Cloudflare TV

Home Office TV

Presented by: Amy Bibeau, Andrew Fitch
Originally aired on April 6 @ 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM EDT

Join Amy as she provides you with a sneak peek into how the Cloudflare Team has been doing with the transition from daily office life to working from home. How is the team adapting to the shift? What do they miss and not miss about office life? What snacks are they eating? How has it been sharing a workspace with family or housemates? Tune in to find out!

This week's guest: Andrew Fitch


Transcript (Beta)

Good morning. Good morning. Welcome to Cloudflare TV, Home Office TV. I'm Amy Bibeau.

We are joined by the illustrious, legendary Andrew Fitch. Andrew! Hello everyone.

Glad to be here. Thank you. Yes. So you've been on Cloudflare TV a bunch in a variety of ways, right?

Because you are, do you want to tell us what you do at Cloudflare?

Yeah, sure. I work on the learning and development team and part of the people team.

And my focus area is community and inclusion. So think like diversity, equity, inclusion projects, programs, educational content, as well as supporting our employee resource group leaders and actually every member.

And yeah, a lot of other sort of side projects as well that come up.

We were just chatting a second ago about my just constantly like chatting with people, which is great.

It keeps me connected during the pandemic. And it's also just really rewarding work to do.

Yeah. So you stay very busy. Yeah. How many ERGs does Cloudflare have now?

Yeah, we have 16 now. Wow. Yeah. I mean, some of them are smaller than others, of course, and some of them aren't necessarily traditional ERGs, but they kind of fall within that umbrella, we say, or like under that umbrella.

But yeah, we have 16, 16 groups between like resource groups and ERGs. That is a lot of, that's a lot.

That's a lot of groups. Yeah. I'm delighted because honestly, it was three years ago or three and a half years ago.

We didn't have any. So it's been a lot of work and, you know, taking a lot of encouragement and empowerment to get this to happen.

But yeah, it's all coming together. That's exciting.

And so I guess one of my first questions I like to ask people is like, how's it going working from home?

Like, how are you doing? Yeah, sure. The term that I, that I heard, I think a couple of weeks ago, and I've been using myself now is I'm pandemic fine.

Like fine considering, you know, I'm, I'm healthy enough and I'm happy enough, but it's still a shit time for sure, you know, and it's still a little chaotic and weird.

So, but yeah, I'm doing pretty well. Okay, good.

Yeah. Pandemic fine. That's, that's a good way to put it. Cause it's like, I've created a complaining scale actually, since, since we like went to this, I was like, wow, I feel like I'm complaining a lot and I'm listening to a lot of complaining.

And so I actually created a scale of complaining so I could be like, oh, like right now, like I'm at a level three of complaining just regarding the camp pandemic, you know, just like my baseline level of complaining is probably at a three.

Yeah. Whereas like, you know, I would prefer my baseline level of complaining to just always be a zero, which means I'm filled with gratitude.

You know what I mean?

For my beautiful life and, you know, the family that I do have, but yeah, I, I'm kind of at a level three complaining.

Yeah. I would say I'm about the same, to be honest.

I just felt like we needed a scale. Yes. That's a great idea.

I like that. And then actually you don't even necessarily have to complain to someone.

Like if you don't have to go into the issue, you can be like, you know what, I feel level five complaining about that.

And you can like leave it like that and maybe like avoid like furthering the drama, you know, or like to ask people like, is this complaining like a vortex or a portal?

Like, is this a doorway that's going to get us to somewhere?

Or are you just trying to drag me into like a level seven complaining vortex, you know, that I'm not going to have a way out of.

I see a wiki page opportunity here.

That's not a bad idea. So how do you know when to start and end your day during the pandemic, especially since I believe you're on the East coast and then we have a lot of San Francisco, you know, so you're working across a lot of time zones.

