Cloudflare TV

Cooking with Cloudflare

Presented by: Chaat Butsunturn, Eric Allen
Originally aired on May 26, 2023 @ 2:30 AM - 3:30 AM EDT

The Internet has never been this tasty! Join us for adventures combining cooking with discussions of the tech that makes the web tick.


Transcript (Beta)

Hi there! Hi everyone! Hey! I just want to welcome everybody to Cooking with Cloudflare 2021!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! I'm your host, Chaat Butsunturn. I'm here with Eric Allen.

Hi Eric! Hey, what's up? How's it going? What's popping? All right man, well I appreciate you joining me today to teach me how to cook some Japanese or Asian cooking because I think the eggplant dish might be Korean.

I'm not really sure.

Yeah, yeah. Let me just start with a quick intro. So, Eric, you're in our Austin office.

Yes, I am. And I'm in San Francisco. So, what's your role at Cloudflare?

So, I am a part of the revenue team on the finance. So, basically I make sure that the money that we make is accounted properly so that no one goes to jail.

Oh yeah, very important job. So, we recently met because we're both Sagittarius.

Literally the best side ever. I was like, I know you man.

Right. And yeah, we were in the same breakout room and that's when I said like, well we should cook together.

So, here we are. Now, I asked you what would you like to cook and or teach me to cook and then you recommended let's do katsudon.

And so, and then I only just a few minutes ago learned that you are actually a student of Japanese language and culture.

Okay, exactly. Yep, that was my undergrad along with accounting.

You know, sometimes people are like, wait, so you're studying Japanese accounting?

I was like, no, Japanese and accounting. Not Japanese accounting.

What got you first into Japanese? So, I feel like it's kind of like the typical way, you know, with like anime and kind of like all that with Cartoon Network back in the day, like after school, rushing home to get those like, you know, those episodes that they would show on a weekly basis.

Star Blazers, Akira and yeah.

You know, Dragon Ball Z, all that kind of stuff that stuff that kids don't know about these days.

They don't know about, you know, everything streaming for them.

So, they don't know we had schedules back in the time, you know.

I used to have to get up to change the channel. Exactly. So, it started with that and then in high school, I kind of got into, I was like in this international program in high school where you learn like kind of like a world curriculum.

So, then for my senior year, we had to do a thesis paper and I was already pretty like, I love World War II kind of time in general.

And so, I did my thesis on how like the samurai became kind of transformed into the kamikaze pilots during World War II.

So, I had to do like a whole lot of research on like the history, the samurai code, how did the kamikaze pilot program get started and then, you know, just had to really dive deep.

And so, I was like, wow, okay. Well, now I know like anime stuff and now I'm learning Japan from like a cultural standpoint and a historical standpoint.

You know what, in college, might as well just take another language.

You know, I already did Spanish in high school. So, now I'm like, well, might as well just expand my horizons.

You know, we're Sagittarius.

We're always about learning, growing, expansion. And so, I was like, well, let me just take a language class.

And then one thing led to another and it became a major and wadda boom, wadda bang, wadda bang.

So, how did you decide what we're going to make today, which is katsudon?

What is katsudon and why did you choose it today?

So, for me, so I have like a tradition kind of like when I ever move like start a new year or like a new beginning, I like to do like katsudon because how it's it's like kind of like a play on words in Japanese that students before like big exams, whatever, they will eat katsudon because what katsu in Japanese is also to win, like the unconjugated form to win.

So, katsudon, bowl of winning.

So, it's like, you know what, let's start this new year with like a big bowl of, that's what we need right now.

A bowl of winning, yes. I can give you a bowl of winning right now, right?

Right, exactly. Well, one thing to my viewers, you'll know most of my guests except unless they're from Austin, come with me, but now you're my second Austin guest and both of you are just like, I've already eaten, so I'm just going to tell you what to do in your kitchen.

So, unfortunately, Eric's not joining me as a co-chef, but instead he'll be barking orders.

So, I hope you guys enjoy the show. All right, all right. Well, we have 55 minutes and I'm going to start with at least getting my rice cooker ready, right?

So, I'm going to just get the rice going and while I'm getting that going, why don't you tell people what we're making, katsudon and then also the eggplant thing?

Oh, yeah.

So, the second, so then for a side dish, we're going to be making gaji namul.

It's like a Korean steamed eggplant, slightly spicy, but very like savory umami side dish that you can have alongside with it.

It's like really healthy.

That's like something I always kind of always make Japanese and Korean kind of food together, even like, I mean, I think they just go phenomenous, you know.

Korean food tends to be a little bit more spicy, Japanese kind of more like about like the simple kind of flavor.

So, I like always. I think when I think Japanese, I think of umami.

Yeah, exactly. Right, yeah. And then Korean, it's like, yeah, definitely like more spicy and everything.

So, you know, I always like a little spice in my life.

So, you know, nothing wrong with a little Korean and Japanese mixture.

