Cooking With Cloudflare
Presented by: Chaat Butsunturn
Originally aired on July 7, 2022 @ 1:30 AM - 2:30 AM EDT
The Internet has never been this tasty! Join us for adventures combining cooking with discussions of the tech that makes the web tick.
Original Airdate: August 19, 2020
Transcript (Beta)
530, 530! Hello everyone. Hi. Welcome to Cooking with Cloudflare. I'm your host, Chaat Butsunturn, and I did not get a special guest to co-cook with me this week, so I pulled in my sous chef.
Hi. This is my son. How are you doing? Good. Good, great.
So today is going to be a different experiment. As you know, for people who've watched the show before, I typically recruit one of my colleagues to teach me a new dish.
And this week, schedules were such that I just couldn't get someone that the time worked.
But dinner has to be made, and so we're going to make some dinner tonight.
Right, Bella? Do you know what's on the menu? I think it's pork chops.
That's right. We're making pork chops today. Yes. Well, I typically like to roast broccoli, but the thing is, we only have one oven, and the pork chops are going to start on the on the stovetop, and then they go to the oven to finish for like seven minutes.
But broccoli roasting doesn't take that long.
Yeah. So we're also going to make mashed potatoes.
Now, I'm going to show you the setup we got here. So let's see. Here's our ingredients.
Okay. So first, I'm going to show you the pork chops. All right. Let's see what we got.
This is a lot.
Oh my goodness. Now, I told my wife to get four pork chops, but I did not realize they were going to be so thick.
Look at this. This is like an inch and a half thick pork chop.
Often, you could do this with... I usually use a pork chop that's about half this size, in which case, I'd only probably need two or three of these, but I got four.
So we're going to be eating pretty good tonight. Probably have leftovers unless you go for a bike ride and you're really hungry.
So one of the things about pork chops you want to look for is the loin.
Now, you see the chop here is your bone, right?
A lot of pork chops, you're just going to have this part here, but this here is the tenderloin, and I think this is like one of my favorite parts of the pork chop.
So I always ask when I go to the butcher, can I get one with some loin in it?
So look at this one here, right? It's a big one, right?
So I'll probably just make three of these, and I'll make that fourth one tomorrow, I guess, for lunch.
I could just make them all, but I got to see what I can fit in my pan, because like I said, we're going to be pan -frying it, right?
I think I could fit all four in here.
Let's try it out. Want to put one in there, Bella? Let's see how they're going to fit.
That's the bone in here, yeah. Let's do this one here. So could we fit another one in there?
Let's see. Oh yeah, okay.
So we may as well make them all, right? So all right, so we're going to make them all.
Now we got our hands all kind of gooey, right? This is why I mentioned I like to use an apron.
Now, Bella and I both have aprons. You want to get your apron?
I'm going to get mine out. So here's your apron, Bella. All right, I think we're going to start with the mashed potatoes.
So while I go to the pork chops, I'm going to have my son start cutting potatoes.
Now for mashed potatoes, everybody knows how to make mashed potatoes, right?
You just basically boil the potatoes, or you can stick a fork in it, and then you start mashing.
But I generally like to put a little sour cream in it, some butter, some olive oil, some salt.
You could use rosemary if you want to do rosemary mashed potatoes. That's always good, right?
Now I like to use for mashed potatoes Yukon Gold. That's my preference.
Russets are great for baking. They're kind of big, they can get kind of dry.
And here's a Yukon Gold. Now this is actually a really good size for roasting. And for mashed potatoes, I like to leave the skin on.
But with these smaller ones, you're going to have a lot of skin.
And we're obviously not going to skin all these because that would just take forever.
So what we're going to do is just going to, I want to cut them in half though.
So that's what I'm going to have my son do is cut these in half and put them in a bowl.
And then for the broccoli, I think we're going to probably steam it.
I want to do, we usually like to roast broccoli and roast vegetables.
You can roast green beans, you can roast carrots. And it just seems to be the way you can get kids to eat Brussels sprouts.
That's a great way to get kids to eat your vegetables is by roasting them.
Steaming them, not so much.
Usually you steam them, you're going to have to do something to dress it up like butter or olive oil or ume.
Ume is very good. I think it's a Japanese vinegar.