How do you know when to turn on and turn off? Yeah. It's, it's actually like, I haven't been doing a great job of it, to be honest, because I do work across time zones and we, you know, especially with ERG events, we always try to be inclusive of different time zones.

So, you know, we have workshops that are in, you know, APAC time, we have workshops that are in, and sorry, Asia Pacific is what APAC means.

We have workshops that are in European time zones.

We have workshops that are in US time zones. And so, yeah, I generally, I work late sometimes, I start early sometimes, but generally speaking, I, you know, I set my alarm, I try to treat myself well in the morning, especially if I have like more of a San Francisco work schedule the night before I try to wake up an hour later or just like lay in bed for an extra hour in the next morning or something and just treat myself well there.

So yeah, there's no real set time, honestly, it's just kind of based on how long I worked the day before.

And like, can I give myself a little wiggle room the next day?

So I don't like burn out, you know?

And so, and I try to, but yeah, the end of the day, to be honest with you is when I feel like I'm through enough my to -do list that either I just like can't do anymore right now, I just don't have the energy, or I've checked off enough things and I'm feeling, you know, productive enough, or I've completed a workshop or something like that.

Right, okay. So it's been hard, it's been a bit of a challenge to manage like all the moving pieces and still make sure that you are turning on and turning off at a reasonable time.

Yeah, I mean, at least now, we were just having a conversation earlier, like now that I'm single, and I'm living alone here in Provincetown, Massachusetts, which is where this is, by the way, beautiful here, I'm very fortunate to be here.

But I'm no longer taking those breaks during the day that I used to, like go out for a walk with my significant other at the time, or, you know, end of the day on time, so we can go watch the sunset kind of thing.

In part, by the way, the sunset's just so damned early right now, it's like 5.21pm or something.

So it's just, it's like a little early to be concluding my day most times.

And then I just haven't been doing as good a job of walking during the day. But I used to do that all the time.

And it was great. I'll get back to it. I'd like to make a suggestion that we both start walking more during the day.

Because I go back and forth on little runs where I'm like, okay, I'm going to go for my walk.

And then sometimes I'll get like pandemic depressed, where I'm just like, I don't want to go out there, you know, and but it's, I think it's important taking those breaks during the day, especially if you're working across multiple time zones, you know, just like setting a timer on your phone or putting it on your calendar.

That's like walk, you know, sometimes can give us that push or, you know, yeah, the sunset might be happening early, but you could still catch it probably still totally bring your phone.

And then people can still chat you. Yes, exactly. As we love to chat, Andrew, you know, yeah, yeah, no, I will I will be better at that.

One thing that I forgot to mention, though, is I do start my day every day, even if I start working from bed or something like that.

Like I always try to just don't do that, get into the shower, get dressed, fully dressed, you know, like this, everything, go walk to get a coffee, because that's something when I came here to Provincetown, I told myself I would do every day so I didn't feel as isolated.

So I do walk down to the coffee shop.

It's like three minutes away by foot. So I do that every morning.

Yeah, I'd like to work and I think I can commit to walking in more during the day, too.

Yeah, it's it's really a challenge. I've noticed for a lot of us to balance the work and the self care and the pandemic, you know, and it's just it.

Let's not, you know, mince words, it's been dragging on, like none of us were really expecting that, like it was going to go on for like a year, like at first, you're like, Oh, working from home, that's kind of interesting.

And now I'm sitting there going, you know, I should go to the office more.

Yeah, yeah, like, because my team does have to go there sometime.

And we're working on projects there.

And I'm definitely feeling called to, to just go there with more regularity. I think that's a nice idea.

Good for me. Is this a time where I should be saying like self care techniques as well?

Or I mean, if you have some self care techniques that you want to share with anybody?

Sure, please. Yeah, if I may, I am not proud of the fact that I'm not taking walks during the day anymore, like taking those pauses that I used to, but I am very proud that I have been prioritizing more, our weekly meditation mindfulness session that one of our UK employees does for all employees.

