Cloudflare TV

Best of: One year of This Week in NET

Presented by: João Tomé, John Graham-Cumming
Originally aired on October 6, 2023 @ 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT

In this week's program, we're taking a look back at one year of episodes in our #40 episode. We've got highlights from innovation weeks covering developers, our Supercloud, CIOs, general impact, security, and speed. Plus, we'll share some historical moments and take you on a journey around the globe with colleagues from Australia to Texas in the US.

You can check previous episodes in our show page:


Transcript (Beta)

Hello and welcome to our October the 6th, 2023 episode. This one is full of moments from the past year of This Week in Net.

Hello everyone and welcome to Lisbon, Portugal and to our This Week in Net program.

Hello and welcome to This Week in Net already with a Christmas vibe for sure.

I'm João Tomé coming to you from Lisbon, Portugal and I'm João Tomé based in cold Lisbon and with me I have as usual our CTO John Graham-Cumming.

Hello John. It's not that cold João.

It is cold, it is cold. All right, it's cold for Lisbon and I've got a jumper on.

The weather is a little bit better today. Yeah, last time we did this the weather was it was gold and rainy and now looking out the window we've got some...

This is what I was promised when I came to Lisbon, so here you go. For those who don't know, what is Minitel?

Look, I'll show you. I've got one right here. Press this right back.

You see this? There you go. This is a Minitel, this thing. It seems like an old TV.

It looks like an old TV and it's got a keyboard that pops out the front.

Yeah, well you and I won't be doing Thanksgiving since we're in Europe, so we'll be back.

You're already like dressed for Thanksgiving, right? Actually, I don't know if anybody in the US would actually dress with a turkey hat on.

I got this in England for Christmas at some point and I just thought, you know, I would honor our American colleagues who are off today.

Because we've got, I think, a lot of blog posts about quite nerdy networking topics, so we would expect some deep dives into networking stuff.

In 2022, we had a GA week, a birthday week, but also a developer week with the concept of super cloud and new pricing.

We also discussed the beginning of ChatGPT in its first public release.

This one is a special edition related to our super cloud developer week.

One of the things that strikes me is there's the millions and there's the billions.

So there's a million developers using Cloudflare, so that was already pretty amazing.

But more amazing, perhaps, is that the workers launchpad has gone to two billion dollars.

It is a crazy number.

And just a few, two months ago or so, it was half of that. So it's increasing.

Well, originally we thought it was going to be, we thought we might, if we were lucky, get 250 million in funding available for startups who are building on our platform.

And then when we announced it during birthday week, we got to 1.25 billion.

And since then, we've seen a lot of other venture funds and other investors just want to get involved in it, because they see the value in the platform and they see all the stuff that's being built with the platform.

So yeah, two billion dollars, there it is right there.

But before we get into that, one of the things that I think is cool is that these people are building on workers, but we also build on workers.

And there was an announcement from a team that you know very well, which is the Radar team, which is here in Lisbon and mostly.

And they announced how Cloudflare Radar 2.0, that's radar, was built.

And that was a really interesting blog post, because you're getting an insight into how to build something on workers and also how Cloudflare builds things on workers.

So you can see here all of the technologies that were used for Cloudflare Radar 2.0, and it is all on Cloudflare.

So it's a Cloudflare pages site, it uses Cloudflare, it uses functions, it uses workers.

And if you visited the website, then you would have seen, just look at the list of technologies here, but on our platform, and we have obviously lots of bits of technology in here.

And we also, if you go into this, not only does it tell you how we built it, like all the different parts we're using, but also about the API, so that people can then remix the data themselves, right?

They can take the data out of our API. And if you scroll down even further, there's actually Google collab notebooks as well.

So you can go in there and actually work with the data yourselves.

So if you are thinking about being one of those companies in the workers launchpad, this blog post actually is really interesting, because it tells you about how we built something real on Cloudflare.

So the initial blog post, which I wrote about this idea of a super cloud.

And the idea of a super cloud was that if you think about what developers really would like to do, it's write their code on their machine, get it running and then deploy it and just have it work at Internet scale, right?