Yes. Do you want to show them a bottle of it and what that looks like?
All right. So I did not make up this recipe. Oh, there's ume. See this here? Where is it?
Ume plum vinegar. Now this is something you could sprinkle on your, on your veggies.
It adds a little bit of a saltiness to it. Um, bitter greenness that, that at least my son likes.
Right. And um, so let's begin. Now Bella, I'm going to have you do some cutting while I could salt the recipe.
I was just going to say that I don't usually, um, make up my own recipes, but I like to hone them and perfect them and, uh, try to get them, improve them over time.
Uh, but there's one source for recipes that I really like fine cooking magazine.
That's right. You know, my wife and I subscribed to it for about three years and they were like, you know, we have so many recipes here.
We're never going to get through them all. And we just stopped our subscriptions.
And if we want new recipes, we can just go online or consult other sources.
But I found that of the a hundred recipes or so I've tried to find cooking 98 are just awesome.
Right? So that's what we're looking at is a fine cooking recipe.
All right, Bella. So here's you open this up and I'm going to have you just tear it like this.
It's a mesh, right? And I'm going to get you a bowl.
So just cut them in half and then pop them in here.
Yes. So just cut them in half. Boom. That's yeah.
And the reason why we're cutting them in half, um, cause they're actually a good size for boiling, but we're cutting it in half because they're going to be easier to match and do do one at a time.
Okay. Just for safety sake. All right.
There you go. So I'm going to check my recipe.
Okay. So I need to preheat my oven.
So, all right. And, um, my brother just texted me.
He's in North Carolina. I forgot to tell him I have a show right now, but, um, he was asking me how we're doing in California because of the smoke and fires.
If you're unaware, we're, uh, um, um, this is our home office in Oakland, California, and there are, there are fires and, um, in, in, uh, in California and started by lightning, a lot of them.
And yeah, the, the, the, the sky's kind of hazy, you know, and it is, um, and there's been a little ash fall, uh, on, on the deck, on the cars and whatever, a little bit of ash.
So it's, it's a little troubling. We're safe here. Uh, I know we're, we're some of the lucky ones.
There are others who are further North, uh, or in other parts of the state that are, are really, really suffering.
So, uh, that's okay. Yeah.
Just cut it in half. Let's take it out. Yeah. Oh, you can, we can just throw that one out.
So my son was asking about this one because it had like some kind of weirdness.
That's okay.
All right. So the other things we're going to need for this recipe for the pork chops is this is a pork chops or the Dijon rye crust, right?
So I might make better lives without the Dijon because he's generally not a mustard fan.
What do you think?
I might want to try that first. You gotta scrape off the Dijon.
Or maybe I'll make one without the Dijon. All right. Why not? So I prefer for this recipe to use a, uh, a seed mustard Dijon.
I don't have any of that right now. So I'm just using a regular kind of a creamy Dijon, right?
And, uh, let's see here.
Whoops. We got potatoes dropping everywhere. Run away potatoes. And, um, you know, the other thing to think about is, um, we might be able to roast the broccoli first, cause we have about 40 minutes left in our show.
Um, wait a minute.
How long does, how long is it when the, uh, when the pork chops are in there?
The pork chops are in there. It's going to be, oh, like once you put the pork chops on the stove, it's going to be about three minutes.
And then when you put it in the oven, it's another 10 minutes, maybe.
So, you know, so the first thing we might do actually is I'll get the broccoli going while all the rest of the stuff is happening.
And then we can like take, yeah. I like that idea. Roasting the broccoli.
You're thinking that okay. That's a good idea.
Oh, what about this one? That one also. Yeah. So, uh, as you may know from my previous episodes, I usually like to have a drink while I'm like glass of wine or something, but I'm going to have a beer cause it feels like a beer kind of day.
You know, it's summer, it's hot here, you know, and today's beer of choice, you know, frosty pint glass that I put in my freezer is a hazy IPA from a brewery.
That's like two blocks from my house. It's a Temescal brewery. So I'm having their magic hour because it's magic hour right now.
Actually with the hazy skies, it kind of looks like it's always a magic hour.
Oops. It looks good. It does look good on that.
It looks fruity. Yeah. Some, some IPAs can be citrusy. So, so cheers.