That's really helpful to just have that break and just like, inject a little bit of positivity in my head is what she seems to do each week.

And then also prioritizing our company yoga sessions too. We have a bunch of different options with different time zones, but I attend the one on Thursday that's in the UK time because I love that instructor and I know her well, so.

That's a good reminder for me also and for anyone watching because yeah, Uma does mindfulness sessions, I think it's at 10 or 1030 Pacific time.

So on Wednesdays. Yeah.

So I like the idea of putting that back into my schedule as well. It is excellent, absolutely.

And by the way, another couple of recommendations, you mentioned earlier that I could always like chat on my phone or something, but here's kind of my recommendation slash like admission is that I don't have chat on my phone.

I don't have any Cloudflare on my phone. And that has been difficult at times because like, I'll be thinking about it and like, wait a second, when is my next meeting?

Shoot, you know, so then I have to get back to my calendar, but I generally just try, you know, I generally memorize it anyway, or just take a screenshot or something.

And that way I am free when I'm not in front of my computer.

I'm not, I'm not at work when I don't need to be at work.

So I really have been enjoying that. And another thing too, with, with maybe just like four exceptions during the pandemic, I didn't work on the weekends and I'm very proud of that too.

Yes. Please don't work on the weekends to anyone who might be watching this.

I mean, unless you really have to, I don't know, but I, I think that our culture in general is so work focused.

Like, I don't know whoever, I mean, I know that it was the labor unions that ever even got us the weekend and, you know, and God bless all of those people for their sacrifice.

Cause that wasn't easy.

But I definitely am a fan of like the four-day work week, you know, like a four-day work week with, you know, even if there were slightly longer hours, but I know that a lot of companies have, you know, looked at moving to that just for, for balance.

Like it, it just, it seems like this, you know, the focus on work is, is very strong and do you have any new habits or hobbies or things that like started kind of because of the pandemic?

Oh, that's a good question. Well, I mean that this whole walking thing for sure, you know, like, and I know I'm not doing as good a job of it now, but at least I'm doing the morning coffee walk anyway.

So that's something, but yeah, I, I used to, when I was in the office I would just stay in the office.

I'd hardly even go out for lunch, to be honest, with a couple, a couple exceptions, maybe like once a week, but now I am at least getting outside once every day.

So that feels pretty good to take something out of my office.

That's all I can think of right now, actually, that I've felt in the pandemic.

I'll try to think of more before we finish too. Well, and so you've been on quite the different journeys, like since the pandemic started, if I can like kind of recap for the people.

So you're from San Francisco and you went back out east and you were staying with your family for a while.

Yep, you've got it. How was that? Wonderful and awful.

Yeah, but mostly wonderful, by the way. So yeah, I'm, I'm from Massachusetts, like originally, and I still consider myself a Massachusetts, and I think that's how you pronounce it.

Not a mass hole, by the way, but that's another phrase for Massachusetts people.

But yeah, so I, I ended up living in San Francisco for I think a total of eight and a half years now with a quick stint in New York that I then returned to SF though afterward.

So I just, I didn't mean to be there that long.

And so the ability to take off at the beginning of the pandemic to Massachusetts to be with my family was super rewarding.

And I have been a bit back and forth, but I've, I've largely been here between here and New Hampshire, we have my mom's side of the family shares a small cabin across the street from my grandfather's house in New Hampshire.

So I've gotten to see him a ton during this pandemic, too.

And like from a distance, though, I will not go inside of his house, even though he keeps trying to get me to go inside his house, but not until he's vaccinated anyway.

But yeah, I've gotten to reconnect with family a lot more. And that's been great.

I think that's a beautiful component that's kind of evolved from the pandemic.

We've talked on my show a bit about like people's values, not necessarily shifting, but people being able to live their values a little more strongly, like, especially if like family is like a deep value, like people are getting more family time, you know, and so that's cute that you get to see your grandpa.

