yeah, I'm going to drain it. Beautiful.

All right. And I'm going to just sit it on top like that. Great. And then let me see if I can bring you on over to the other side of it, see how that's going to work on the plug.

Come on. So the other thing we should do now, by the way, is lift the fish up a little bit just to make sure it's a.

Hopefully it's not sticking too much.

Right. See my dirty kitchen, don't judge me. Lift it a little. All right.

No, not sticking. OK, cool. So it's almost twenty five seconds. So we are going to.

Oh, I'm going to need a little bit more olive oil.

I think this is good.

Like pop on me. Oh, wait, you said we're not flipping it yet, right?

Yeah. Are you ready to flip it? No, I'm ready. OK, so now we're going to flip it and then we're going to put in the oven.


Oh, and I messed it up, but yay. It's so pretty. All right. Yeah. OK, I'll put it in the oven.

Oh, you know what? Actually, before we put it in the oven, turn on the heat.

I'm turning off the heat because I forgot this is where we're supposed to put the butter in the in the in the.

Into the the pestle, because what we want to do is actually we want to put the pestle on the thing before we put it in the oven.

Right. So. Oh, OK. So now I got. I got this. This is where you're going to want to have a fork.

Right. And we're going to mash in. We're going to mash in some butter to take about two or three tablespoons of butter and it could be salted, it could be unsalted, but you just want to kind of mix it in there.

Right. All right, shut up. There we go. You said how many teaspoons? Like like two or three tablespoons.

So I did a I did a chunk like this. You see, it's found like a square.

Oh, OK. And just kind of mix that in there, blend it in. And then once that's all blended, we're going to move this over to the to the fish and we're going to we're going to put it on the fish.

Right. We're going to put on the fish and then throw it in the oven.

Right. Well, we're going to mash it, mash it, fish it.

Hold it. Got it. Makes it. Oh, I should mix it, fish it, oven it. Remember that you're kind of hot.

So. Now, yeah, exactly.

Just mix it in there. Pretty good. And now actually, you know what?

This is a good time to do. Stick your finger in it and taste it. Tell me what you think.

All right. Hold on. Wait, I got fishing. I need to wash my hands because I've been handling fish.

Right. You should wash your hands before you stick it in there because fish.

Yes. No, there's no fish on the pestle yet. No, no, no, no.

I touched the fish with my raw hands. Oh, don't worry about it. And I haven't washed them.

That's OK. It's not chicken. It's fish. So here. Yes. Now I'm just going to start putting some on there.

We're on. Just slather that. How much is the butter supposed to be?

I'm sorry. I'm sure you're fine. I'm sure you're fine.

Yeah. All right. I'm tasting it with my fish hands. I feel this makes me very nervous.

OK, here we go.

Yo. Right. This is. Yo, this is good, right? It's not my first time ever making pesto.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Wait. OK, so how much do I put on? I'm so excited.

This is what I did. Oh, wait. But don't I need to have some leftover for the pasta board?

Yeah. So maybe why don't you take, let's say, a tablespoon of that.

All right. I'm glad I can put it all on there now. Yeah, that's a good.

I'm so glad you mentioned the pasta because I kind of forgot. But you know what you can do?

You do the thing. You don't even have to put the pesto on the pasta.

I mean, the pesto on the fish. I like to do it that way, especially if I'm going to throw it in the oven on the grill.

But what you can do is just like crumble this the the the salmon into your pasta.

Right. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, totally.

Just like you could put it in your omelet, you know, the salmon in your omelet or whatever.

So, you know, at the same time, and then I'm going to set the timer.

Now, if you look at our clock, we're at 13 minutes. This is going to be done in about six minutes.

And then we're going to be like, look, I did it. Oh, yeah.

OK. Ready to put in the oven. OK. Timer six minutes. Oh, all right. This is a two hander.

I'm going to put it behind me just in case I don't overcook. All right.

Let me prepare the oven before I make a mess. All right. We're going in together.

I'm ready. All right. Mine's in. I thought you said, OK, I'm going in. Put it in.

OK. OK. So. We're pretty much there, right? This is the part where you can.

Well, one, I'm going to get my beer again. And this is the part where we can kind of relax and talk, chat for a minute, or if you're having a salad, you can make your salad or steam your broccoli or grill your asparagus.

Grilling asparagus takes about.

Five to seven minutes, depends if it's like pencil thin or or the thicker kind, you know.