So for the broccoli, I'm, Oh, I just dropped, I just dropped some broccoli in my, in my beer head there.
You know, I'm going to eat it anyway.
Right. So I'm probably just going to make all of this broccoli.
It looks like a lot, right? But when you roast it, my son can probably eat half of this.
Right. Um, yeah.
Okay. You're cutting that. I have to get a, um, a roasting pan. So give me a second.
One at a time.
There you go. Is that knife too big? No. Use a smaller one. It's okay. All right.
So I'm going to tilt this around again. So you guys can see the action and what's happening here.
All right. So my son's going to be doing one side.
Okay. And I'm going to use the other side.
Now I'm going to use a different knife.
Let me see. You can use this one. Okay. Let's switch.
Okay. So first thing I do with the broccoli is, you know, I mean, like they always sell it by the stem, but there's really not much you can do with it.
Right. So you end up, this goes to the compost. All right. The first thing I'll do is cut off, cut off the stems.
Then what I do with this is, this is about the right size.
I'm going to put them in a bowl.
You'll see why in a minute. I'm scared. What? The knives are kind of scaring me because I almost got hit.
By what? My knife? Yeah. And I'm still kind of freaked out from that accident.
I'm skilled with a knife. Yeah. Do you want to tell them what happened?
So I'm kind of freaked out about knives because I just got a Swiss Army knife.
I think it's been a month now, but like maybe, I don't know. How many weeks ago did you get it?
I don't know. July. I remember that. Yeah. July. In July, I was whittling a stick and I cut my knuckle.
Yeah. Do you want to show them?
Sure. One sec. Let's see. Where is it? Yeah, just pull it back a little bit. See, it's healing.
I don't know if you can see it. There's some glare. Right there. You know, I was telling my son that when I was in high school, I remember I had a, my mom had a butcher knife and I was like, oh, I got a butcher knife and I grabbed an orange.
I said, I'm going to chop this orange. So I grabbed it and I went and then right in my, right in my finger, pulled it out.
And I was looking at it and you just see this lit and then, and then, then it starts bleeding.
I didn't need stitches or anything, but now I, no chopping like that.
That was, I learned my lesson.
So, so for the broccoli, these are kind of big, but what we're going to do, you did.
Okay. Good job. So what I want you to do with this now, Bella, so you can see here's the, here's the potatoes, right?
I want you to fill up with water until those are just covered.
No, not, not too much. Just, just covered. All right. Let's do an action shot.
Let's see. Let's see.
A little bit more. A little bit more. I want to make sure they're all covered.
Good. All right. So now you put the more water, that's okay. Put it on the oven.
The more water that you use, the longer it takes to boil. Okay. Good job. So now we can start boiling the water.
Now, as you know, as I mentioned, it's pretty warm here right now.
So I'm going to turn the fan on. Sorry, it's going to get loud and ready.
Right. Turn it off. There you go.
All right. So now I think we should put a top on it. Yeah, it'll boil faster.
Go ahead. Give me that. So now if you don't mind me, I'm just going to text my brother and say, Hey, we are fine.
I'm cooking live on So let's see.
Let's see if he joins. Now with the broccoli, I'm almost done cutting.
Yeah, go ahead. Now to roast the broccoli, it takes about 20 minutes, about 18, like 12 minutes on one side and you flip it until it looks done.
Right. So no, no, no, we're not going to do that.
So, I mean, you can actually put that, now you can put it back.
No, no more. Now you just want to cut these off. There you go.
So some of these are going to be a little bit larger, but you'll see why I want them a certain consistency.
That's good. Yeah.
All right. So now I have, I have all my broccoli in here. Now, one of my favorite features of this kitchen, as you, as, as previous viewers have known is my boxed wine that I keep right there, or boxed olive oil, pardon me, but the, as it happens, we're out.
So now we just throw away our olive oil. So now, okay, hold on Bella.
All right. This is what we're going to do. I'm going to spread the olive oil and I got to, we're going to, we're going to dress this with olive oil.
All right. So spin it around and just, right.
So I put some olive oil in there and then I toss.
Yep. We're good. We're good. So, and you want to make sure that the olive oil gets into those, into those florets.
So these are all like sponges. And I think this is why kids love it because olive oil is tasty.
It's savory. Right. And when it's just cooking within the, with the olive oil you know, it's just really healthy and yummy.
