Originally aired on April 8, 2024 @ 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM EDT
This month the most read and fastest trending stories from theNET were Number one, reducing the cost of consolidation.
Four guiding principles that CISOs can use to evaluate platforms for consolidation and gain real cost benefits.
Many platforms have under delivered on lowering total cost of ownership and instead organizations have encountered three different types of cost in the process of switching vendors.
Number two, securing the sales organization. Sales teams are the original remote workforce and still the most challenging to enable.
They work from anywhere, need access to highly sensitive data and their productivity directly drives revenue.
What lessons can we learn from the toughest use case of all?
With the right strategies in place, IT and security have a blueprint for supporting the growing number of remote workers and building a more flexible, agile organization.
Number three, AI's role in reinventing the customer experience.
Nan Gu SVP of engineering at Zendesk shares how she utilizes AI to personalize the consumer and employee experience while adhering to the principle of security by design.
Brands that embrace Gen AI for both customer experience and employee productivity can supercharge growth and see up to a 40% increase in revenue.
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