So, yeah. One thing I learned early is that I need a rice cooker to cook rice because in college, I didn't have a rice cooker and I always burned the rice.

So, that was like one of the first things I had to get when I moved to California, the rice cooker.

So, and while you're getting the rice ready, I guess I'll get my drink ready.

All right. Yeah, I actually have sake, but I also, are we going to use the sake for cooking or did you put that on the list so we can drink it?

Oh, well, we can do both, but it's for cooking. So, maybe I'll be able to open it.

I'll be sipping on some pecan shiner. It's like a Texas beer and everything. Yeah, yeah.

So, let me see what I got here. I've got, I think I have a sake in here somewhere.

Might have to be wine then because I said, you know, our fridge is like, here, I'll just, may as well.

All right. I love it. I'm trying to find like where in here is, these fridges go deep.

When we remodeled the kitchen, we had a fridge and we built this thing around the fridge.

The problem is now is we're stuck with these dimensions of fridges and there's only like three, right?

Yeah, it's not very wide, but it's pretty deep.

But then getting back in there. Okay. You know, funny thing, that would have been perfect for whenever I was a kid because so like I have like an older brother and whenever my mom would cook for us, you know, she makes equal parts, like say like for instance, chicken wings, you know, three for everybody, three or four for the entire, oh yes.

Okay. But yeah, three or four for the entire family. So, then I would eat two and I would hide my other two deep in the fridge that my brother could find later.

My mom would be like, why is there like a random chicken wing in the back of the fridge?

All right.

What's that? I'll save some sake. Yeah, my wife is saying that you'll save some sake for me, right?

I'm like, yes. I just got to get the rice going here and then we'll the first time.

So, it's so with sake, like, you know, throughout college, obviously, you know, we went to UT, you know, obviously, it's a party kind of school and all that kind of stuff.

And everyone knew I was like the Japanese like person.

But before I went to study abroad, people would be like, oh, let's drink sake, blah, blah, blah.

But I had this, I had a rule that I did not drink sake until I went to Japan.

That was like my hard rule. And so that was like, yeah, yeah. So that was not until I was like, 22.

Yeah, around 22. So yeah, I waited that long until I had sake.

Wow. And then that opened the floodgates. Cheers. Cheers. All right.

So I know we got to get or I should say I got to get shopping.

So what should I start with?

The eggplant. Let's do start to start the eggplant, get it ready to steam and all that.

Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Okay, let's do that. So here I go. And I've got my Japanese eggplant here.

Yeah. Okay. All right. Yep. Gonna cut the tops off of these.

All right. Okay. And that's a that's a sharp knife you got there.

I see you. Yeah, you know, I, I haven't I got myself a sharpening stone.

Oh, wow. Okay. I sharpen my knives myself. And it's was it a game changer?

Yeah. See, I just have this. I have a stone here. And then it's got like a coarse part of the stone.

Okay. And then a finer grit here for the end.

Right. And yeah, I think, you know, a sharp knife is a safe knife. Yeah. Where are you getting in trouble?

Right. So, so I guess should I how should I get long ways?

Yep. Okay. And then like and then chunks. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Like this? Uh, yeah, we can.

Well, no, just go and go and just leave it like how that other one is.

So you can do those like into thirds or and yeah, like this. Yeah, that'd be fine.

Yeah. Okay, so this would be too small. You're saying? Yeah. All right. So I'll get my thing here.

Sure. Okay, put them lengthwise. And then it's gonna be good.

All right. I got about a pound. I'm feeding three people. Okay. I don't know if my son would eat the eggplant, but we'll see.

This could be a game changer. Some people, you know, there's this one restaurant in Austin I go to every year for our birthday.

Uh, and they have an eggplant dish that like, because normally people beforehand, they're like, I don't know how I feel about eggplant, blah, blah, blah.

And but, you know, when they tried that one eggplant dish, that, that, that can change the world.

Okay, so let's get though. Yeah, let's get the water boiling first.

And then we'll put the Yeah, yeah. Okay, get the water boiling first before.

Yep. Yeah. Cool. So I'm putting it just so y'all can see what's happening here.

I got it right there. Okay, so the water starting. All right. So now let's start making the sauce that we would toss into the eggplant.

So let's get the, the soy sauce, the, the garlic and green onion and the sesame oil, sesame oil and fish sauce and fish sauce.

Yes. Yeah. Oh, look at you. So you okay. I see you. All right.

Yeah. I'm gonna start with this. This is my favorite sauce here. The three crabs, right?

And let's see, you said sesame oil. Sesame oil, right? Got the soy sauce.

I love me some. And then you get the garlic. Okay, great.

So and I need a bowl, I guess to push this in. Uh huh. Yeah. So something like this?

Yeah, I think that yeah, I think that'll work perfectly. Maybe a little deeper.

A deeper bowl. Okay. Yeah. So I could do something like this or something.

Yeah, yeah. I think yeah, let's go with the metal.

Metal one. Okay. Great. Okay.

