Cloudflare TV

Trending Stories: 96% of OSS attacks were avoidable

Presented by theNET
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This month, the most read and fastest trending stories from theNET were 1. Pursuing privacy-first security Modern security may threaten data privacy laws and regulation.

Data privacy has been elevated as a matter of importance to mitigating risk.

Now more than ever, CISOs must collaborate with their CPOs to implement a privacy-first security program.

2. Are OSS attacks avoidable? 96% of open-source software attacks that occurred last year were avoidable.

Reducing OSS risk requires a thorough understanding and regular management of software adoption and implementing a comprehensive security framework like Zero Trust to help reduce the attack surface.

3. Three ways to stay ahead of new API threats API-related traffic now comprises approximately 57% of all dynamic Internet traffic.

API security has fallen behind the fast pace of API deployment. To securely leverage the power of APIs, organizations need purpose-built API management.

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