Mm hmm. And. I. I eat jerky because I'm hungry. That's part of why I have a beer, because a beer fills me up a little bit, makes me a little less hungry.

You know, if I have a wine and I drink more wine, I'll just get really buzzed, you know, and then which.

This is still work now. Can't get drunk. Oh, I'm literally on the clock.

We got 12 minutes, 12 minutes to go. But yeah, the salmon is going to be done in a bit.

So do you you you mentioned you like pesto. I'd never I mean, I have a feeling I have a hard time.

I've never found a pesto I like better than this one, honestly.

Really? Honestly, like also like the jarred pestos are not my favorite.

Like I'll go to an Italian restaurant. I've been to Italy. I've had it there.

And the jarred stuff just never seems to measure up to the experience of actually going to a restaurant until now.

B&B and like it's a lot easier than I thought.

Yeah. Well, especially if you have a food processor. That was you. Not me, girl.

That was you. All right. I'm going to start plating our pasta. I'm going to put pasta in a bowl.

I didn't even think about the plate part. Yeah. Just get a plate and I'm going to throw some pasta in there and we can start mixing in our pesto.

See how it looks like. Right. Wait, should we? OK, so I have I think it's like a question and a half.

Yeah. So sometimes one thing that I've noticed when I make pasta in general is that it's better to keep the pasta separate from the sauce when you're storaging it or for leftover purposes.

So should I only put in enough pasta in a bowl with pesto for me to eat tonight and then store them in the fridge separately?

That's a great question. I found that you can actually do pasta and sauce together and and it'll store and then you can just to warm it up.

You store it in the microwave. You know, cover it so that when you cover it in the microwave, it will retain the moisture of the pasta.

The thing is, like if you use something like a rice noodle pasta or brown rice pasta or, you know, all these alternative pastas rather than regular straight up flour, they can get kind of tough.

And it's hard. Like if you have a gluten free diet, pasta is a tough thing to have leftovers for.

Right. But for this, I think we're good. So I'm going to start putting in like just a serving for myself.

Looks like I should have made the whole box.

You're right. I told you. I'm sorry. You're right. But I'm too short.

I have to get my ladder to get my bowls. This is so embarrassing. I pulled out my ladder just in case.

Good idea. Oh, and the pesto is going to be done.

The fish is going to be done in one minute anyway.

So this is great. Hold on. Are we sure like this ain't no medium rare fish? I need my fish to be done now.

Well, that's it. That's the brilliant thing about fish is that you could do it however you want.

Now, I'm a big fish fan, right? So, I mean, I would eat it raw, but you don't eat fish?

I don't. I don't like nothing raw.

Is that right? OK, well, I'm trying to. I've tried it. It's just not my jam.

All right. Everyone's entitled to that. That's all good. So now that I've got pesto in the bowl or pops in the bowl, I'm just going to spoon in some of this pesto here, right?

Put a little bit in there and just kind of mix it around. Oh, yeah.

Now, at this point, I know there's Parmesan in the pasta, but you could, if you wanted, add more Parmesan to your pesto, to your to your pasta.

Not necessarily necessary because.

There's a. There's pesto in here. Oh, I got to check my fish.

You keep yours in there. I'll tell you where mine's at. OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Let me know. All right. I'm going to wait for you to take my first bite. All right.

It looks good, though. I got to remember to use a glove because I'm going to pull this.

Oh, look at that. Yeah. Ain't it pretty? All right. So the way I tell on fish is I'll just like kind of finger poke it.

I'll just see how firm it is.

And what kind of firmness are you looking for? But that's a good question. I've heard people use this this test, like you want to like feel like you feel like it's this fleshy part of your thing.

If it's too, too stiff, like if you flex it, then press it.

That's going to be a little bit more well done. Maybe that's what you want.

But if you keep a loose, I like that. I like that soft, like the soft. OK, so.

Now. Yeah, I'm going to show people as I play this thing here. So I'm going to move this over here.

Now we could see what's come out. All right. And I'm just going to take one of these here.

I'm just going to put it right on my plate like that.

I'm going to just go stare at mine while it cooks. All right. And. Well, I found I'm pretty much there, that's six minutes.

Wait, did you did you test your fish yet or no?

Yeah, yeah. It's good enough for me. All right. So try it. OK.



Mother-in-law, thank you. Wherever you are, we appreciate you. She's right where the recipe is from.