So now let's do three. Let's do three tablespoons of the of the soy sauce. All right, three, three tablespoons.

Yeah. There's one, two. Okay.

All right. And then let's do one tablespoon of the fish sauce. Yeah, fish sauce, and then one tablespoon of the sesame oil.

Okay, fish sauce. So what's fish sauce known as in?

In Japanese? I don't know. I'm going to look at because because they don't really use a fish sauce because it's mainly like just like what the dashi would be in a way kind of like does that same kind of element in there.

But like, yeah, but fish sauce specifically.

In Thai, fish sauce is known as nam pla.

Nam pla? Nam pla. Nam pla. N-A -M-P-L-A. Okay. But my mom, who's Filipino, always called it patis.

Okay. Yeah. Mariana could tell me. So let's see here.

Someone's asking, hey, Chad and Eric, cool show. Other than katsudon, what are your favorite Japanese dishes?

What do you got? I would say I love Japanese curry.

And then, yeah, I love. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I was I was this close to having you do Japanese curry and katsu.

Yeah, that's one of my favorite things. I mean, it's actually the number one favorite dish amongst children in Japan is curry.

Yeah, it's it's definitely like its own kind of beast. It's like a little it's like definitely like kind of sweeter.

They can make it spicy, but it's like it's always different.

Oh, by the way, I got this right. So what should I do next? Okay.

Yeah. Let's do let's do about two. Yeah. Yeah. Let's do two and finally and dice up the two of these.

Mm hmm. Okay. Two of those. And how much? And let's see, the more garlic, the better.

So actually what you have there, it's pretty good. I mean, close to that, like about four cloves.

Yeah. I got three, three decent sized cloves.

Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Let's go with that. Okay. I could easily do another one.

Then I'll just finish this kind of garlic here. Okay. There you go. Always towards the end of the garlic, though.

It's like, you know, they get I know the weird.

Yeah, the weird kind of like shapes and stuff. Yeah. Right. So but I can just you should just dice this and then you have been lowering once.

Yeah. Okay. There you go.

Yeah. So I would say Japanese curry. And then I kind of do a weird kind of combination.

Like I'll have like curry. And then I don't know if you ever had like Japanese mayo, like the clippy mayo.

Oh, yeah. So I drizzle that on top. Yeah, so curry with mayo.

That's one of my favorite. When I think of Japanese, I usually I used to get a like a bento box.

I'm a big fan of the bento box. And I get like, I would actually put tonkatsu with me my little salad and I get a California roll.

Although that's my favorite sushi. I think my favorite sushis are, you know, like the hamachi and I'm a big uni fan.

I love uni. Yeah, that I was really about that.

I was I was about to say uni. And then for me, I'm always I'm a sucker for unagi.

Yeah, I mean, yeah, you're not he's not good for the environment like like the eels or something like that.

Yeah, yeah. I mean, you know, I mean, it's got the water boiling, by the way.

Okay, awesome. So now we can go on and put the eggplants on. That's on timer.

Yeah, I got it. Okay, when you try to the timer. Okay, here, I'm putting the I'm putting this in here.

Yeah. Okay. Yep. Exactly. Okay. And then and I gotta just do my garlic here.

All right. I'm starting to warm up. Okay, there you go.

Need to shed a layer here, I think. And then also, do you have the the chili flakes?

Yes. Okay. Okay, awesome. Just like regular crushed red pepper, right?

Yeah, that's not Yeah, that's perfect. Okay, I'm gonna take the garlic. Smash, smash.

See? Yeah, you do. Exactly. I do the exact same way. My mama taught me.

Okay, my mom, and I think people know this, like, she was a lover cooking. It's like, by probably like, if I were like, on death row, and I had one last meal, I would say, Mom, make me some, make me some sinigang.

You know? Oh, okay. Yeah. But, you know, I always wanted to help in the kitchen.

But apparently, I was more trouble than it's worth.

Which I never understood until I had a son. But actually, my son, he's joining, I actually did an episode with him.

We made pork chops.

Oh, I love making pork chops. Yeah, me too, right? I mean, we're basically having like Japanese pork chops.

That's great. I am, as a Filipino, I'm a huge fan of pork.

See, I was thinking, I was like, okay, we can do a pork dish for sure. Obviously, for everybody out there, this is easily done with chicken thighs.

Like, yeah, yeah, easily.

That's one of my favorite kind of ways to do this too. So. Am I doing this right?

Yeah, you are. Oh, yeah, you are. Yeah, you are doing excellent.

All right. All right. Cool. Gordon Ramsay will be proud. I just gotta watch my fingers.

Actually, it's funny. So again, before I went to Japan, and it was kind of like my last meal, before I left to, I left and everything.

It was, my mom made like Thanksgiving holiday food.

That's like my favorite for her. Thanksgiving holiday food?

Yeah, that was the last thing I ate before I had went to Japan for my first time.

Yeah, so it's like, like, Kate, this Cajun stuffing that she makes.