Yeah, thank you. Yeah, he is for sure. He's an oddball. But yeah, he's great.

He's really great. And my nephew to I'm a I'm a new uncle of about a one year old.

And this nephew to I've actually been even closer to him. Because we just we made an agreement that we would be in a family family pandemic pod for a while.

So yeah, I've gotten to interact with him a lot.

And that's been super. Yeah, that's lovely.

And like that would not be happening. I mean, and then that first year, you know, to get to be close, you know, that's special, you know, which definitely wouldn't be happening if you were living on a boat in San Francisco.

No, definitely not.

Did you sell your boat? No, it's still there. I think I'm gonna have to return and sell it myself.

Yeah, folks, I do live on a sailboat that's right near the club or office.

My commute used to be like, five, six minutes or something from the office to walk there from the boat.

It was awesome. But I used to travel a lot for work too.

So it was that made the boat life kind of more digestible because I was staying in hotels a lot.

I was traveling a lot. I wasn't like just on a boat.

But at the beginning of the pandemic, all of my work trips were canceled, of course.

So I was just on a boat. And that's a big part of the reason that I took off to Massachusetts, by the way.

So yeah, there's a boat for sale in San Francisco.

You got if anybody wants to buy this boat, reach out to Andrew Fitch. You know, you can find them probably on LinkedIn if you're not an employee.

Yep. Yeah, it's not in perfect shape.

But it's a it's a 40 foot valiant. It's a good make of a boat.

And yeah, it's pretty sturdy. Hit me up. Yeah, cool. Cool. I am. I'm so curious about boat life.

You know, I'm always trying to think about like, you know, what's going to happen?

Like, I'm a little fearful. Like, I don't try to like live in fear or whatever.

But sometimes I'm like, what if like something really crazy goes down?

And then I always think like a boat is like the perfect little like escape pod, you know?

Yeah, yeah. Understandable. This one, though, not. I mean, at least earlier on in the pandemic, I don't think to my understanding, people on their boats were getting stuck, like not being allowed to go into certain countries and stuff.

So yeah, my initial fantasy, of course, is like, oh, I have a boat.

If ever I want to, I can just take off to Mexico or like sail all the way back to Massachusetts from San Francisco through the Panama Canal, whatever.

But at least earlier in the pandemic, that was not a possibility at all.

So I just I shied away from it.

But that's cool that you know enough about like sailing and whatever to do that.

Like that's that's quite a skill. Did you grow up sailing? Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Yeah, I've actually like I've been in this harbor with my father's boat before.

Yeah, so I did. I grew up sailing with him. Is it hard? I don't think so.

I mean, in rough weather, it's a pain in the butt for sure. But otherwise, like it's it's lovely, just like casual, casually sailing around on a nice day.

Yeah. That sounds like fun. Thanks. So Provincetown, what's the vibe right now?

Oh, yeah. I mean, it's apparently according to the locals that I chat with, because like I you know, I try to have conversations with the people in the fish market and like the cafe so I can have some interactions.

But the vibe is like there are still some restaurants open.

I think I think some of them are doing inside dining, but I haven't been doing that.

They do have little dividers I've seen though.

But yeah, so the vibe is apparently according to these folks, that there are more people than usually would be here during a winter season because a lot of the people who like have a second home here is something who usually live in Boston took off here for the pandemic.

So there's apparently a lot more going on than I realized, though I'm not participating in it.

And there's really no like connection, but you walk around town and like there are a bunch of people walking around and you can kind of peek in the galleries and stuff because some of the galleries are open.

Lots of art here, by the way, in Provincetown. And yeah, just lots of beach walks too.

It's like not unlike this beach here. There are beaches on on all sides.

We're just on like a narrow peninsula here on the very end of it.

So tons of hiking opportunities. Very nice. And yeah, which is no big deal.