So I'm going to put a little bit more on this and here we go to this.
All right. And now we're going to do some salt and pepper.
So again, you want to salt it? Okay. Okay. You salt. I'm going to pepper.
I'm going to toss it around again.
Good. Perfect. Now I just kind of look at the olive oil and make sure it looks like it's adequately olive or look at the broccoli and make sure it looks adequately olive oil.
Right. And it smells good. I could probably use a little bit more. You end up using, I don't know how much you use, you know what I mean?
Just like eyeball it. Right.
So let's do a little more, a little more salt here. Great. Should I put the olive oil back down?
Yeah, go ahead. Thanks. All right. Now I got that. Put it in the oven.
I'm going to, as you know, I'm going to take my parchment paper.
I told you guys that this stuff is great for baking, right?
And it just makes cleanup easier.
And I don't know who turned me on to it. Probably my wife.
She's really good at stuff. All right. So you can see all the olive oil is gone.
And I poured probably a good quarter cup of it. Right. So now we just spread it out.
Right. And you probably want to neatly arrange it so that it's not that you're going to be, you know, the only reason why I say neatly arrange it is just because you want to be more efficient with the space.
We have a lot of broccoli here.
We just want to make sure we can get all of it in one batch if possible.
You can do it in batches, but we want to do, we don't want to do batches because we don't, we only have one oven and we need to, we need it for the, for the, for the pork chunks.
Okay. All right. That looks pretty good. We're going to be flipping this.
So now I'm going to, that looks pretty good. See, this is what's great about aprons.
You can just go like this. All right. All right. Open it up. Right there.
And we're going to watch you set the timer for 12 minutes. And in 12 minutes, we're going to check in on it.
Now to the pork chops. All right. So first thing you do is prepare the Dijon rye crust, right?
So that means the rye. Now with rye, you know, this is all we could find.
First of all, I always want to give kudos to my wife who is, she's like the food shopper because she knows products.
She grew up in Berkeley and, you know, just knows all the great places to, to get good food.
And this is not a lot, but I'm supposed to take the crust off. I don't know how to do it with this loaf.
Usually you get like a, like a, a sliced thing of rye, but they apparently didn't have it at Whole Foods today.
Sometimes I get it at a local market called Piedmont Grocery.
But what we're going to do is even with the crust is I'm going to, I'm going to food process it.
I don't have a food processor, so I'm going to use a Vitamix.
You don't have a blender, you have a Vitamix. Thanks, Bella.
All right. So let me see what this says here. Recipe tells me what it says.
Here we go.
Pulse bread and food processor until it forms coarse crumbs. Now it, why, Bella, why don't you take this and start like just ripping up pieces and we'll just put it in here.
The thing about this is pretty moist, so I can feel it already. This is, this might kind of gum up inside the, yeah, that's unfortunate.
But you know what it means is that this is like super fresh bread.
Usually you're getting a sliced rye, but we make do with what we can.
Yeah, that's fine. Probably should have done this earlier so I had time to breathe.
It's like I could feel that moisture in there, right?
So how are we doing at 554? Okay. All right. Okay. I don't know how this is going to turn out.
Okay. Yeah. And okay, Bella, can you grab it, grab our camera?
And I want you to aim it here so people can see. Yeah. It's not good lighting.
Oh, I think it was now. Turn it out, turn it on, ready, mix. All right.
I'm going to start pulsing it here. All right.
I forgot to lock this thing down.
All right. The smaller bits are going to be up at the bottom.
And I kind of need to have the small bits at the top.
So this is actually working out pretty good.
This looks like the breadcrumbs you use for the bread.
Yeah. Interesting how meatballs is bread, right? Otherwise it would be a hamburger.
Hamburger in a ball. All right.
Once it gets a certain consistency, then we can put this on top of that.
All right. So now what it calls for is I'm going to add some butter to this, right?
Because butter is what's going to help it when you put it on top.
You're going to be able to just get like a buttery crust.
I think I showed you guys, I haven't done an episode on showing you how to make croutons.
I did talk about it in my Caesar salad episode, but I didn't actually make it.
So first I need to melt some butter. How much do I need here?
It says about two tablespoons. I like butter, so I'm going to use three. All right.