Yeah, that's really good. It's very expensive. It's a process, but it's really good.

That some collard greens, some honey ham. Yeah, it was a macaroni and cheese, baked macaroni and cheese.

Yeah. So is this? I think, yeah, that's, yeah, that's good.

Awesome. And then we can do, let's do probably two teaspoons of the chili powders.

Okay, this is just crushed red. Okay. Okay, yeah, that's fine.

So how much? Yeah, let's, let's see. Yeah, let's, yeah, let's do that. Yeah, that looks good.

And then let's just look just a little. Oh, there you go. Okay. Okay, now what?

And just, just stir it all together. And we can just have that waiting on the side.

Just get a fork.

And then there you go. Get all the flavor.

Exactly. Then let's go. Yeah, you know, you know, you can always taste it a little bit just to see if there's a little, if you need a little extra something, something, you know, I'm, I'm always a fan.

I'm always an advocate of, you know, taste while cooking, you know, you know, it's funny.

Like when I cook with my mom, I say, so mom, how much, how much is this?

She's going, you know, like, like this much, you know, that's really helpful.

We're obviously not a baking family.

We don't bake in my family. Pretty good.

Okay. Awesome. Okay. So we can have that to the side. All right. So now let's, let's see how much time we have on the, on the eggplants.

We got like 30 seconds on the eggplant.

So we'll just to do our first check. Oh, do you have like a, like a chopstick or like a skewer just to kind of like, do I have a chopstick?


I don't like to assume. Okay. Oh yeah. Whenever, yeah. We'll like kind of test it to see, you know, if it's like done or not.

Yeah. I'll bring it over here so we can test out the, see what we got here.


So is it easily poking through? Oh, oh, oh, actually. Okay. Yeah. So, oh, okay.

Yeah. That's perfect. Okay. Yeah. Take it off and then let's let it cool off because then you're going to have to do, you're going to have to channel your inner mom and tear those by hand.

Oh, okay. Now do I, do I, do I rinse them off? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, just like that.

And then you just let them cool off for a bit.

And then we're just going to like kind of hand tear them off. So I'm going to let it cool off.

And while it's cooling, I can, I can get back to, we can get to the pork.

Pork. Exactly. The, the, the, the main event. This is the time where I get serious and I start.

Okay. Mostly because I, I, uh, I like, I wipe my hands on myself here.

Yeah. See, well that's, that's a lot better for the environment because I try, I'm trying to get more into not having to use so many paper towels.

Cause I'm a kind of, I'm a paper towel kind of guy, but you know, we need to, we need to save the trees, you know?

I know my friend, Jamie fine, who might be watching today. He said he was, um, he's, they, they use, uh, uh, cloth napkins and, but they're, they're crafty people too.

So he'll like his wife makes these, you know, cloth napkins out of cloth.

I don't know. Okay. I don't know if they're t-shirts or sheets or whatever, but they're the, you know, we, I've got a set of their napkins that they've given somewhere.

Um, okay. Anyway, I'm ready for the pork. So now, okay. Oh, all right. Do I start with the one?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's start with the pork. And then do you have the, uh, your, your meat pounder?

Uh, yes. Uh, for meat powder, I'll show you what I typically use.

Okay. All right. A rolling pin. No, I just get a good old. Oh, there you go.

Okay. Okay. So, all right. Now my, my, uh, cutting board, I'll move to the side.

There you go. And here we go. I have three cutlets. Now I understand there's a technique here that one thing is nice to do is to feather in some cuts.

Exactly. Curl on it. Exactly. Yep. Look at you head of the game. All right.

Yeah. Just going to cut around a little bit. Yep. Yep. Right. And then flip it around and do the same.

Exactly. You already know what. All right. Yeah. I got some skills.

So, um, there we go. I'll do that. I'm putting like, it's like a half inch.

It's just like, just so it doesn't curl the simpler concept to like when woodworkers will that you, how you can kind of create, you could take a wood piece of wood and help it curl by like cutting into the wood a little bit.

Okay. You know, so that, but if you do it on just one side, then it will, um, I guess it, you know, releases resist.

It's like creating a whole bunch of joints. Okay. This year, I guess the idea is that we're creating joints on both sides so that they're okay.

Now for the pounding, see, here I go. I'll get a little wax paper or something.

Right. I love the ingenuity. So that I can just now take my thing and give it a good.

Okay. That's, that's exactly what we need. Oh yeah. And then, um, right after this note, we can go on and get the oil, um, heated up too.

Okay. Yeah. I was going to do this in a walk, but now that I'm looking at it, I'm wondering if I should just do it in a, like a shallow pit.

Yeah. Like, I mean, honestly, the one that you just use are, or if you have like, I have a bigger version of this.

Okay. Yeah. That would work perfectly. So I have, uh, so I don't need a nonstick, so I'm not going to use the nonstick.

I'm using all different versions here.

I have like this one, which is like your regular frying pan. And then I have this one here, which has flat edges.