And, you know, there's been all sorts of amazing things have happened over time.

You know, EC2 came along and gave us virtual machines that we could go out and just, you know, get hold of and scale.

And there have been sort of database things in the cloud. And then there's been something called edge computing, which was an idea of bringing computing near to the end user.

But I think there's something larger than all that, which is this idea of the super cloud, which is to say, look, give us your code and we will just run it for you and we will figure out where it needs to run.

So it's like, oh, does it need to run actually right by the end user in that sort of edge compute style?

Or does it need to run really near a database somewhere?

And how do you make it scale over the entire network? And so the idea of super cloud is to say, you know, it's not really about EC2 style.

It's not really about edge.

You know, edge solves some problems. EC2 solves some other problems.

But what you really want is just like, here's my code. You figure out how to scale it, Cloudflare.

You figure out how to make it run in the right place, make it run most economically if that's what somebody wants.

In such a way that, you know, the application scales and performs incredibly well.

And obviously we have that within the workers platform, which is what we build on.

And hence how we manage to push stuff out so rapidly.

That's what super cloud is about. There was a big announcement from Cloudflare related to adjusting pricing.

It's the first time we have changed pricing ever.

So in the 12 years that Cloudflare has been around, it has been the case that we had a $20 a month plan called Pro and a $200 a month plan called business or biz sometimes.

And those prices have not changed.

And we are now raising them. And so from January, the prices will go up. So the Pro plan becomes $25 a month and the business plan becomes $250 a month.

But if you opt to pay annually, then you effectively pay the old pricing because it locks it in at $20 a month and $200 a month, depending on the plan you're using.

And if you think about it, it's pretty amazing.

If you just think about in terms of inflation over 12 years, ignoring even the recent spike in inflation, the price of Cloudflare has effectively gone down enormously.

And we've added a tremendous amount of value into those plans.

So you think about universal SSL, think about unmetered DDoS protection, all of the things we've pushed into plans, including the free plan.

So one of the things this blog post talks about is the fact that we still have the free plan, we still invest in it, and we still plan to add functionality to it.

And so over time, these plans get more valuable because we continue to add functionality to them, whether they're free, they're now $25 a month, or they're now $250 a month plan or shortly to be.

So we want to do this for one really important reason, which is that, and by the way, we hope that people sign up for the annual plan.

We hope that people sign up for the annual plan and pay the cheaper price annually, because it gives us the cash early.

So if you pay for an annual plan now, we have the cash, which means we can invest in the business.

And all of these things that you've got on screen here, universal SSL, DDoS mitigation, all of those things are things we need to invest in.

And we need to invest in making this network bigger and faster and et cetera, et cetera.

And so the idea here is, it's not really about, we want you to pay us more money.

It's just, we want you to pay us earlier.

And so if you pay us earlier, then we can use that cash early.

And the blog post is interesting because it gives you a sense of all the stuff we've added into those $20 and $200 a month plans over this long period.

This chart is amazing. So many things. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. Just in 2022.

So many bits of functionality. And remember that we drive things down. For example, the WAF, which is provided in the pro plan, there's actually a free version of the WAF, which is in the free plan, which gives you protection for very critical vulnerabilities.

Universal SSL is free, right? We've pushed things down into the different plans.

So whatever plan you're on over time, you get enhanced functionality out of it.

And we also have a few trends. Last week, we published an early look at Thanksgiving 2022 Internet trends.

With no surprise, Thanksgiving Day meant that Internet traffic went down in the United States.

I liked this because this means that not everyone's looking at their phone at the table while they're eating their Thanksgiving dinner, right?

Because you can actually see that dip. So people were busy talking to each other.

True. It's 30% decrease in traffic at that time, around that time when people were in the Thanksgiving dinner.

And in our Twitter account, we posted some related things to Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

So first, there's a general view of Cyber Monday was actually the day globally that had more traffic and also in the US.

And US has a real- That was true last year as well, right?

Wasn't that the case? Yeah. Cyber Monday really is Cyber Monday. It is.