Okay, Bella, here, face it this way. Here? Yeah. That's right. All right. So I'm going to take some butter here.
I'm going to use about three tablespoons, I think, here.
All right. And I'm going to melt this. Looks as much as I use for my mac and cheese.
It is. Yeah. But it's two tablespoons, I think. Right. Now put it in here, and I'm going to...
Actually, I guess I could... I could actually put this in a...
I'm going to put this in a glass. This is unusual here, but I'm going to put it in a glass and melt it in a microwave just because it's faster.
All right.
So now, next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to season the... Daddy, can you put it back up here?
Put it on there? Yeah. All right. There you go.
I'm just going to make a little space here. How is that? Is that better?
There you go.
That's okay. All right. Go ahead and bring it out of here. Careful, it might be hot.
All right. So that's the butter. And what I'm going to do is season this.
Actually, what I want to do, Lulu, is... Can you show this again here? Yeah. All right.
I'm going to drizzle this in here while I pulse. Keep it mixed.
Here, can you pan back a little bit so they can see what I'm doing? There you go.
Thanks, bud. You're welcome. All right. Now, the butter. Oops.
Forgot about the hole in the top. All right.
Now, add a little bit more.
Almost gone. All right.
Look at that. All right.
So now... You can put it back on top.
Oh, that's hot. My computer's getting hot? Yeah. All right.
So now, we're going to season the pork chops. Look at those pork chops.
I swear, when I do these cooking shows, I should have someone over for dinner, because we always seem to be making too much.
We did a chicken parm episode, and we were eating chicken parm for three days.
I think he was operating for at least four days.
Four days. All right. Not bad for leftovers, though. Okay. So we're going to season these with salt and pepper.
I like kosher salt. I always use kosher salt when cooking.
All right. So we're just going to season. Use that one. And I'll use this one.
So people can see what I'm using. Kosher salt, right? Okay. So we just go...
Do one at a time, and you want to make sure that it gets... That's good.
Do this one. Yeah. Yeah. You want to make sure you get all the spots, right? Great.
And then now, do some pepper. All right. Potatoes are looking good.
They're probably ready for mashing now. Now, the potatoes, I'm going to take a fork.
Can I mash them? Yeah. First, I'm going to take a fork and...
Probably good. So what I'm doing with the mashed potatoes, just so you know, over here, is I'm using a fork just to poke it and see if it's...
Does it give pretty easily? Does it feel like I could mash it?
You know, you don't want it to be too soft, because then it'll be watery.
It's going to be soft enough. And this is soft enough.
So now what I'm going to do is... And if you've been timing it, maybe you have a better sense of how long this took.
We're going to drain this, and then we're going to put it back in here for mashing.
All right? So you guys stay put there. I got it.
Let's use the elbow, because I guess...
Hey. There you go.
Ready? Now, this is a little heavy and hot, so I'm going to move it over for you. I got this.
You can just leave it there. All I'm doing is draining the potatoes. Once it's drained, I take potatoes, put it back.
Same thing. Now we're going to start mashing them. All right, so we've got a potato masher.
And I like to mash potatoes with butter and olive oil.
So I'm going to put in probably a good three tablespoons of butter.
I'm just dropping butter in there. Okay, I'm just going to use the whole stick.
Use all the butter. It's not a whole stick of butter, but it's whatever I didn't use for the pork chop.
Okay, now let's start mashing.
Um, no, no, no, that's not how you do it.
Go like this. You have to push, push, right? So push it all the way down.
Yeah, you do want to go out. It's a good idea. It's a good idea.
So I'm going to move my son over here.
So you can see the status of the broccoli. All right, very good.
I gotta get those pork chops going because they're awfully thick.
These could use a little bit more. So I'm going to put it in and leave it in there for a little bit longer.
So I don't forget, I set the timer three minutes. All right.
And meanwhile, I am finishing seasoning the pork chops.
And we are flipping, right?
And I forgot that this, because these pork chops are so thick, they're probably going to take longer than others.
So while I said it was going to be seven minutes, it's probably going to be more like 10.
So we are, what time do we have here?
6.05. I think I can do it. I think I can do it. All right, you're mashing. You keep mashing.
All right, so now I'm going to heat up this here.
Put some olive oil in my pan. All right, a little bit of olive oil.