This is also pretty good for like, if you don't want stuff to fall off the side, I do a lot of vegetable sautés in here.

So, okay. Oh, let's yeah. I guess let's go with the way you have in your hand now.

Yeah. I think that would look, yeah. I kind of agree because if I remember correctly, we're going to put a bed of onions on there later or something like that.

Right. Right. Yeah. Okay. All right. So we got 30 minutes, so we're doing pretty good.

Oh yeah. I think, yeah, that's pretty.

Yeah. We got, you know what though? I need another, uh, okay. All right.

Cheers. Kampai. Okay.

So now I have my, um, my pork cutlets. Lisa, do you want to put some oil in this thing here?

Yeah. Yeah. So we can get that heated up. Yeah. We can probably put it on medium heat while we're getting ready, you know, like low, medium low.


So oils, there are so many different kinds of oils that we could use. We could use, um, do you have a recommendation?

Uh, for the frying, for the frying, we can just use simple kind of like vegetable, uh, vegetable or canola.

Okay. So I've got some vegetable oil here.

Okay. Uh, yeah, let me, all right. Okay. Yeah. Just keep pouring.

Let's do it. Like maybe like it should be about like a half, but it would keep on a little more and a dash more.

Okay. Yeah. Let's go with that. Yeah. That's about, um, okay.

That's fine. Yeah. Good thing we got that. Okay. All right. So you said started, started warming up, huh?

Yeah. Yeah. So we are at the, you know, I'm a, I'm a, I'm a planner.

I like to, I like to, I like to have a, have a, what is it?

A plan now? Well, yeah, obviously a plan. Yeah. So, okay. And the eggplant is, uh, cooling off.

So now, um, I've got this, I've got the pork here. Okay.

So now let's, uh, salt pepper and garlic powder each side. Ooh. Okay. So I'm a little garlic powder in one of these things here.

Okay. So that's interesting. Garlic powder, but you put it directly on the meat in the pan.

Right. And then I might, and then I also do a little bit of not pepper because pepper can burn, but I put like a little bit of that in the flour whenever we kind of dredge it over in the flour.

And then, cause we're going to be doing like flour, egg, flour, egg, the Panko.

So that's going to be the method. So flour, egg and Panko. Yeah. Oh, okay. Got it.

Yeah. Um, do you, what about, what do you think about garlic salt versus garlic powder?

Do you have an opinion on that? I mean, I can do whatever is in the kitchen.

I like to have things like be able to control every element, but I mean, I don't think it's going to make a huge difference.

So yeah, I'll go with the garlic powder.

That's cool. You know, I am a big fan of this trader Joe's garlic salt though.

It's got like garlic flakes and salt in there. I have garlic powder. I just find it a little bit hard to work with, but I'll use it because that's what the doctor calls for.

Right. You all right. I'm going to use some powder here. So let me see here.

I'll cut a little bit off. Just put a little bit on, just sprinkle it on.

Yeah, exactly. Yeah. All right. Let's see here. I'll start with the garlic powder cause I can see.

Yeah. Whoa. Hey, no harm. Yeah. It's just garlic, right?

Okay. Right. There we go. Did you hear some study is like more attractive people eat garlic or something?

It's something weird like that, that like garlic consumption is connected to attractiveness.

Is that why vampires are ugly?

Right. Although you'd never guess it from the movies, right? I had this, and you said pepper too, right?

Yeah. Yeah. I remember in college, I studied abroad too in London and I went to national school, Richmond, Richmond university.

And one of my classmates is this guy from his name is the bottle of it out.

And was from Mallorca and accent. When he spoke English, it sounded like he was from Transylvania or something.

I said, Hey, Gonzalo, can you say, I want to bite your neck?

And he said, I want to bite your neck. I want to bite your neck. Why do you want me to say that?

And we all just laugh. Okay. So flip it and do the same thing on the other side.

Okay. Always season both sides. You already know. Well, I should put my fan on here.

Okay. When the oil gets hot. Yeah. Now, whenever all this is whenever all this pandemonium passes, I gotta, and whenever I come to the, to the SF office, I got it.

We got, we got to do an in -person show.

This time you're going to cook. Okay. Are we going to do, are we going to do a Filipino dish?

Now that would be lit. That was, yeah. I remember. So I was, so I'm a, you know, I'm a military brat and everything.

So there's like a lot, like, I feel like there's always like a good amount of like Filipinos, like in like the community and everything.

And I remember like in high school, like the first graduation that my first Filipino graduation, I went to, they had that pig out.

And I was like, I was like, Oh, like, you know, you always see those like, you know, in cartoons or like, you know, like with like the, it had the apple in the mouth.

I was like, Oh, like. They do it for real.

And then people will rosham for the pig ears. They want all the crispy stuff, you know, that's the best part.

All right. So I got that. I have my eggplant here.

And I also got the, the, what should we do first? The, all right, let's go on and tear the eggplant so it can be marinating.