But it's not the same in every country. For example, the UK has more, I saw also that, has more Black Friday Internet traffic.

And that's also true for Germany or France or even Japan, which is interesting.

I also looked in Singapore. That's the Singles' Day, which is- Singles' Day, right.

Interesting. Interesting.

Is OpenAI, the company that does a lot of work on AI stuff, just released a chat that people can ask questions to their AI and their AI replies.

And you can go from, hey, write code to do this, or just explain to me what's the meaning of life, things like that.

You can go philosophical or just really technical and it always gives a reply.

But the thing is, the differences between replies are really amazing.

So the system seems really to be sure at all times, which sometimes is a little bit worrisome, I think.

What do you think about it?

I agree with you. And if you ask it something that's perhaps not very concrete, it always comes up with a reply and sometimes it gets things horribly wrong.

It seems to think I'm married to a woman called Claire and living in the UK. Yeah, you did that test, right?

It's going to be news to my wife, but there is something very interesting.

So I put up on the screen here, chat GPT, and it can write code and it can certainly write code that is fairly short chunks of code pretty easily.

And I'm fascinated by this. So I'll do a live demo and we'll see if this works out.

But I had tried this earlier on, which is I said, write a Cloudflare worker that returns a magic eight ball response.

So in the US, they have these things called magic eight balls, which is this sort of round ball and you shake it and slowly words appear.

It's actually a fascinating, simple device, but words appear giving you a sort of slightly vague sort of suggestion or, you know, you can essentially, the idea is you ask the magic eight ball question.

And it knows that people write often in JavaScript.

And these are actually the answers that come from a real magic eight ball.

Things like outlook, not so good. And it writes code that randomly selects ones and returns it.

And I've actually taken this and deployed it.

And it works perfectly. There is this word is just, it just works. So let's do this Cloudflare Workers code to pick Euro millions numbers.

I'm going to win the lottery this weekend.

Oh, God. And, and that is correct. Euro millions is actually five numbers between one and 50 and two lucky stars from one and 12.

Now I did get it to write me a Cloudflare blog post.

And I asked it to write me a Cloudflare blog post about why you should lubricate your Internet connection with olive oil.

And it wrote one and it was fascinatingly wrong because you should definitely not put olive oil on your Internet connection.

But it wrote a pretty convincing argument that it was going to be better.

So it would probably would reduce oxidation. It would help things flow clearly.

And because olive oil is viscous, it would stick to the connection nicely.

Utterly fascinating. But please do not lubricate your Internet connection with olive oil.

2023 started with CIO week.

But there was also security developers and more. And welcome to this week in net.

Our first one of 2023. So happy 2023, everyone. And already with one innovation week, the CIO week.

Why not just start? Why CIO week just to start the year already with some new features, new tools, mostly to help those who are trying to put companies at ease in terms of IT development, IT working tools, really, right?

Yeah, well, I mean, I think that we have a tremendous number of customers who are CIOs and what they are buying from Cloudflare is perhaps some of the things that people don't necessarily think of Cloudflare producing.

So often I think people think about Cloudflare in terms of CDN, in terms of DDoS, in terms of WAF, things like that.

And of course, Cloudflare actually has a very large business in networking as a service and in Zero Trust.

And so, you know, I think that one of the things that's interesting about CIO week is sort of highlighting all the ways in which people use Cloudflare that are perhaps not the things they immediately think of.

And so, you know, be that for like you and I, when we get access to our things at work, right, we are going through Cloudflare Zero Trust solution.

That's how we're logging in. That's how we're getting access to resources.

That's how those things are protected. And I think a lot of people don't necessarily realize we do that.

And also a tremendous amount of stuff for networking as well.

So, you know, as companies are replacing their MPLS networks, some of their WAN with the Internet with Cloudflare, then, well, here we are.

So the CIO week is going to highlight, you know, customers who have purchased our products and also announcements around what the product is all about.

So, you know, welcome to CIO week. But also we explain how Cloudflare is faster than Zscaler.