Now I'm going to add pork chops.
You know how to cook a little bit. So I'll probably have to cook, see it says here, three minutes per side.
So I want the pan to be hotter to start.
Get in there. Have it on, put it on high heat. And we're just going to let this thing get going.
And it's probably going to cook for, let's see here.
I'm going to do four minutes on this side here. Speaking of high heat, I'm hot.
You're hot? Okay, let's see how we're going to mash it. Okay, so Bella, can you, do you want to do rosemary or no rosemary?
Rosemary. Okay, can you go and flip out some rosemary?
And you want to look for the stuff that doesn't have flowers on it.
Get about like five sprigs that are about this long.
Oh, it's getting hot in the kitchen.
But before I forget, when you take out the broccoli, check it out.
Let's see how we're doing. Okay, it's looking pretty good.
Now, get some tongs and I'm going to flip them. Flip your veggies. Ooh, look at this.
You see how it's kind of brown on there? That's what you're looking for. Oh, yes.
Yeah, I'll have a look here. So what I'm doing now is flipping the broccoli, right?
Broccoli's almost done. Now, if your oven has a warmer, you can turn the warmer on because it'll help keep things warm while everything else is cooking, right?
Here, you see, I'm flipping this thing.
Everything's fine. Everything's fine. Looking good. All right, let me get you a better look at this.
You see that broccoli there?
Yeah, it's got some brown on there. That's what we're looking for.
Yeah, all right. So, yeah, that's okay. You don't want it to be hot. So it always seems that vegetables shrink when you cook them, right?
Broccoli's no exception.
Spinach, especially. So now I'm going to put this back in the oven for about, I don't know, probably close to being cooked, but this is going to take a little while.
It's not required that I cover it, so I'm just going to leave it open.
All right, again, I mentioned that these things are really thick, so it's probably going to take more time in the oven, right?
And I think we're going to be able to pull this off by 630.
So in the meantime, keep mannequins, and for the consistency, okay?
I'm going to mash them.
So, Beverly, how about, can you get some sour cream? Now, one thing we haven't done is, like, we have to add a little bit more fluid in here.
You can see how dry the mashed potatoes are, right? So we're going to add some fat, because I like cooking with fat.
Fat tastes good. Fat gets a bad rap, but that's what's tasty.
That's why we like the olive oil in the vegetables, because it adds a little bit of fat.
Is it already open?
Yeah, all right, some sour cream. So that timer was for the pork.
I can flip it. The first thing you put, I don't know, a couple of dollops of sour cream in there.
How much did I put in? I put in, like, four scoops or so.
Yeah, right? So can you continue mashing, Beverly? Now, I'm going to take out the broccoli.
Wait, I'm going to flip it. Oh, you're going to flip it. So I'm going to use, I'm going to use this for flipping.
Sorry if you guys are getting dizzy here.
Kitchens are busy. Busy business. Okay. Oh, yeah, look at that.
Oh, yeah. There might be a little splatter down there.
Careful. Not one of these things, but the splatter does.
All right.
Okay, so now, look out for another three minutes. And then, oh, I got to get the broccoli out.
So now. Yeah, so that's gone.
And now, I'm going to take the broccoli. Oh, yeah. Look at that.
Basically, that broccoli is done. So I'm going to show you what this looks like.
Look at that.
That's the broccoli. That's good. All right.
Now, believe it or not, I think I probably could have used more olive oil. But we're going to be fine.
And it's nice, we can just take this. Okay, Beverly? They're hot.
I know, they're hot. I'm just going to put this in the wok thing. All right, so now, it's nice and hot.
I'm going to put this in my warmer, keep it warm. So the broccoli is done.
And I think it's fine that the pork chops, even though it says 400, and the oven is probably at 475 right now from the broccoli, what's okay with it is that these are really thick pork chops.
So they need that time anyway. So, oh, I accidentally reset the timer.
So I'm waiting at this point for timing. But these are thick, like I said.
You want to make sure they get crusty underneath. So let me see what the next one looks like.
Okay, now I'm going to add the milk in here too.
So the pork chops, I got to take off.
And I'm going to put them on a plate for a moment. Yeah, I'm going to set that aside for a minute.
When the pork chops are ready to take off, what I do is I take them off.