So, and I should put it in here?

Yes. Okay. Yep. So now, yeah. So now it's like easy. You can pick it up easily with your hands, right?

Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And then exactly. Yep. Exactly.

You can see like, kind of like how the tears are.

It really helps it, the texture of it helps it bring in the sauce.

Obviously you can, you can do it with a knife, but you know, this is interesting because like I said, should we cut it?

But so why, why tear it versus the cutting it in it before steaming?

Oh, I think, I think the jaggedness helps it pick up like the surface area kind of helps it pick up the sauce.

Cause I think cutting it would make it into like two, you know, kind of very smooth edges and everything, but tearing it, you kind of get those little jagged edges and the sauce can really just like really get in there.

Right. Yeah. I see.

Cause it's not a smooth surface like this. Right. Exactly. It's more like you have that rough surface.

Exactly. Right. So yeah, it kind of just wants to, it's almost like giving me where to go.

Wow. That was good. That was a good timing on our part too.

Yeah. Okay. Five minutes too. And it's you know, cause you don't, yeah, you don't want it to do too long.

Cause you don't want it to be mushy. You still want to, you know, have that texture to be able to do.

How long is the pork going to take to cook?

We got 23 minutes. So I'm just like keeping it. Yeah. That would be like, I mean a quick, I mean, especially since we found it out flat, probably like a good, like 10 minutes, like in total 10 minutes.

So, and then there'll be, we got this.

Okay, cool. Yep. Clean up a little bit here. Okay. So now I got that.

Uh-huh. Stir it around a little bit. Yeah, exactly. Wow. Yeah. There you go.

Wow. I wonder if I should transfer this to a bowl that I keep in a warmer. Oh yeah.

Oh, okay. Yeah. What do you think of that? Yeah. So this looks good. Yeah. Oh man.

Can I cheat and have a bite? I mean, look, I encourage Oh man, this is great.

Yes. And it's so easy. It's so easy. Right. Easy. It's healthy.

I mean, like, you know, it's eggplant, some sauces there, you know, and a little bit of spice and everything.

Nice. All right. So I'm putting this in my warmer down here.

Okay. And the oil is hot. I can feel it. So now I have to get straight to the flour and egg stuff, right?

Yeah. So you can just dust on the, you can dust the flour onto both sides of the pork.

All right. So give me a second. I got to get to Awesome.


So now just take some flour and just dust it off. Exactly. Yep. Yes. Okay. So Exactly.

Just like that. You yeah, you exactly. Perfect. Perfect. Yeah, that's exactly what Okay.

All right.


A little bit more. Oops. Oh, it's all good. And then we're gonna get an egg. Probably an egg, maybe I think two eggs, so we can beat them.

And then, and then I will get another bowl ready and have the panko in there.

So we can like, you know, do like the egg and then panko.

Okay, so I'm gonna put this aside. I'm gonna get a Okay, now I'm gonna use this bowl for the panko.

Yep. Yep. But the egg goes in a separate bowl?

Yeah. All right. So I'm gonna start with one egg and see how it goes.

Okay, so I'm gonna beat one egg in here.

That's a good looking egg.

All right, there you go. There.

Exactly. Okay, that's probably good enough. All right. Yeah. Yeah, it looks like I will need a second egg.

But I'm gonna start with this. So go ahead and dip these.

Yeah, and let's put the panko. So I'm just using some panko. Same brand I use.

Is that right? Yeah, it's it's crazy. So I was I learned something like I guess how panko like was created.

It's like some special way. Because I was like, Oh, I want to make like homemade panko.

But it's actually like, really hard to do because they electrify the bread.

And it that's how it like, yeah, they electrify the bread.

And then that's how it rises. And then they shred it up. But that's how you get it to be that particular.

Yeah, exactly. Okay, I'll start with that much. Yeah.

This actually might even be too much for three to three. I don't know. I don't waste it.

But okay, here we go. So I'm gonna take this. Dip it in there. Okay, and I'm gonna panko eyes it.

Exactly. All right. Oh, yeah, there you go.

There you go. Okay. Okay.

And I'm gonna I'm gonna make sure I'm back on here.

Okay. Medium heat. I could smell the oil.

I don't want to burn it. Right. So should I put these Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, let's do that.

Okay, so here we go. Here's a second. It looks like one egg is going to do it.

Oh, nice. Oh, yeah. All right. And my cat wants to I was like, I don't think that's a baby.

Okay, where's the cat?

Kitty. Oh, hey. Hey, Miss Cleo. How you doing? Back to the action here.

Right. So we got this. And then last, last one. All right. Oh, so this is interesting flour and then egg and then panko.

So what? Yep. Why? So I think the like, the flour and the egg help make that like layer of like, I guess it helps create the skin outside and it helps like adhere, like let the panko adhere, but then also makes like a skin around it.

I think that's what maybe adds to the crispiness factor.

Okay, so now I've got my You got your three. Good. Yay. All right.