And Zscaler is like a big player in this area. For us, it's like really important to show how we are better in terms of speed and performance.

The reality is the power of having such a large network, you know, 275 cities worldwide where we have our hardware, right?

We're not built on someone else's cloud.

We're not built on someone else's network. This is us, right? That enabled to be the fastest everywhere.

And the other part of our architecture is that we run everything on every server.

So, you know, got rolled out to every server globally.

And the same thing happens with our Cloudflare 1 and Cloudflare Zero Trust solutions.

So in many ways, to me, the fact that our Zero Trust solutions were more performant than Zscaler didn't actually surprise me.

Yeah, absolutely.

I mean, so Cloudflare has a bug bounty program through HackerOne, which a lot of companies use.

And if a security problem is found outside the company, it can be reported through there.

And we have bounties, i.e. we pay a certain amount of money to individuals when they find bugs.

And some of those security bugs are very complicated.

And some of them are relatively simple. And depending on the impact, there'll be a larger or smaller bounty available.

This particular blog post you're talking about is a write-up of something that was discovered by someone outside the company back in November.

And we fixed it very quickly, but we hadn't actually written it up.

And we try to write up problems, security problems, outages, all that kind of stuff for the blog.

So the team wrote this one up.

But because today is one year that the full-scale war in Ukraine invasion started, why not starting there?

Because we published yesterday a blog post about some trends and attacks and topics in terms of resilience in the Internet in Ukraine that we saw, right?

Yes. I mean, it looks at everything we saw, I think, from the very beginning.

Of the war to essentially to today. And I mean, perhaps the big story you kind of point this out is how amazingly resilient the Internet has been in Ukraine in general.

And I think that's linked to a few different reasons.

One is that there's a very diverse number of ISPs in Ukraine. So you're not concentrating on a small number of ISPs who can be damaged and therefore take people offline.

Ukraine relies on a huge number of cross-border physical connections that are not undersea.

So there's actually a lot of connectivity through Poland and through Hungary and through Romania and through Moldova, etc.

And so the connectivity is pretty good.

And then there's just been a tremendous amount of heroic work by people in Ukraine to restore damaged infrastructure.

So one of the biggest reasons we see Internet outages in Ukraine is because of power outages, right?

And that was particularly happening after October of last year, right?

Where the Russians were targeting power infrastructure. So you see that. And we saw an increased use of Starlink in Ukraine as well, giving you, in some sense, at least ground infrastructure-less Internet access.

So I think the resilience stuff has been pretty amazing, right?

We've really seen the Internet be used by the Ukrainians continuously, pretty much.

Obviously, with outages in different areas.

Worse in the east, where there have been so much fighting and so much of the land is occupied by the Russians at the moment.

And certainly throughout the country when there's power outages.

Exactly. We have this map. It's from the first days of the war, but that shows well the change.

Internet volume change from the east, where most of the fighting was happening, and south, to the west.

So the green areas here in the map show us Internet traffic growing.

And in the more red or areas, darker areas, show a decrease in traffic that went as low as a drop in 60% of traffic in that first week of the war.

So definitely related to people fleeing, leaving.

This was, I think, the interesting thing about this particular map.

This really reflects the people moving westwards, away from where the principal fighting was.

Of course, there were missile attacks across the entire country.

It's the March 17, 2023 edition. A special edition related to our Security Week pool of announcements.

In terms of machine learning, Zero Trust, there's a lot.

Why security? Well, I mean, a lot of what Cloudflare sells is security, right?

If you think about Cloudflare, I think about Cloudflare as providing four major themes, right?

Which is performance, security, privacy, and availability.

And so here we are on one of those, which is the security side of things.

And so there's a bunch of announcements. And actually, as you said, I think one of the themes for this week is kind of machine learning.

There's just a lot of machine learning happening on Cloudflare's network.

And with the vast amount of security data we see, collectively protecting our customers.

And so you see that throughout some of the announcements this week.

Because email is one of the main ways that hackers use to find vulnerabilities and enter in systems, right?