I put some mustard on them. And then I put the breadcrumbs on them and stick them in the oven, right?
Then we just kind of wait.
During that time while it's in the oven, we're just going to tell stories, finish mashing the potatoes, because the broccoli is already done, right?
So let me check.
I'm going to check the, check the, where's my, where's the tongs? Where did I put the tongs?
I just found the tongs. Oh, here they are. Here's the tongs. I'm just going to check to see what they look like.
Okay, these are looking good. So I'm going to put them to eat.
I'm going to place these on a tray. All right, take them out.
Okay, look at this.
These pork chops look good, right? And they look like they're done, but they're not.
Because this is where I like to use my handy dandy meat thermometer, right?
Because when they're totally done, they're going to be at like 145, but let's see what it is.
I put that in there. What's it say, Matt? Well, it says 100-ish.
Right, see? Around 105, 105. Okay, so I'll put, whoops. So the first thing I do is I just got to pick a side that I want to mustardize.
I guess it doesn't really matter.
Let's see. Okay, I'm going to get some mustard. And where's my spoon?
I need another spoon. There we go. Take a spoon. Put some, I'm going to put some on all of them except for one.
Anything except for this one? Except for that one?
Okay. All right, I'm just going to spread a little bit around. You saw I did about a teaspoon per, I don't know, just dollop a little bit or spread it around.
There we go.
Now, there's a lot of cooking where you have actually exact measurements.
And there's some cooking where you just kind of feel it, feel it out, right?
And I think that's where it is with a lot of things.
Like with the mashed potatoes, just kind of feel in and out.
How much salt do I need? I don't know, until it tastes good.
Same with the milk. How much milk do I need? I don't know, until it looks like it's got the right consistency.
What's the right consistency? Yeah, it's up to you, right?
So now I put in the mustard. The next step is to take some breadcrumbs, right?
So I'm going to put some breadcrumbs on each one of these here.
The breadcrumbs are, this is, this is going to be great. Yeah, oh yeah, there you go.
And the breadcrumbs make a nice caking top on top there.
Actually, what I'm going to do is I'm going to put these back on the plate to finish, to finish, back on this, back in this pan, right?
All right, so this is going to be hot, so be careful, all right?
I'll just set them back. And let's see, will I be able to fold these? Oh, it smells good.
I could just smell the salted pork inside on this, in this pan. Can you hear that, guys?
Can you guys hear that? Oh yeah, there we go. This is looking good.
All right, bring this over.
Uh-oh, we only got 10 minutes. I don't think it's going to be ready, but we'll see.
I'm going to put that, put the breadcrumbs in there. Breadcrumbs, breadcrumbs.
Okay, once you got that breadcrumbs on top, you're good.
All right, I'm going to put this in the oven.
All right, let me just double check if it's there. All right, so okay, this is the point where we can take a little bit of a breather.
Because this thing just sits for like seven minutes. So it's 6 20 now. So we're going to be able to pull this off, I think, and serve it up.
And I like my pork chops medium rare.
I like all my meat medium rare pretty much. But except for chicken, not chicken.
Chicken I like just right, you know. So I'm going to set my timer for seven minutes.
Which will give us, I'll pull this at 6 20. 28. Whoa, that's kind of close, isn't it?
But it's just two minutes to serve. I can set it up.
Okay, we'll check in a little bit soon. Okay, we're gonna get to the mashed potatoes.
Give me a second. I need to cool off here. It's hot in the kitchen. Yeah, you mind clearing some of that off?
All right, so that's the hard part. Not once it's in the oven, you just sit there.
And, you know, the oven's already preheated to like 475 or whatever.
You got to get yourself a meat thermometer. My favorite thing about my meat thermometer is that when I'm using it, it means I'm cooking meat.
Yeah, I'm a meat guy. I think it's partly my Filipino heritage. You know, we ate a lot of meat, a lot of pork.
Actually, my mom, hey, you want to try this little piece of pork, Bella?
Thank you. Okay. Pretty good. Salted pork, I think we're on.
But I remember my mom made a oven fried pork chops when I was a kid.
And they were my favorite. I think you dip them in egg, coat them in some kind of breadcrumb mixture, put it in the oven, pop them out.
Delicious. So we got to get back to the mashed potatoes, right?