And you got your cooking tongs ready too? Yeah, yeah. So go ahead and put these in there now.

Yeah, let's yeah, it should be. Yeah, let's There's a I'll bring you over here.

Give me a second. And so we have 15 minutes and then I know we have an onions part of it too, right?

Yeah, yeah. And that's good. We can do that while it's, while it's fried up.

Okay. So are we ready to put them in? Yeah, I think so.

Let's see. Oh, yeah. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

I think we picked the right pan too. Yeah, right. Yay. All right. Cool. All right.

Pretty good. I'll have the timer for eight minutes. So then that's when we'll full.

Let's do six. Let's do six minutes, and then we'll flip it in six.

Okay, you're, you're, you're the timer guy. Yep, I got it. All right. See, we're making good timing.

Okay, so there he goes. Look at that, everybody. Oh, yeah.

So I'm doing what, like six minutes a side or what is it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Six minutes a side.

Okay. So you're going to do that. So now I'm going to clear out some space and I'm going to get ready to do the onions, right?

That's exactly. Okay.

And I'll move the panko dish aside. The egg is done. All right. Now, how many onions should we do?

One, two? Yeah, let's see. Yeah, we can do one. Yeah. Let me see.

Let's see the size of the onion. Okay, let me just get them in the fridge here.

Oh, yeah, I think.

Let's do. Start with one, I guess. One. Yeah, yeah. Let's see how it goes.

And so. How do you want me to cut them?

So let's, we're going to do like now, like lay it and then cut in half from that way.

And then we're going to do. Like, like half ringlets.


No, yeah. How exactly? Yep. And then exactly. And then. Yep, exactly. And bada boom, bada bang.


Yeah, I think that's it.

Yeah, that should be enough. Okay. All right. Yeah, I think. Yeah, I think that's fine.

Yeah. So we got one onion down. Okay, well, I'm thinking that maybe I need to.

I'll bring you over here so you can see us. How are we doing on timing?

We got three minutes. Three minutes still, really? Yeah. Okay. Let's look at the other.

Well, yeah, let's, let's take a peek. Yeah, yeah, it's, yeah, yeah, let's, yeah, let's keep on.

Yeah. You've been in there? Yeah. Okay. On medium heat, okay.

Yeah. So now I got the onions, got the onions ready. Okay. I think what would be good now is that other pan that you had from earlier.

Let's put that onto the burner right next to it.

And then we can, let's put the onions in there.

We don't need to put the heat on. Put the onions in there. We can start making the sauce that the, that the pork cutlets are going to go into once they're cooked.

So this one. Okay. Got it. Put this over in the back corner here.

Yeah, I think that'll be good now. All right.

Oh, we can just put those, those have the onions that you just made. Just put that in there.

We don't need to turn it on yet. We can just, yeah. Okay.

Yeah. And now we're going to also, let's make like the, the sauce that those are going to be kind of like soaking in.

So now let's get a cup, a cup of water. Water.

All right. Let's see here. I gotta get a measuring cup. Okay. Where's the water going?

Oh, let's just get another bowl. Yeah. Yeah. I'm moving to this bowl now.

Okay. Yeah. That looks, that seems perfect. How are we doing on time?

We got, we got one minute and 54 seconds. Are you kidding me still? Time flies whenever you're having fun, I guess.

All right. And now let's go the, the dashi powder.

Dashi powder. Okay. And let's do a, okay.

Are they in like a little pack? Okay. Let's use like half that packet and put it in the water.

Okay. Half a packet. Okay. Yep. All right. And then just kind of like help it dissolve, dissolve down.

That was pretty easy to dissolve actually.

Okay. That's good. And then let's do, um, actually, cause it's like three, no, let's do another cup of water.

Cause I think, can I see it?

Um, let's do a half, another, yeah, do another cup of water and then just add in like the other, um, the other, yeah, the other half a packet.

Yeah. All right. So I want to be able to, uh, eat my, our food.

So I'm going to flip this now. We got 10 minutes left.

Okay. Yep. Perfect. Oh yeah. That looks perfect.

We are, we're making some good timing. Okay. All right. So now let's get the sake and the, uh, the soy sauce.

Uh, and then do you have the midi? Yeah.

Okay. All right. So let's do two tablespoons of each.

And some sake, right?


Awesome. And now let's stir that around. And then can you show that to me? Okay.

I think that looks good. So now let's put that where, with the onions and let's start getting that cooked down.

And we could put it on like, kind of like medium high heat.

Okay. So I'm gonna. Oh, yeah.

Okay. Good. That does look like the perfect amount. Okay. So we're going to let that cook down.

Oh, we're making some good timing.

Yeah. We have nine minutes left. Nine minutes. Okay.

We got to give us enough time to eat too. Yeah. Right. Yeah. We got this. We got this.

Oh, and Mariana confirmed for me that it is patis for Tagalog. Thanks. I was trying to remember because my mom and dad would call it different things.