Well, I mean, we've all experienced this, right? You've received an email tending to be your bank, or pretending to be Amazon, or pretending to be a delivery service, or you've received a text message saying, hey, there's a package waiting for you.

You need to click on this link. And the link looks vaguely like a real company.

It'll be like they're impersonating DHL or something. It'll seem to have DHL in the URL.

And you think, OK, well, it must be real. So that kind of brand impersonation is actually a pretty big problem, especially from a phishing perspective.

And you're absolutely right. One of our first announcements this week was about staying safe.

And also about which brands got impersonated. So because we see so much information about domain names through our DNS resolver,, we're able to take a look at actual domain names that are being used for phishing attacks against people, be they phishing through email or phishing through an SMS called smishing, I think sometimes, which is kind of a difficult thing to say.

Down at the bottom, we listed out, I think, like the top 50 brands that we've seen impersonated.

It's quite interesting. So AT&T, you see the URL there, like att

Not a genuine AT&T domain name, but hard to tell. Look at number two, PayPal, people trying to get into Microsoft and so on.

And so you see this kind of thing happening all the time.

And what we're doing with this product announcement is helping protect brands and users against this kind of brand impersonation.

I think one of the things that's super interesting is this top blog post here, which is post-quantum crypto should be free.

So the summary is quantum computers are coming.

We don't know the exact date, but they will threaten the encryption we have today.

So we need to upgrade to use encryption, which is protected against quantum computers.

In order to do that, there are algorithms that have now been standardized.

Cloudflare has been very involved in that process.

And so what we're saying is that we are committing to including post -quantum crypto in everything we do going forward.

And the reason we're doing this is that there are some people in the industry who would like to make this an added extra, where you have to pay more.

And we think that's a terrible mistake. We think that security ought to be included.

And we don't see any good reason to say, we'll just stick with the old algorithms when there are free and open source implementations of the post-quantum crypto algorithms.

So we're committing that whatever plan you're on with Cloudflare, you will have post-quantum cryptography included as part of it.

It's not going to be a paid extra. And that means pretty much everything, right?

So connections to Cloudflare, connections from Cloudflare, connections inside Cloudflare, Cloudflare tunnel, warp, et cetera.

All of these things will be post-quantum ready.

So that when quantum computers do become reality, all of these connections are already protected.

I think the important thing here is that PowerFlare 1, which is our Zero Trust, secure service edge, SSE, SASE, to use all of those Gartner type terms, PowerFlare is on the magic quadrant.

And so you're going to see us making lots of moves around Cloudflare 1 and Zero Trust.

So if you want to understand more about that, that blog post is about it.

I think you're going to see this area develop enormously for Cloudflare because it's an enormous part of our business and something that we've been investing a great deal in.

And we think because of the size of our network, we're uniquely placed to be a huge, huge vendor in secure service edge, SASE, whatever the thing is being called today.

Well, you mentioned there are two posts about speed and maybe people don't know that we have our own speed test, which is

People can go in and understand, here's a great screenshot of it, can understand their home network.

Now this is new network quality score, which we've added, which looks at, given all that, is my connection good for video streaming?

Is my connection good for online gaming? Is my connection good for video chatting?

And so it gives these measures here. I was aiming to talk about how, in a sense, how we build stuff, how the process from idea to a little bit of science, to technology, to shipping a product works.

How would you summarize that process?

I don't know how to summarize it. Actually, let me start, actually.

We have now something called demo hour with you and Dane Connect. And I've been fascinated by that because I learned a lot just by hearing the feedback.

You can see the collaboration going on, someone presenting something, someone that is building something, presenting something, and the idea is flowing, right?

Yeah, yeah. Was that like that in the beginning? Well, no. I mean, the thing is in the beginning, when the company is so small, you don't need any situation set up.

They don't need to create a demo, right? Because people will just show you stuff.

And in fact, our internal company meeting, which is called the BEER meeting, although there's no beer available, used to have product demos in it, like someone would demo stuff, because right at the beginning.

And then, of course, over time, that no longer made sense, right?

Like the company's getting huge.

