Cloudflare TV
 On Air

🎂 Open Sourcing the Workers Runtime

Presented by Stephen O'Grady, Aly Cabral

Cloudflare has open sourced workerd, the JavaScript/Wasm runtime based on the same code that powers Cloudflare Workers! Tune in for a conversation featuring Stephen O'Grady, Principal Analyst and Cofounder, RedMonk, and Aly Cabral, VP of Product, Developer Platform at Cloudflare, as they discuss the news — and what it means for developers.

Read the blog post:

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Birthday Week

Birthday Week
2023 marks Cloudflare’s 13th birthday! Each day this week we will announce new products and host fascinating discussions with guests including product experts, customers, and industry peers. Be sure to head to the Birthday Week Hub for every blog...
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Up Next: 🌐 A Conversation with Cloudflare's Employee Resource Group leaders