It's moderated by the ocean temperature here. And the ocean temperature in Massachusetts this time of year is somewhere around 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

And so like the breeze, if it's passing over the ocean, which it always is here in Provincetown, warms up the the land a little bit more.

I mean, it sounds like it's like a San Francisco summer, 47, 42.

Yeah, no big deal.

It's generally, though, been in the high 30s. But you know, it has it's not dipping below freezing that much.

There's been snow a few times. But yeah, as you can see here, but that was right after a storm.

Well, and we're not afraid of the cold, you know, like you grew up there.

I'm from Minnesota. I do too. Like I kind of I mean, I don't love six months of winter.

But, you know, same, but I do like three months of winter.

Yeah, three months of winter is nice. So what do you miss the most about office life versus like home life?

Yeah, sure. Is the dynamic nature of it, I think, because I'm not just the type that would ever work just from my desk.

You know, I mentioned I used to travel a lot.

So I used to travel to different Cloudflare offices.

But let's just say the San Francisco office right now for the you know, for the sake of time.

So I'd walk in, I'd go I'd get a bowl of cereal and have a coffee and I'd sit in the all hand space to start my day.

I'd check my emails, check my chat messages, whatever, kind of get going.

People would swing by and have a coffee with them, we'd say hello to each other.

So there's already some like interaction there and with different people.

And then, you know, after an hour or two hours of that, I'd go and I'd sit at my desk for a while.

And then I'd have a meeting in some meeting room upstairs and a meeting like a different meeting on the second floor, a different meeting in some other room.

And then maybe I go back to the all hand space.

So it's like I got to move around a ton and just interact with a ton of people in different spaces all throughout the day.

Also would never or I would try not to take the elevator, I'd try to just like run up the stairs as much as I could.

So I'd always get a little winded in my time between spaces.

So like, it's actually more active, right? Yeah, that it was we had some cool spaces.

And you know, right now we're going to be doing an overhaul of the space.

And so we're going to even have some more different cool spaces, you know, by the time that everyone comes back.

So that's exciting. But yeah, I can definitely relate to that dynamic, kind of like you walk in, you don't know what the day is going to be like, you know, you don't know who you might like run into and have a conversation.

And we really do have an interesting bunch of folks that work at Cloudflare.

I miss like the new hires, like it was our job, you know, when I was at the front desk to welcome all the new hires, we would give them a tour of the space, and making everybody's badges, you know, I even missed the badge printer that would like jam up and we'd be like, why and Cody would fix it or, you know, like just all those little things like people being like, it's cold in the basement, you know, and someone else would be like, it's hot on the third floor of 111 or, you know, just like having to put out little fires or like do you know, just do different things like the diversity of the day.

I miss a lot. Yeah, same here. Absolutely.

That that yeah, that resonates with me. I fortunately do get to present in day one of onboarding class still.

So every other week, I like I get to welcome them by telling them about the ERGs and inclusion based workshops that we have and stuff.

So that's super rewarding. But yeah, one, one thing that just came into my head as you were saying the same is I really miss working with people.

And so like, you know, not that I have to be right next to them, but around people, whereas here, sure, I'm in, I'm still in a lot of meetings, you know, just like this all throughout the day.

But when I'm working, you know, when I'm like doing the actual work, like making a PowerPoint deck, or whatever it might be, I'm doing it alone.

And I actually don't like that. And so, yeah, what what I've started doing with a couple employees, and we don't do it often enough, but I'd like I'd like to do it more if you're interested, by the way, hit me up is a work along, like, we're just both kind of feeling like, man, you know, it's, I don't really feel like doing this alone.

Like, do you want to just work next to me, we'll open up like a hangout, or a zoom meeting or something like that, and just tell each other what we're working on, and start working.

And there'll be a little chatter, but not enough to really distract each other.

That seems to be helpful, by the way. That's a good idea.

I think that that could be something that I would like I like having a buddy, like, you know, when I'm going to do an organization, like I'm organized, but like when I'm going to be doing like organization project at my house, I like to have a buddy, you know, to like, kind of be there.