So you lost a little bit that. So we reinstated this idea of demo hour, which is people come and there's just a bunch of people demo stuff.

Big, big, big focus on demoing, not producing presentations.

Sometimes people have slides, but we're like really like, I mean, the less slides I see, the better.

We saw a bunch of stuff around privacy pass, which is a really interesting zero knowledge way of proving something to a website, such as you own an account or you're human or something like that, without giving away any information in either direction, right?

The website doesn't learn who you are.

And if there's an intermediary, the intermediary doesn't learn any connection.

So, and actually we're seeing those kinds of technologies get used quite a lot.

If you use iCloud private relay, which we help with some of the infrastructure for, again, that breaks the link between who you are and what's being done.

And I think that's actually a big future trend for the Internet in general, is to not make everything so trackable and so easy to link up.

In what way like science plays a role in to finish products?

How is that decision made? Oh, we're working on this in terms of research, of science, of patents, for example.

And then we start using this, thinking of this as a product. How can we ship this?

Well, I think we've always had a bias towards shipping stuff, right? And you will have noticed that we ship and ship and ship and ship continuously.

And so we want to get stuff out early.

So the whole company, I think, really is into shipping.

I think you asked specifically about the research team. I mean, the research team, what we have in that team is a bunch of people who are, they lean more towards the academic side than the engineering side.

That's not to say there aren't engineers in there, but it's more working with universities, working with standards bodies sometimes.

And they tend to be working on things that are a bit further out.

So like the fact that we were rolling out post-quantum cryptography is because the research team was deeply involved in the original algorithms and the testing of those algorithms in coordination with other people in the industry.

So they are a way of keeping us ahead on all technologies, right? But ultimately, we will want to ship those things in our products, right?

So they're not doing a pure research.

So they're not Bell Labs, and they're probably not going to reinvent the transistor and then suddenly realize it's the greatest thing ever.

But I think that they are doing stuff which looks us out five years. And it's interesting, you were talking earlier about Dane Connects Group, which is emerging technology.

They're probably looking at things out that are maybe a year or two, like slightly different bets, right?

So we have this different setups of different teams that are working at different kind of like risk profile and time to ship and all that kind of stuff.

Although there's a focus on shipping for everybody.

This week, we have a few blog posts. One that is already like normal at this part of the year in June about Project Galileo, nine years now.

Can you guide us through a little bit of how Project Galileo came about?

And it's nine years now.

So it has been relevant for so many over this year, right? It's amazing that it's nine years.

I mean, Galileo was a thing that was created obviously now nine years ago to give Cloudflare service to vulnerable groups, artistic groups, humanitarian organization, voices of political dissent.

There's a very large number of organizations that are part of it, helping keep the Internet online.

Look at this 2,271 organizations and 111 countries are being given Cloudflare as protection through Project Galileo.

So it's a tremendous way. And obviously if someone is watching this, who is vulnerable on the Internet and their voice is getting stopped because of political dissent or something, this is a way to get protection and go through one of our partners and then things can get set up.

So Galileo is one project.

The other project is Athenian. Athenian is about protecting elections, protecting information about elections.

Where can I go vote?

All that sort of thing. Very, very... Foolishly, more than 10 years ago, I created this project called Plan 28 to try and build one of Babbage's, build the analytical engine because Babbage never completed it.

And that project has taken a long time.

But you say it's my project, the people working on it, I'm not really working on it.

I'm just trying to provide encouragement. What's finally being done is a transcription.

This is the latest update. A transcription of the work that, well, at least we've been through scans of everything that Babbage left behind.

The problem is what Babbage left behind was thousands and thousands of pages of notes.

Not well thought out, this is what you should build, but literally here are all of my thoughts about how you might build one of these machines.

I changed my mind today.

Here's a sketch of something. Thousands and thousands of pages. And so we, and I say we, a couple of folks have gone through all of these thousands of pages and built themselves a big sort of index.

So you can figure out where Babbage mentions within this text something.

Where does he mention addition? Where does he mention the optimization of the memory and stuff like this?