So I'm going to bring the mashed potatoes over here.
To finish up. Move this aside. And put this down here.
Okay, and now I'm going to put a little bit of...
Okay, just put some up in there.
Now, one thing we haven't done yet to the mashed potatoes either.
We haven't added the... You know what else I can do sometimes? Sometimes what I do for my mashed potatoes is I roast a head of garlic.
I totally forgot about that.
But then you can squeeze the bulb of garlic out into your mashed potatoes.
I'm not sure. So we need some salt. Do you want to salt this? Is that good?
Nope, need more. Yeah, I need a lot more. Just keep mashing. What about this? This one seems...
Okay, mashed potatoes.
I mean, you know, in terms of how lumpy you want your mashed potatoes, you can mash until you get them creamed.
You can have them a little lumpy. It doesn't really matter.
It's up to you. And like I mentioned, you can use... You can put some rosemary in there.
You could do roasted garlic. You could use garlic salt.
Oh, that's a great idea. Let's do garlic salt, Bella. No, my favorite. I should try a little bit here just to see how we're doing on salt and stuff.
Can I try some?
I need salt. It also needs more fat.
You can just kind of taste that it needs a little bit more. So I'm going to add some olive oil this time.
Is that good? Probably more. Actually, let me move aside for a second.
You see what I did? I did it until it looks like it was enough. You're really just going for a consistency that looks good.
All right.
There we go. This is going to look pretty good. Mash. All right.
It's 625, Dad. 625? Okay. We'll check in in a second. What I'll do is I'll take it out and I'll stick a thermometer in it.
And we'll just see. Oh, that's good.
Let's not open it.
We can just go turn the light. Emily, would you mind putting the milk back in the fridge?
Oh, yes, Dad. Thank you. Can I pour some for myself, son?
Sure. All right. Oh, my goodness. This is really... It's more of a winter meal.
Because you do it in the summer. You're going to end up sweating. It's pretty hot.
But, you know, on short notice, I just needed to figure out, like, what could I cook?
And I hadn't had pork chops in a while. And I'll love me some pork.
Yeah. Let's see. Okay.
Let me... Let's... I'm going to try this now. Let's try this. All right.
Probably could use more mashing. Probably could use a little more...
I don't know. Can I get my knife for a taste test? Sure. Here I go. I'm going to get you off of here.
Okay. Want a little more? Mm-hmm. I think a little more salt.
Mm-hmm. A little more salt? Mm-hmm. Okay. So we're going to use garlic salt. I like this garlic salt from Trader Joe's.
Do you think it needs more fat, Beck?
Probably. Yeah. Maybe I'll add more sour cream.
See any, Bella? Oh, sure. That's it, Beck? Oh, 627. I think it's time to check on the...
I will check on the... Here, why don't you... Why don't you mash...
Mash this... 47 minutes, Sam. Mash this around for me. I'm in 47 seconds. Okay.
It says 47 seconds. Probably good enough to check on. All right. You might not be able to plate it, but we're going to be able to at least see how this thing is coming along.
All right. There it goes. Get my... Look at that.
More chops. I'm going to take my thermometer and stick it in one of these here.
See what we got. Becca, these are really thick.
Yeah. So I was expecting them to be kind of half the thickness.
So, all right. Well, this is only at 130. So it needs to be... It needs to be at 145 usually is what we're going for.
So it's not quite ready enough yet. But I'm going to put it back in the oven.
I may... In one minute, I will pull it out and we will cut in one and I will eat it and we'll see what it tastes like.
All right.
So I'm going to get a plate ready. So, you know, this is doable in an hour. This is kind of an aggressive menu.
We're at 629. We're probably not going to be serving it up quite fully.
But just for the sake of this episode, I want to pull them off so you can check it out.
See what... Because we already know what pork chops look like.
There's that. Here's a knife. And before I forget, I just want to thank you all for joining.
Hey, Bella, will you say... Bye, thank you. All right. And let's see if we can take a bite before...
Oh, it actually looks pretty good.
There you go. Is it hot? I'll do it. Perfect. I'm doing it. Thanks for joining Cooking with Klauffer.
Thank you. Bye. This is Chad. Badaloo. I'm Badaloo. And we were your hosts.
This actually worked out pretty good.