And we can, you know, just like having a little buddy that's also working on something or sometimes we'll go for like, like, honestly, a friend will call me and I'll be like, Okay, now this person's calling me.

Now that's when I'm going to like, extract from like this weird couch vortex that I have like gotten glued into and, you know, do my dishes or, you know, like do little things around the house.

So I think that's a good idea. Because like, I think when you have other people working that dynamic is more inspiring.

And do you know about the human design? I don't think so. Human design is a way it's like a it's like a blueprint of kind of like how, how people work and somebody kind of got this like download, I think they were doing some kind of a special, you know, experience and they got this like, you know, intense, like download and they wrote up this whole system of how, like the time that you're born creates like what your type of person is.

So there's like generators, there's manifestors, there's manifesting generators, there's projectors and reflectors.

And it's all based on like your chakras and which chakras are defined.

Point being, I'm a generator, which means I have endless energy to like work on something, but you need like the manifestor to kind of get it started.

And then the manifestor is like, okay, this is the vision of what needs to happen.

And then the generators carry out the work.

But if the generator doesn't have like the inspiration, then the generator, it's like the generator doesn't have fuel.

It's like you're trying to run your generator, but you forgot to put the gasoline in it or something like that.

Yeah, sure. It's really interesting. I'm curious to find out, I thought about this yesterday.

I'm like, I'm really curious to find out like who on my team are which, you know, you know, which roles so that you can be like, okay, well, you're the projector, like my friend karaoke, who's a musician, he's a projector, like it's his job to like project, you know, the information.

And then it's really rare, like people that are reflectors are only like 1%.

It's like, they're not defined at all in their own being, but they're like constantly reflecting back to other people like who they are.

So it's an interesting way. I'd be curious.

I would imagine. And I know I'm a generator. So I'm curious what you are, we can, we'll chat about that offline.

Yeah, yeah. Everybody find out what your human design is.

It sounds like it's a good sort of team building exercise actually to do in like a team meeting.

Yeah, that's actually that that would be a fun team building exercise.

I like that. See, we're doing a work along Home Office TV.

We're coming up with ideas. So you mentioned you like to travel. Oh, yeah, here is the place that you're missing or where like on your bucket list of like, once we're vaccinated, and you know, the magic bullet, you know, has shot down the pandemic.

Like what is your first? What's your first thing on your list? Peru? For sure.

Yes, absolutely. I mean, like, I've never been there before. It's not that I'm missing it per se.

But we were supposed to do a family trip to Peru. I have to, I have three adopted cousins, two of whom were adopted from Peru.

And so it's always kind of been in our family, there's always been that discussion about Peru and that knowledge that like, it's there.

And it's a place that we all kind of are interested in.

And we want to go because my, my aunt went, my mother went, my grandfather went and stayed there for a while with these young daughters that they were adopting before they all came back to the States.

And one of these daughters is actually living there right now.

She actually got stuck there earlier on in the pandemic. Yeah, I know.

But she's now like, she's made the best of it. And she's still there.

So she doesn't even have to be so she's having a good time. Anyway, the other daughter has never been before, you know, not since she was a baby.

So we were talking about having a family trip, like some of us cousins, and them, of course, would go together last year, but got canceled, of course, for the pandemic.

So we're talking about doing it this New Year's, like this coming January, assuming that things are in a good enough spot.

So that's hopefully my next big like, trip. And we want to spend some serious time there to not just like one week, but two plus weeks to really invest.

Yeah, yes, do it. I'm excited for you. Peru is beautiful.

I was there in 2010. So nice. I didn't see as many things as I probably wish I would have when I was there.

But yeah, that's exciting. We're really blessed, right?

To be able to, you know, to go to these amazing countries. And yeah, yeah, totally.

Yeah, to be able to take the time to do it to be able to afford to do it.