By the way, this is all mechanical, right?

So we're at the point where figuring out how to communicate some of this stuff to the outside world, because it's an enormous work.

The really important step in the project was figure out could we actually build one of these machines?

And the answer is yes. And the reason that was important was, although Babbage left behind all of these notes, he never completed one set of plans.

And you'd end up trying to take bits from one machine and another machine and try and build something coherent.

And we don't want to invent something. We want to build something that Babbage wanders into the room that goes to Babbage and says, oh, you built it.

And as he was a slightly difficult individual, probably says, why the hell did you build that version?

I've got a much better idea. You know, all that stuff.

But so we are at that point. So we know that there is a machine that can build.

We're sure it's Turing complete so it could run a new program. So maybe the ghost of Lovelace can turn up and actually type in that Benouilly program or punch card it in because it's punch cards.

So we're getting there slowly, but it's going to be a while before you see a physical machine.

The good news is in 10 years since I started this and more than that, the state of the computing we have has increased enormously and we can now simulate this thing.

So I think the next step will be simulation.

Well, yeah. So Cloudflare R2 is an object storage system compatible with AWS S3.

And the big difference is that unlike S3, you do not pay for egress, i.e.

you do not pay to get your data out. So one of the things that happens with S3 is you store lots of data in it and then you actually want to read something out of it.

You actually pay to read it. And we think this is egregious. And so we make this available, this calculator, so that you can see how much you're saving because the thing about S3 is it's relatively cheap to store stuff as is R2.

But if you're locked in forever, it's sort of the Hotel California storage systems, right?

And we know from talking to customers that actually they use a lot of AWS services that it turns out when they look into their bill that the S3 egress charges are a huge part of what they're spending money on for.

And if you think about it, I mean, Amazon has got very good connectivity to the Internet.

Why are you being charged for this thing as if you're consuming something which you're not really consuming?

We also travel the world in some episodes with our short segment AroundNet.

Hi, I'm Mia Wang, Director of Strategy and M&A on Cloudflare's Special Projects team.

I also have the honor of leading the Workers Launchpad funding program, which is a $2 billion program to help support startups building on Cloudflare's developer platform.

Hi, I'm Gift Eguinu.

I work as a Developer Advocate on the Workers Developer Community team here at Cloudflare.

Hi, my name is Derek Jamora, and I'm coming in today from Austin, Texas.

And this week I presented at the RSA Security Conference on how Cloudflare is changing the way we distribute keys securely throughout the Internet.

Hi, my name is Daniel Maddox, and I am the Global Lead for the Commercial Interconnection Portfolio.

Hi, I'm Zaid Zaid. I'm the Head of U.S. Public Policy at Cloudflare.

I was born in Washington, D .C., and I currently live in Washington, D .C., although I've lived in other places all around the world.

I'm actually coming to you live from the Summit for Democracy here in Washington, D.C.

Hi, I'm Angela, and I'm on Cloudflare's Customer Success team.

I'm currently based in Sydney. However, this is still relatively new since I just transferred here from San Francisco about six months ago.

I'm Andy. I'm based in Austin, and I'm on Cloudflare's Public Policy team.

Hey, everybody. My name is Matthew Bullock, and I'm Product Manager for Speed or Frontline at Cloudflare in London, and that's where I'm currently coming from today, the London office, see Westminster Bridge, Houses of Parliament, and Elizabeth Tower with Big Ben in behind me.

Hi, I'm Sofia. I'm a Backend Engineer working at Cloudflare.

I was born in Lisbon, and I'm working out of Lisbon.

Currently, I'm in the Radar team. We built a website which using all of Cloudflare's traffic and like my current new favorite thing, not so new, but yeah, is my puppy, which is Amelia, and yeah, here she is.

She's super awesome, and she's super fun to build, and that's it.

And that's done. I think we've done quite a lot of announcements this week.

What I am going to do is go and get lunch because it's right over there.

Me too. See you in a bit. Bye-bye. Bye. That's the wrap.

Bye-bye. Thank you, John. See you. Cheers. Bye.

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