So we're depending if we're making Thai food or Filipino food, right?

So, oh, and let's go on and take two eggs and lightly beat them.

Two. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And then just kind of have it in like a little bowl on the side.

Okay. All right.

That's how I do it.

All right. Aftermath, you know. Right. Right. Right. Exactly. Yep.


Okay. I think that pork is looking done. Okay. Yeah. Let's get that on like a cooling rack.

Let's let that cool down or, you know, take it off and drain out some of the oil.

Oh, yep.

Exactly. That's it. Yeah. Wow. That's. I mean, yeah, you're sad. Of course, we're like the same people.

I'm like, well, hey, he has everything I would be doing.

Like, exactly. I don't have to explain anymore. All right. Let's see here.

Oh, whoops. Nice and crispy. So I'm going to take them off. Yay. And then we'll just let those just drain for one minute.

And then how are the onions looking?

Onions are, they're just not even boiling yet.

So it's still got some time. Let's put it on high. It's on high. Oh, okay. Okay.

So I think it needs a minute here still. Okay. Okay.

All right. This here, I'm going to move this out of the way. Exactly. Yeah. And maybe I'll switch.

Okay. The onions over to that over there. We can see a little bit better.

Yeah. There it goes. Okay. We got, yeah, we got seven minutes. We'll be fine.

We got this. Oh, we got this. We got actually six minutes left. Six minutes.

Okay. I'm going to prepare a plate for myself. Okay. Sounds good. So I got, yeah.

So I have my serving bowl here.

See, that's good. Here we go.

Look at this.

So. Okay. Good. It is starting to boil a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. It's good. Yeah.

I feel it getting there. There's my eggplant. Oh, yes. So after the show, by the way, when we sign off, hang out for a while so we can eat and chat.

Okay. Yeah. Sounds good.

I wish you were here, man. So I can, I can eat together. Look at this. I'm going to take some of this.

Yeah. This was like always. I love that that eggplant dish is just like so simple and it's like, you know, really healthy.

I mean, you can not go wrong with that.

There's this. All right. And then in the last, what do I got here?

Four minutes. Okay. I know, I'll know a good thing we can actually do then. Okay.

Let's, let's go on and let's go on and get, yeah, go on and pour that into, go on and pour the egg into, into the sauce.

Yeah. Into here? Yeah. Yeah. And then, and what you can do is let's chop the, let's chop the tonkatsu into strips.

Oh, okay.

And then put that into your bowl and then we can just put that over it at the end.

Cause you can like cook it inside there, but you know, for the sake of time, like, you know, you gotta be creative.

Okay. So I'll take, take one of these. I'm gonna.

Yep. Oh, that looks perfect. Put this on top? Uh-huh. Yeah. Let's do that. Do I put it on top of this or on top of the, this?

Well, well, I mean, we could spoon that sauce over, over the tonkatsu in your bowl, you know?

So, yeah. And then once that, how's that looking?

Is it boiling down? Yeah. Here, check this out. Okay.

So I'm gonna take some of this. Yeah, exactly. With some of the onions, some of the sauce.

Exactly. Oh yeah. There you go. Okay. Okay. Wow. This is looking pretty good.

Oh my gosh.

You got two minutes too, so. Yes. Where's my son? Hey, hey. He's taught, teaching me how to cook some Japanese food.

Now, I guess I should turn this heat off now, or turn the heat off the onions.

And so let's see here. This looks good.

And oh, cool.

We still have two minutes. This is great. We did it here. Let me hear.

You know, accountants, we like to always be, we always like to meet a deadline.

Okay. You're very precise. I learned from Enron, okay? Nothing's gonna go down here.

All right, here it goes. I'm gonna try this. So, itadakimasu, that's how you say in Japanese, before you eat.

Itadakimasu. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, this is great. Let me try a little of the pork, or the rice. And the eggplant.

Oh, the eggplant. In my rush to eat.

I should have showed everybody the plate. Yeah, there we go.

Yeah, everybody, we got the pork cutlet. Those, that is nice and thick.

And wow, yeah. Yeah, it is good. I like the end here, because there's gonna be extra crispy.

Oh, that's the ASMR, right?

No, like pork fat is so good. And that was the end that had some, some of the fatty pork in the side.

You know, Marianne knows what I'm talking about.

All right. And yeah, this is great.

So what, well, Eric, thank you so much for, but yeah, we got to do this again in person next time you're out in the Bay.

Right, and I'll be cooking this time.

There you go, right? I do want to make it out to Austin one of these days.

It's still on my list. So, you know, we could, you know, you can take me out to that hike area that you.

Oh, yeah, exactly. Yeah, Chandon Rocks, the best place in Texas, in my opinion.

Right. Well, just to recap, this is Chad Bustatone, host of Cooking with Klauffer.

My guest, Eric Allen. Thank you so much for joining.

We made katsudon and some Korean eggplant. I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I'm gonna enjoy this meal.

And with that, we're out in five, four, three, two, one.

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