And to have excellent people to go through the experience with. I mean, like what I'm honestly, what I'm most looking forward to is seeing my cousins experience it.

And seeing it through their eyes as people who were born there and have the stronger connection to it.

So yeah, thank you. And then what about this year?

Are you going to make sure to get a vacation and like take some time off even before Peru?

Okay, so beginning of the year, I think it was right before.

January 4, I think was our first day back, it was the night before. And I was just to be honest with you, not feeling it.

It was like, I cannot go back to work tomorrow.

I was like, Alright, I need to, I need to figure out something to motivate myself and to get excited about it again.

So what I did that night is actually several different things.

But one of the things is I scheduled on my vacations for the year, like I just put tentative dates on the calendar before I even started the year of work, so that I would intentionally have a vacation every quarter to look forward to.

So my first one is next week. Okay, yeah, it's so over the course of the what, two months or whatever, I've had that to look forward to and like something, you know, yeah, that's been really helpful.

I'm excited about it. And then the next one is in May.

And then there's one in July and then one in October.

So that's a good idea. I think for anyone who's watching this to consider schedule your vacations ahead of time, you know, and that's a good idea.

Like if you're feeling uninspired about something just in general, like, okay, I'm not feeling that inspired.

How do we, you know, like, how do you decide like what to look forward to, especially I think like, as you get older as a person, I've noticed for me, it's like, okay, well, what am I really excited about?

Am I excited? Is there anything to be excited about?

And I think when we don't have things to be excited about, it makes it a lot harder.

Just in general, like to go through this, again, this pandemic or whatever, it's like, how do you get excited?

So that I like that idea of looking ahead and putting time on your calendar at the beginning of the year, so that you don't let it slip by you.

Exactly, because it's so easy to get distracted and not prioritize it.

But if you build it in, it happens.

And I should clarify to you, by the way, I actually have like, tons in my professional life to look forward to.

But I'm mostly motivated, as I sort of alluded to, by being around other people.

So I think it was just, I think it was like getting started with another year in the pandemic, that I was just feeling like super stuck and, and unmotivated and uninspired, basically.

But to be honest, like even that first day, January 4th, like sure, I had the vacations on my calendar already.

But also, first couple meetings in, I was like, okay, here we go. You know, like now I'm talking, I'm working with other people, like chatting with people, laughing, planning things, you know, to look forward to blah, blah, blah.

So that all, it all came around within like two days, honestly. But yeah, I was feeling it before that.

I mean, I'm an extrovert. Do you consider yourself an extrovert?

Okay, absolutely. So just to like all of our other extroverts who might be watching this, this has been hard for us.

Like, I think, you know, when you get your energy from being around other people and interacting, and that builds your energy, and you don't have that, again, that's that generator that like, for me is like, where is the gas to like fill this, you know?

And so that's why, you know, for me, like trying to go for walks or like nature, like when I, when I prioritize spending time in nature, that does also recharge me, but it's in a different way.

Like, I want my little people around me laughing at my jokes, you know, like, I miss that.

I miss like, just making people laugh. Yeah, I'll bet. I know. You're, you're great at that.

Even if people passing by the front desk, I remember that so well.

I know. It was fun having jokes. Well, we only have like 40 seconds left. So thank you so much, Andrew.

It was really lovely. You've been on my list of someone to talk to, and I'm glad that we, we got this happening today.

And I wish you a really beautiful day in Provincetown, and I hope you get a walk in.

Thank you. Appreciate that. Thanks for inviting me. It was a pleasure. You're welcome.

And anyone who's watching, if you want to ever be on my show, just send me a ping.

I'm Amy Bebo at Cloudflare, and we were going to have a lot of great content coming up in March for Women's Month, Women's History Month, and so I'm going to be focusing some of my segments on that.

So be sure to tune in. I'm telling all my four viewers, thank you very much.

Goodbye. Bye, folks.