Cloudflare TV

🏗 The Bootcamper's Companion

Presented by: Caitlyn Greffly, Dawn Parzych
Originally aired on May 9, 2022 @ 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM EDT

Cloudflare Platform Week: Developer Speaker Series

As part of Cloudflare's Platform Week, we're thrilled to feature an array of expert web dev speakers, developers, and educators here on Cloudflare TV.

In her recent book, The Bootcamper's Companion, Caitlyn Greffly dives into the specifics of how to build connections in the tech field, understand confusing tech jargon, and make yourself a stand out candidate when looking for your first job. She'll talk about some of the top tips and share a bit about her experience as well as what she has learned from navigating tech as a career changer. You can get Caitlyn's book here , with a discount for CFTV viewers.

Visit the Platform Week Hub for every announcement and CFTV episode — check back all week for more!

And join the community and members of the Cloudflare team at the Cloudflare Developer Discord

Platform Week

Transcript (Beta)

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Platform Week Developer Speaker Series
As part of Platform Week, Cloudflare is thrilled to welcome an array of expert speakers, developers, and educators. Click here to see the full schedule.
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