So and this pasta, by the way, is super fun. Extra really in my mouth.

I really enjoy it. It's thinkable. Oh, I just spit. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. It's workable.

Mm hmm. It's definitely definitely possible. Oh, I like this. Yeah, the ridges hold the sauce in there.

He designed it to do that sauce ability. Hmm.

OK, so check this out. Now I'm going to take up. Oh, wait. Oh, all right. All right.

All right. I feel left out. I'm going to go get my fish. Your fish, because, you know, I'm like, the edge of your fish is is certainly going to be.

Oh, yeah.

No, it's bubbling in there. I just took a peek. All right. Oh, you can't even hear it, but it sounds delicious.

Check me out.

Whoa. Oh, yeah. Oh, look at that. I think I'm thinking, and that's a really well-seasoned pan.

That's great. Yeah, baby. Our cast iron pan is older than it's like 100 years old.

We have a cast iron pan that is it's it's my wife's great grandmother's cast iron pan from my love right there.

Yeah, right. I got some love in it.

So, OK, so I have a huge chunk of salmon. Should I put this back on my cutting board to cut it and let it rest?

We don't need to let it rest. You don't need the rest.

You can just cut whatever you want and throw it in your throw it in your bowl.

All right. Let me I'm going to I don't want to cut it in the pan, so I'm going to bring our mother.

Yes. Yeah, I'm about to say a real bad word. All right. I love your kitchen.

That's I love the island space in the middle. That's so nice.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. This is my house. Hello. Hello. I'm bringing my cutting board over here.

OK, we got five minutes. All right. I can do this. I keep touching the thing like it's not hot.

It's four. We're four minutes, so that's plenty of time for you to get your.

Your your fish together and. So the 60 minute meal, right, you get all your stuff, right?

Yeah, let's go back over here away from all this hot stuff.

And do some harm.

All right. And then I bring my lights in my circle. Light.

So, you know, I've been doing this show now for about a year, I guess, almost right, maybe longer, almost as long as popular TV's been here a little longer.


And the last time I was at a barber was before this show started. So, you know, just for the record, you know, here here's this is a this is how long I've been doing the show.

Your hair. It looks great. You grew your hair and I cut all mine off.

We were funny because when my mom sees this episode, she's going to say, you know, when are you going to cut your hair?

Oh, they always got old. I used to have my first movie, California.

And for every conversation I had for seven years.

Oh, that looks good. Yeah. My mom told me that, you know, yeah, I was in there somewhere.

It's how they show love. Yeah, I guess. All right. Try your fish. Try your fish.

Mm hmm.

It's like falling apart, it's like melting. That's great job. It's just so good.

I'm so happy it has since my grandma left. Well, I want to thank my mother in law, John, for the recipe.

And then her name, Joan, Joan. My grandma's name is Joan.

No way. All right. Yeah. And all right. Amen to the Jones. Amen. So this pesto recipe, you can freeze your leftovers.

So I highly recommend that you double up your recipe next time, especially because if you don't have a.

If you only have a blender.

Then double your recipe, right? I think you still have one more.

You got one more. And then you can throw it in the freezer and it'll store. It will start to.

It has a nice green, really rich green color right now. Right. But that color will go away and turn a little darker as it oxidizes.

So when I store it, often what I like to do, I'll put it in a jar and I'll put some wax paper on top of that or something just to so it doesn't get exposed to the oxygen, you know?

Oh, man, this is so good. Well, that is, if you can believe it, we're 59 minutes in.

But in in 59 minutes, what we did is we created a new pasta here with Jones famous.

They're not so famous. It should be a pesto with salmon.

But you could easily do this with chicken. Just take a chicken fillet.

Just saute it, even in like butter, olive oil, and then throw that into your your pesto mix and all.

But in the last 30 seconds, now I just want to say thank you so much for being my guest.

This has been such a fun journey cooking with Cloudflare, and I'm so honored to have you as my guest.

Oh, no. Honor and privilege is all mine.

This has been great. This hour flew. And this is so good.

That's excellent. Well, this is Chad and Fallon with Cooking with Cloudflare signing off.

Thank you so much. Happy cooking. I never caught up a tagline, but, you know, here we go.

Here we are cooking in the cloud.

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Cooking with Cloudflare
The Internet has never been this tasty! Join us for adventures combining cooking with discussions of the tech that makes the web tick.
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